Timothy Lovett
Published © MIT

AVR IoT Bird Watch

A bird feeder with bird classification machine learning elements for alerting in the event of unique bird visits

IntermediateWork in progressOver 1 day118
AVR IoT Bird Watch

Things used in this project


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Birds 224x224 EfficientNetB0 mini model test notebook 119k params test

Birds 96x96 EfficientNetB0 mini model test notebook 147k params test

Stanford Dogs B&W Observations

Jupyter notebook showing a subset of the data in stanford dogs is B&W (some are even color pop I found) which messes up the data. I abandoned work on this as my original goal as it was fruitless with the bad dataset.


Timothy Lovett
16 projects • 16 followers
Maker. I spent over a decade working on backend systems in various languages.
