TJ VanToll
Published © MIT

Monitoring Home CO2 Levels with LoRaWAN

A simple-to-build project for monitoring home CO2 levels using off-the-shelf sensors and a LoRaWAN gateway.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours924
Monitoring Home CO2 Levels with LoRaWAN

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway
Blues Notecarrier F
Blues Notecarrier F
Adafruit SCD-40
Blues Notecard (LoRa)
Blues Notecard (LoRa)
Blues Notecarrier B
Blues Notecarrier B
Blues Swan
Blues Swan
0.3 Watt 3.3 Volt Solar Power System
Adafruit Lithium Ion Battery - 3.7V 2000mAh


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CO2 Home Monitor

Firmware and web application source code


TJ VanToll
8 projects • 31 followers
TJ VanToll is a software developer, tech author, and a Principal Developer Advocate for Blues.
