Robbe TimmermanSebastiaan LamersAndries Dedeurwaerder


Growing vegetables and keeping fish - fully automatic!

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)23,301

Things used in this project

Hardware components

IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit
AllThingsTalk IOTOPIA Rapid Development kit
DFRobot turbidity sensor
Water pump
Vacuum/Air pump
Non-contact liquid level sensor
Seeed Studio Groove relay
Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Adafruit Motor shield v2.3
Seeed Studio Grove base shield
Air blower
Adafruit Stepper motor
LilyPad Rainbow LED (strip of 7 colors)
SparkFun LilyPad Rainbow LED (strip of 7 colors)
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Schneider Resi9 C4
Schneider Resi9 C10
Schneider Resi9 40A 300mA

Software apps and online services

AllThingsTalk Maker
AllThingsTalk Maker
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Solid Edge ST8

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Laser cutter (generic)
Laser cutter (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Solid Edge ST8 Fish-O-Matic

Solid edge drawings of our whole project, excluded the electronics.

Solid Edge ST8 Fish-O-Matic

Solid edge drawings of our whole project, excluded the electronics.

Solid Edge ST8 Fish-O-Matic

Closer look at our feeding system.

Solid Edge ST8 Fish-O-Matic

Exploded vieuw of our greenhouse.

Solid Edge ST8 Fish-O-Matic

Exploded vieuw of our bottom part.

Laser cutter parts

The roofpanel of our greenhouse.

Laser cutter parts

The side panel of our greenhouse.

Laser cutter parts

The flooring of our settling tube.

Laser cutter parts

Bottom panel of our garden bin.

Laser cutter parts

These rings make sure that our draining system is kept in place.

Laser cutter parts

Another side panel of our greenhouse.

Laser cutter parts

The side panel of our garden bin.

Laser cutter parts

The side panel of our garden bin where the draining system is attached to.

Laser cutter parts

Another side panel of our garden bin.

3D Printing parts

This is our costum container for our feeding system.

3D Printing parts

This is the cover of our feeding system.

3D Printing parts

This is one of our costum designed cable holders that fits onto our L-profiles.

3D Printing parts

This is one of our costum designed cable holders that fits onto our L-profiles.

3D Printing parts

This is one of our costum designed cable holders that fits onto our L-profiles.

3D Printing parts

This part keeps our draining pipes closed at the end and it holds them up at their correct height.


Electrical plan

Here you can see the electrical plan of the Fish-O-Matic.

Electrical plan

This is the fritzing file of the electrical plan.


Fish-O-Matic program

The full program that runs our Fish-O-Matic.
// Gebruikte pinnen:
//  2,3,5 voor Fona.
//  4 voor DHT.
//  6 voor de capcitieve niveausensor.
//  7 voor de troebelheissensor.
//  8 voor de ventilator.
//  9 voor de LED-Strip.
//  10,11,12,13 voor de MotorShield waarop de stappenmotor is aangesloten.
//  A4 en A5 worden gebruikt voor de Dompelpomp en de Vacuumpomp

// Info:
// What pins are/are not used on the motor shield?
//  The shield uses the SDA and SCL i2c pins to control DC and stepper motors.
//  On the Arduino UNO these are also known as A4 and A5.
//  On the Mega these are also known as Digital 20 and 21.
//  On the Leonardo these are also known as digital 2 and 3.
// Do not use those pins on those Arduinos with this shield with anything other than an i2c sensor/driver.

//Libraries van de FONA module
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "ATT_IOT_FONA.h"
#include "ATT_MQTT.h"

#include "ATT_IOT_GPRS.h"
#include <SPI.h>                                              // required to have support for signed/unsigned long type.

