Tom Moxon
Published © LGPL

NeoLED: NeoPixels on Edison

Controlling large amounts of WS2812 LEDs with the Edison is as easy as writing it to an I2C Memory Array!

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NeoLED: NeoPixels on Edison

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MikroE Arduino Uno Click Shield
thingSoC NeoLED Driver
thingSoC NeoLED Driver

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
thingSoC Embedis


Read more


Assembly of Board for Intel Edison

How to plug them all together


Arduino Sketch for Intel Edison with NeoLed Driver Board

An example sketch to test all the LED's in up to eight (8) strings of 64 LEDs per string.
/*  ------------------------------------------
 *  TSOC_NEOLED I2C (2-Wire) Interface Example
 *  ------------------------------------------
 *  The TSOC_NEOLED Board is a programmable LED driver
 *  board for strings of WS2812 Color LEDs. The factory
 *  default programming for the TSOC_NEOLED supports up to
 *  eight (8) strings of 64 LEDs per string (512 LEDs total). 
 *  The TSOC-NEOLED allocates eight(8) bits (one byte) each 
 *  for Red, Green, Blue, and also a Yellow/White channel,
 *  for a 32 bit value per LED, or a total of 2048 bytes.
 *  The color ordering (byte address) is as follows :
 *  0 - LED0 Green
 *  1 - LED0 Red
 *  2 - LED0 Blue
 *  3 - LED0 Yellow
 *  4 - LED1 Green
 *  5 - LED1 Red
 *  6 - LED1 Blue
 *  7 - LED1 Yellow
 *  The TSOC_NEOLED looks to the Arduino like an I2C SRAM (memory) 
 *  of 2048 bytes in size. Simply writing to the TSOC_NEOLED like an
 *  I2C memory caues the corresponding LED to light up on the display.
 *  If the LEDs are RGB only type, then the Yellow channel is not used,
 *  however the addressing remains the same, that is to say, memory is 
 *  reserved for the Yellow/White channel, even if it is not used.
 *  If the LED string (or matrix panel) is less than 64 LEDs (i.e. string of 30 or 60),
 *  then the extra LED positions are not used, however the addressing remains the same, 
 *  that is to say, memory is reserved for 64 LEDs per string, even if it is less than that.
 *  The Default I2C address for the TSOC_NEOLED is 8 (Seven bits).
 *  This simple example lights each color of each LED in sequence,
 *  from low addresses to high addresses.
#include <Wire.h>
#define TSOC_NEOLED_I2CADDRESS         8  // default I2C address
#define TSOC_NEOLED_LED_PER_STRING    64  // default number of LEDs per string
#define TSOC_NEOLED_NUM_STRINGS        1  // set this to the number of strings installed (max=8)
#define TSOC_NEOLED_NUM_COLORS         4  // default is RGBY color space
#define TSOC_NEOLED_LED_ON          0xFF  // LED full brightness
#define TSOC_NEOLED_LED_OFF         0x00  // LED off
#define TSOC_NEOLED_LED_DELAY         75 // Delay to process the I2C write transaction (100)

byte column, row = 0;
byte value = 255;
byte offset = 0;

void setup() {
 Wire.begin();  // Start the Arduino I2C interface

void loop() {
  while(1) {   
  // Simple test of each LED in order from low address to high address 
    for (column=0; column <= 255; column++) {  
        // Turn one color of one LED On
        Wire.beginTransmission(TSOC_NEOLED_I2CADDRESS);  // Start the I2C transaction
        Wire.write(row);                                 // Send the high byte of 16 bit memory address
        Wire.write(column);                              // Send the low byte of 16 bit memory address  (ie. the 
        Wire.write(TSOC_NEOLED_LED_ON);                  // Send a single data byte  (we could send more...)
        Wire.endTransmission();                          // End the I2C transaction
        delay(TSOC_NEOLED_LED_DELAY);                    // Delay to process the write cycle
        // Turn one color of one LED Off
        Wire.beginTransmission(TSOC_NEOLED_I2CADDRESS);  // Start the I2C transaction
        Wire.write(row);                                 // Send the high byte of address (the string number)
        Wire.write(column);                              // Send the low byte of address (the LED+Color number)
        Wire.write(TSOC_NEOLED_LED_OFF);                 // Send a single data byte  (we could send more...)
        Wire.endTransmission();                          // End the I2C transaction
        delay(TSOC_NEOLED_LED_DELAY);                    // Delay to process the write cycle


Tom Moxon

Tom Moxon

16 projects • 38 followers
Chip Designer, Embedded Hardware and Software Design
