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Motion Sensing Alarm With Keypad & Password

An Arduino Uno-based alarm with motion sensor, three LED outputs and a keypad with password input.

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Motion Sensing Alarm With Keypad & Password

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Motion Sensing Alarm with Keypad & Password

Motion Sensing Alarm with Keypad & Password

3D Printed Box 01

3D Printed Box 02

3D Printed Box 03

3D Printed Box 04

3D Printed Box 05

3D Printed Box 06

3D Printed Box 07

3D Printed Box 08

3D Printed Box 09

3D Printed Box 10

3D Printed Box 11


Motion Sensing Alarm with Keypad & Password

#include <Keypad.h>                // library for keyboard
#include <Password.h>              // library for password

Password password = Password( "1234" );  // password

const byte rows = 4;                     // four rows       
const byte cols = 4;                     // three columns
char keys[rows][cols] = {                // keys on keypad



byte rowPins[rows] = {9,8,7,6};
byte colPins[cols] = {5,4,3,2};
Keypad keypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);

#define sensorz A3      // pin for PIR sensor data
//#define contact 0     // pin for on/off alarm
#define alrm 12      // pin for siren, buzzer
#define redLed A2        //  pin for red led
#define greenLed A0        // pin for green led
#define yellowLed A1    // pin for blue led
int contact = 10;       //used to immediately on/off alarm
int val;
int ledBlink;

int sensorzData;
unsigned long ceas, timpmemorat;

int intarziereactivare = 20;    // To delay for standby to armed
int intarzieredezactivare = 10; // To delay for triggered to alarm activated
int timpurlat = 10;             // Time of alarm is on

// This is the variable for states "0"
char caz = 0;

int sistem = 0;      // system is 0 for off and 1 for on

States for 

  0. - off
  1. - stand-by
  2. - waitting
  3. - countdown
  4. - alarm

void setup()
  keypad.addEventListener(keypadEvent); // an object is created for tracking keystrokes
  Serial.begin(9600);  //Used for troubleshooting
  pinMode(alrm, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sensorz, INPUT);
  pinMode(contact, INPUT);
  pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
  Serial.println("System startup"); //Used for troubleshooting
  Serial.println("Alarm button status:"); //used for troubleshooting
  Serial.println(digitalRead(contact)); //used for troubleshooting

void loop()
  ceas = millis();    // read the internal clock
  val = digitalRead(contact);
    if (sistem%2 == 0)
    // alarm is off
    digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH);
    //Serial.println(contact); //Used for troubleshooting

    digitalWrite(alrm, LOW);
    caz = 0;
   // Serial.println("System is OFF !"); // Used for troubleshooting


    // alarm is on
    if(caz == 0) 
     caz = 1;
     timpmemorat = ceas;
     digitalWrite(yellowLed, HIGH);

    if(caz == 1)              // system waiting

      if ((ceas%1000)<500) digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
      else digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
      if(ceas >= timpmemorat + intarziereactivare * 1000) {caz = 2;}
      //Serial.println("System is arming !"); // Used for troubleshooting
    if(caz == 2)              // system is armed
      digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); 
      sensorzData = digitalRead(sensorz);  
      //Serial.print("sensorzdData = "); //Used for troubleshooting
      //Serial.println(sensorzData); //Used for troubleshooting
  //    if(sensorzData > 600) {caz = 3; timpmemorat = ceas;}
     if(sensorzData == HIGH)
       caz = 3;
       timpmemorat = ceas;
       digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
      Serial.println("System is armed !"); // Used for Troubleshooting

    if(caz == 3)              // system is triggered and countdown

      if ((ceas%500)<100) digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
      else digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
      if(ceas >= timpmemorat + intarzieredezactivare * 10) {caz = 4; timpmemorat = ceas;}
      Serial.println("System is triggered and is countdown !"); //Used for troubleshooting

    if(caz == 4)              // siren (buzzer) is active
      //digitalWrite(alrm, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Siren is active !"); //Used for troubleshooting

// For siren

    //tone( 10, 10000, 100);  // Simple Alarm Tone
    for(double x = 0; x < 0.92; x += 0.01){  // Elegant Alarm Tone
        tone(10, sinh(x+8.294), 10);
      if(ceas >= timpmemorat + timpurlat * 1000) {caz = 2; digitalWrite(alrm, LOW); digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);}
  //take care of some special events
void keypadEvent(KeypadEvent eKey){
  switch (keypad.getState()){
    case PRESSED:
  Serial.print("Pressed: ");
  switch (eKey){
    case '*': checkPassword(); break;
    case '#': password.reset(); break;
    default: password.append(eKey);

  void checkPassword(){
  if (password.evaluate()){
    Serial.println("Success"); //Used for troubleshooting
    Serial.println("Disarmed");//Add code to run if it works
    Serial.println("Wrong"); //Used for troubleshooting
    //add code to run if it did not work
    ledBlink = 0;
    while (ledBlink <= 5){
    digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);




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