//Constanten voor de FONA module
#define deviceId "your_device_id"
#define clientId "your_client_id"
#define clientKey "your_client_key"

#define FONA_APN       ""
#define FONA_USERNAME  ""
#define FONA_PASSWORD  ""

#define FONA_RX 2                                             // Pin 2 is voor de RX
#define FONA_TX 3                                             // Pin 3 is voor de TX
#define FONA_RST 5                                            // Pin 5 is voor de RST
SoftwareSerial fonaSS = SoftwareSerial(FONA_TX, FONA_RX);

ATTDevice Device(deviceId, clientId, clientKey);              // create the object that provides the connection to the cloud to manager the device.
#define httpServer ""                     // HTTP API Server host                  
#define mqttServer httpServer                                 // MQTT Server Address 

//Libraries voor de DHT serretemperatuur en serrevochtigheid
#include <dht.h>;  //Libraries voor serretemperatuursensor meer info:

//Constanten voor DHT vochtigheids en temperatuursensor
#define DHTPIN 4                                              // DHT is aangesloten op pin 4 
#define DHTTYPE DHT22                                         // DHT 22  (AM2302)
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);                                     // Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino

//Libraries voor de Motorshield
#include <Wire.h>                                             // Wire
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>                             // Om de motoren aan te sturen
#include "utility/Adafruit_MS_PWMServoDriver.h"               // Om de stappenmotor aan te sturen

// Create the motor shield object with the default I2C address
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); 
// Or, create it with a different I2C address (say for stacking)
// Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(0x61); 

// Select which 'port' M1, M2, M3 or M4. In this case, M1
Adafruit_DCMotor *DompPomp = AFMS.getMotor(1);
// You can also make another motor on port M2
Adafruit_DCMotor *VacPomp = AFMS.getMotor(2);


//Asset nummers toewijzen voor AllThingsTalk
int AssNrVocht = 1;                                           // Asset Number Vochtigheid
int AssNrTemp  = 2;                                           // Asset Number Temperatuur
int AssNrNiv   = 3;                                           // Asset Number Niveau schakelaar
int AssNrHand  = 4;                                           // Asset Number Hand/Auto schakelaar
int AssNrVent  = 5;                                           // Asset Number Ventilator
int AssNrLed   = 6;                                           // Asset Number LED-Strip
int AssNrDomp  = 7;                                           // Asset Number Dompelpomp
int AssNrVac   = 8;                                           // Asset Number Vacuumpomp
int AssNrFeed  = 9;                                           // Asset Number Voedertrommel
//Variabelen voor communicaite met AllThingsTalk
float Vocht;                                                  // AI Stores humidity value
float Temp;                                                   // AI Stores temperature value
bool  Niv;                                                    // DI Niveau sensor
bool  Hand;                                                   // DI Systeembit Hand
bool  Vent;                                                   // DO Ventilator
bool  Led;                                                    // DO LED-Strip
bool  Domp;                                                   // DO Dompelpomp
bool  DmyDomp                                                 // Dummy Dompelpomp
bool  Vac;                                                    // DO Vacuum pomp
bool  DmyVac;                                                 // Dummy Vacuum pomp
bool  Feed;                                                   // DO Voedertrommel

//Pin nummers toewijzen (2,3,5 voor Fona. 4 voor DHT. 10,11,12,13 voor stappenmotor)
int PinNiv  =  6;                                             // Pin Number Niveau Sensor
int PinTurb =  7;                                             // Pin Number Troebelheid Sensor
int PinVent =  8;                                             // Pin Number Ventilator
int PinLed  =  9;                                             // Pin Number LED-Strip
int PinSM0  = 10;                                             // Pin Number Stappen Motor 0
int PinSM1  = 11;                                             // Pin Number Stappen Motor 1
int PinSM2  = 12;                                             // Pin Number Stappen Motor 2
int PinSM3  = 13;                                             // Pin Number Stappen Motor 3

//Variabelen voor Tijdsfuncties
unsigned long CurTime = 0;                                    // Current Time
unsigned long LastTime = 0;                                   // Last saved Time
int Uur = 0;                                                  // Time of day: Uur
int Min = 0;                                                  // Time of day: Min
int Sec = 0;                                                  // Time of day: Sec

//Setpoints LED
int LedOnTime = 20;                                           // Set time Led (uur)
int LedOffTime = 8;                                           // Reset time Led (uur)

//Setpoints DHT
int VochtMax = 500;                                             // Te vochtig => Set Vent
int VochtMin = 450;                                             // Vocht ok => Reset Vent
int TempMax = 22;                                             // Te warm => Set Vent
int TempMin = 21;                                             // Warmte ok => Reset Vent

