Pavan Tripathi
Published © GPL3+

Traffic_Lights Using Tiva

Traffic of cars and pedestrians are controlled by using simple components like LEDs, resistors, switches and Tiva Launchpad.

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Traffic_Lights Using Tiva

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This is a FSM of this project. It gives the whole idea of project once.



Handmade Circuit Diagram for connections required. The file also shows the road intersection where the project can be applied.



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// ***** 0. Documentation Section *****
// Runs on LM4F120/TM4C123
// Index implementation of a Moore finite state machine to operate a traffic light.
//20 July 2016

// "don't walk" red light connected to PA2
// "walk" yellow light connected to PA3
// east/west red light connected to PB5
// east/west yellow light connected to PB4
// east/west green light connected to PB3
// north/south facing red light connected to PB2
// north/south facing yellow light connected to PB1
// north/south facing green light connected to PB0
// pedestrian detector connected to PE2 (1=pedestrian present)
// north/south car detector connected to PE1 (1=car present)
// east/west car detector connected to PE0 (1=car present)

// ***** 1. Pre-processor Directives Section *****
#include "tm4c123gh6pm.h"

// ***** 2. Global Declarations Section *****
// FUNCTION PROTOTYPES: Each subroutine defined
void SysTick_Init(void);                         // initialize SysTick Timer
void SysTick_Wait(unsigned long delay1);
void SysTick_Wait10ms(unsigned long delay1);     // waiting time
struct State{
	unsigned long TrafficLights_Cars; //6 bits output to Six LEDs for Cars
	unsigned long TrafficLights_Ped; //2 bits output to two Leds for Pedestrians
	unsigned long Time;    //delay in 10ms units
	unsigned long Next[8]; //next states for inputs 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
typedef const struct State STyp;
#define Go_West          0   //name of the states
#define Wait_West        1
#define Go_South         2
#define Wait_South       3
#define Walk_Ped         4
#define Hurry_On_Ped1    5
#define Hurry_Off_Ped1   6
#define Hurry_On_Ped2    7
#define Hurry_Off_Ped2   8

//Next[8] array represents 8 inputs and the next state transition
//The first array element represents 000 input, the second represents 001 input and so on upto 111 (eighth input)
//Input bits representation- MSB=Walk Sensor,Middle bit=South Sensor and LSB=West Sensor
//{ouput to Six signal LEDs (TrafficLights_Cars),output to two Pedestrian LEDs (TrafficLights_Ped),Time in 10ms units,Next[8] array elements(next states)},
// ..............
STyp FSM[9]={
		{0x0C,0x04,100,{0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1}},       //state 1
	  {0x14,0x04,50 ,{2,2,2,2,4,4,4,2}},       //state 2
		{0x21,0x04,100,{2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3}},       //state 3
		{0x22,0x04,50 ,{0,0,0,0,4,4,4,4}},       //state 4
		{0x24,0x08,100,{4,5,5,5,4,5,5,5}},       //state 5
		{0x24,0x04,25 ,{6,6,6,6,4,6,6,6}},       //state 6
		{0x24,0x00,10 ,{7,7,7,7,4,7,7,7}},       //state 7
		{0x24,0x04,25 ,{8,8,8,8,4,8,8,8}},       //state 8
		{0x24,0x00,10 ,{0,0,2,0,4,0,2,0}}        //state 9

unsigned long S;  //index to the current state
unsigned long Input;
// ***** 3. Subroutines Section *****

int main(void) {
	volatile unsigned long delay;
	SYSCTL_RCGC2_R=0x13;        //activate clock for port A,E,B
	delay=SYSCTL_RCGC2_R;       // no need to unlock port B,E,A
	GPIO_PORTB_AMSEL_R=0x00;          //disable analog on port B
	GPIO_PORTE_AMSEL_R=0x00;          //disable analog on port E
	GPIO_PORTA_AMSEL_R=0x00;          //disable analog on port A
	GPIO_PORTB_PCTL_R=0x00000000;     //enable regular GPIO
	GPIO_PORTE_PCTL_R=0x00000000;     //enable regular GPIO
	GPIO_PORTA_PCTL_R=0x00000000;     //enable regular GPIO
	GPIO_PORTB_DIR_R=0x3F;            //outputs on PB0-5
	GPIO_PORTE_DIR_R=0x00;            //inputs on PE0-2
	GPIO_PORTA_DIR_R=0x0C;            //outputs on PA2 and PA3
	GPIO_PORTB_AFSEL_R=0x00;          //disable alternate function
	GPIO_PORTE_AFSEL_R=0x00;          //disable alternate function
	GPIO_PORTA_AFSEL_R=0x00;          //disable alternate function
	GPIO_PORTB_DEN_R=0x3F;            //enable digital I/O on PB0-5
	GPIO_PORTE_DEN_R=0x07;            //enable digital I/O on PE0-2
	GPIO_PORTA_DEN_R=0x0C;            //enable digital I/O on PA2 and PA3
			GPIO_PORTB_DATA_R=FSM[S].TrafficLights_Cars;    //set car signal lights
			GPIO_PORTA_DATA_R=FSM[S].TrafficLights_Ped;    //set walk signal lights
			Input=GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R;                      //read sensors

void SysTick_Init(void){
  NVIC_ST_CTRL_R = 0;               // disable SysTick during setup
  NVIC_ST_CTRL_R = 0x00000005;      // enable SysTick with core clock
// The delay parameter is in units of the 80 MHz core clock. (12.5 ns)
void SysTick_Wait(unsigned long delay1){
  NVIC_ST_RELOAD_R = delay1-1;  // number of counts to wait
  NVIC_ST_CURRENT_R = 0;       // any value written to CURRENT clears
  while((NVIC_ST_CTRL_R&0x00010000)==0){ // wait for count flag
// 800000*12.5ns equals 10ms
void SysTick_Wait10ms(unsigned long delay1){
  unsigned long i;
  for(i=0; i<delay1; i++){
    SysTick_Wait(800000);  // wait 10ms


Pavan Tripathi

Pavan Tripathi

1 project • 3 followers