//Setpoints Voedertrommel
bool Feeding = false;                                         // Voedertrommel is bezig met voederen
int FeedTime = 8;                                             // Tijdstip voederen (uur)
int FeedRounds = 3;                                           // Aantal toeren per voederbeurt
int FeedTimeRound = 4200;                                     // Tijdsduur voederen (ms) 4200ms = 1 toer
unsigned long FeedEndTime;                                    // Tijdstip Stop voederen (ms)

unsigned long NextStep;                                       // Tijdstip voor de volgende stap
int StepTime = 1;                                             // Tijdsduur voor 1 stap (ms)
int Step = 0;                                                 // Stap nummer (0 t.e.m. 7)
int StepDir = 1;                                              // Draairichting (1 is default)

//Nodig voor de FONA module
void callback(const char* topic, const char* payload, unsigned int length);
// Setup the FONA MQTT class by passing in the FONA class and MQTT server and login details.

void setup()
  fonaSS.begin(19200);  								                      // Openen van de Seriële Communicatie met de Fona module aan 19200 baud
  Serial.begin(57600);                                        // Openen van een virtuele Seriële Communicatie voor het debuggen aan 57600 baud
	while(!Serial && millis() < 2000);                   		    // Make sure you see all output on the monitor.
	{                                                           // After 2 sec, it will skip this step, so that the board can also work without being connected to a PC
      Serial.println("Retrying FONA");
    Serial.println(F("Connected to Cellular!"));
    delay(2000);                                        		  // wait a few seconds to stabilize connection
    while(!Device.Connect(httpServer))            				    // connect the device with the IOT platform.
    //Alle devices voor AllThingsTalk declareren
//  Device.AddAsset(int AssetNr, string Name,         string Discription,                      bool isActuator, string Type);
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrVocht, "Vochtigheid serre", "Vochtigheid in de serre",                          false, "number");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrTemp,  "Temperatuur serre", "Temperatuur in de serre",                          false, "number");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrNiv,   "Niveausensor",      "Waterniveau in het aquarium",                      false, "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrHand,  "Hand / Auto",       "Schakelaar Hand / Auto",                           true,  "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrVent,  "Ventilator",        "Schakelaar en Terugmelding werking ventilator",    true,  "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrLed,   "LED-Strip",         "Schakelaar en Terugmelding werking LED-Strip",     true,  "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrDomp,  "Dompelpomp",        "Schakelaar en Terugmelding werking Dompelpomp",    true,  "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrVac,   "Vacuumpomp",        "Schakelaar en Terugmelding werking Vacuumpomp",    true,  "bool");
    Device.AddAsset(AssNrFeed,  "Voedertrommel",     "Schakelaar en Terugmelding werking Voedertrommel", true,  "bool");
    while(!Device.Subscribe(callback, mqttServer, 1883))      // make certain that we can receive message from the iot platform (activate mqtt)

  //Voor de DHT sensor

  //Voor MotorSield
  AFMS.begin();  // create with the default frequency 1.6KHz
  //AFMS.begin(1000);  // or with a different frequency, say 1KHz
  // Set the speed to start, from 0 (off) to 255 (max speed)
//  DompPomp->run(FORWARD);                                     // Dat mag hier wss nog niet staan omdat dit reeds de pomp aan zet
//  VacPomp->run(FORWARD);                                      // Dat mag hier wss nog niet staan omdat dit reeds de pomp aan zet


void loop()
  CurTime = millis();
  if (CurTime < 900) {LastTime = 0;}
  if (CurTime >= (LastTime + 1000)) {
    LastTime = CurTime;
    Sec = Sec + 1;
    if (Sec >= 60) {
      Min = Min + 1; Sec = 0;
      Serial.println("Klok: " + Uur + ":" + Min);
      if (Min >= 60) {
        Uur = Uur + 1; Min = 0;
        if (Uur >= 24) {Uur = 0;}

  if (!Hand) {                                                // Als het systeem in AUTO staat
    if ((Temp > TempMax) or  (Hum > VochtMax))                // Als het warmer is dan 22 graden OR vochtiger dan 500 draait de ventilator
      if (!Vent){Serial.println("Ventilator: Automatisch aan");}
      digitalWrite(PinVent, HIGH);                            // Ventilator aanzetten
      Vent = true;                                            // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
    if ((Temp < TempMin) and (Hum < VochtMin))                // Als het kouder is dan 21 graden AND droger dan 450 stop de ventilator
      if (Vent){Serial.println("Ventilator: Automatisch uit");}
      digitalWrite(PinVent, LOW);                             // Ventilator afzetten
      Vent = false;                                           // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
  else {                                                      // Als het systeem in HAND staat
    if (digitalRead(PinVent) !=  Vent)
      if (Vent){Serial.println("Ventilator: Handmatig aan"); digitalWrite(PinVent, HIGH);}
      if (!Vent){Serial.println("Ventilator: Handmatig uit"); digitalWrite(PinVent, LOW);}

  if (!Hand) {                                                // Als het systeem in automatisch staat
    if (Uur == LedOnTime  and Min == 0)                       // Om 8u 's avonds wordt de LED-Strip ingeschakeld
      if (!Led){Serial.println("LED-Strip: Automatisch aan");}
      digitalWrite(PinLed, HIGH);                             // LED-Strip aanzetten
      Led = true;                                             // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
    if (Uur == LedOffTime and Min == 0)                       // Om 8u 's morgens wordt de LED-Strip uitgeschakeld
      if (Led){Serial.println("LED-Strip: Automatisch uit");}
      digitalWrite(PinLed, LOW);                              // LED-Strip uitzetten
      Led = false;                                            // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
  else {
    if (digitalRead(PinLed) !=  Led)
      if (Led){Serial.println("LED-Strip: Handmatig aan"); digitalWrite(PinLed, HIGH);}
      if (!Led){Serial.println("LED-Strip: Handmatig uit"); digitalWrite(PinLed, LOW);}
    PinLed = Led;

  if (!Hand) {                                                // Als het systeem in automatisch staat
    if (Min == 0 and Sec < 10)                                // Ieder uur wordt de dompelpomp voor 10 seconden aangeschakeld
      if (!Domp){Serial.println("Dompelpomp: Automatisch aan");}
      DompPomp->run(FORWARD);                                 // Pomp Starten
      Domp = true;                                            // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
      if (Domp){Serial.println("Dompelpomp: Automatisch uit");}
      DompPomp->run(RELEASE);}                                // Pomp Stoppen
      Domp = false;                                           // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
  else {                                                      // Als het systeem in hand staat
    if (DmyDomp !=  Domp)
      if (Domp){Serial.println("Dompelpomp: Handmatig aan");}
      if (!Domp){Serial.println("Dompelpomp: Handmatig uit");}
    if (Domp == true) {DompPomp->run(FORWARD);} else {DompPomp->run(RELEASE);}
    DmyDomp = Domp;

  if (!Hand) {                                                // Als het systeem in automatisch staat
    if (Min < 15)                                             // De eerste 15 minuten van ieder uur wordt de vacuumpomp aangeschakeld
      if (!Vac){Serial.println("Vacuumpomp: Automatisch aan");}
      VacPomp->run(FORWARD);                                  // Pomp Starten
      Vac = true;                                             // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
      if (Vac){Serial.println("Vacuumpomp: Automatisch uit");}
      VacPomp->run(RELEASE);}                                 // Pomp Stoppen
      Vac = false;                                            // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
  else {                                                      // Als het systeem in hand staat
    if (DmyVac !=  Vac)
      if (Vac){Serial.println("Vacuumpomp: Handmatig aan");}
      if (!Vac){Serial.println("Vacuumpomp: Handmatig uit");}
    if (Vac == true) {VacPomp->run(FORWARD);} else {VacPomp->run(RELEASE);}
    DmyVac = Vac;

  if (!Hand) {                                                // Als het systeem in automatisch staat
    if (Uur == FeedTime and Min == 0 and Sec == 0 and LastTime = CurTime)// Het is tijd om te voederen
      if (!Feed){Serial.println("Voedertrommel: Automatisch gestart voor " + Feedrounds + " toeren");}
      FeedTimeEnd = CurTime + (FeedRounds * FeedTimeRound)    // Bereken de stoptijd voor het voederen
      Feeding = true;                                         // Voedertrommel starten
      Feed = true;                                            // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk
  else {                                                      // Als het systeem in hand staat
    if (Feed == true and Feeding == false)
      if (Feed){Serial.println("Voedertrommel: Handmatig gestart voor 1 toer");}
      FeedTimeEnd = CurTime + (FeedTimeRound)                 // Bereken de stoptijd voor het voederen
      Feeding = true;                                         // Voedertrommel starten
  if (CurTime >= FeedTimeEnd)
    if (Feed){Serial.println("Voedertrommel: gestopt met draaien");}
    Feeding = false;                                          // Voedertrommel stoppen
    Feed = false;                                             // Terugmelding voor AllThingsTalk

  if (Feeding = true or Step  !=  0)
    if (CurTime >= NextStep)
      NextStep = CurTime + StepTime;
      if (StepDir){Step++;} else {Step--;}
      if (Step > 7) {Step = 0;}
      if (Step < 0) {Step = 7;}
      case 0:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, HIGH);
      case 1:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, HIGH);
      case 2:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);
      case 3:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);
      case 4:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);
      case 5:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);
      case 6:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);
      case 7:
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(PinSM0, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM2, LOW);
        digitalWrite(PinSM3, LOW);

  //om de 5 seconden wordt de data op het AllThingsTalk platform gerefreched
  if (Sec % 5 == 0 and LastTime == CurTime){                  // Als Sec deelbaar is door 5 zonder rest en de nieuwe seconde is net begonnen (puls op de seconde)
    Vocht = dht.readHumidity();
    Temp  = dht.readTemperature();
    Niv   = PinNiv;
    Device.Send(String(Vocht), AssNrVocht);
    Device.Send(String(Temp),  AssNrTemp);
    Device.Send(String(Niv),   AssNrNiv);
    //Device.Send(String(Hand),  AssNrHand);                  // Hand wordt voorlopig enkel gelezen van AllThingsTalk en nooit geschreven.
    Device.Send(String(Vent),  AssNrVent);
    Device.Send(String(Led),   AssNrLed);
    Device.Send(String(Domp),  AssNrDomp);
    Device.Send(String(Vac),   AssNrVac);

////Asset nummers toewijzen voor AllThingsTalk
//int AssNrVocht = 1;                                           // Asset Number Vochtigheid
//int AssNrTemp  = 2;                                           // Asset Number Temperatuur
//int AssNrNiv   = 3;                                           // Asset Number Niveau schakelaar
//int AssNrHand  = 4;                                           // Asset Number Hand/Auto schakelaar
//int AssNrVent  = 5;                                           // Asset Number Ventilator
//int AssNrLed   = 6;                                           // Asset Number LED-Strip
//int AssNrDomp  = 7;                                           // Asset Number Dompelpomp
//int AssNrVac   = 8;                                           // Asset Number Vacuumpomp
//int AssNrFeed  = 9;                                           // Asset Number Voedertrommel

// Callback function: Behandeld berichten gezonden van het IOT platform naar de arduino.
// topic :   Asset name
// payload : Message
void callback(const char* topic, const char* payload, unsigned int length) 
	String msgString(payload);                            	    // convert to string object, so we can easily compare and modify the string.
  int AssNr = Device.GetPinNr(topic, strlen(topic));
	Serial.print("Payload (Message): ");                        // show some debugging.
  Serial.print("Topic (Asset Name): ");
  Serial.print("Pin (Asset Number): ");

  msgString.toLowerCase();                                    // to make certain that our comparison later on works ok (it could be that a 'true' or 'false' was sent)

  if (AssNr != NULL)
    switch (AssNr) {                                          // We controleren voor welke Actuator het bericht is
      case AssNrHand:                                         // Asset Number Hand/Auto schakelaar
        if (msgString == "false"){Hand = false;}
        else if (msgString == "true"){Hand = true;}
      case AssNrVent:                                         // Asset Number Ventilator
        if (msgString == "false"){Vent = false;}
        else if (msgString == "true"){Vent = true;}
      case AssNrLed:                                          // Asset Number LED-Strip
        if (msgString == "false"){Led = false;}
        else if (msgString == "true"){Led = true;}
      case AssNrDomp:                                         // Asset Number Dompelpomp
        if (msgString == "false"){Domp = false;}
        else if (msgString == "true"){Domp = true;}
      case AssNrVac:                                          // Asset Number Vacuumpomp
        if (msgString == "false"){Vac = false;}
        else if (msgString == "true"){Vac = true;}
      case AssNrFeed:                                         // Asset Number Voedertrommel
        if (msgString == "true"){Feed = true;}
        Serial.println("We kregen een bericht van een onbekend Asset Number.")
        Serial.println("Asset Number: " + AssNr)
    Device.Send(msgString, AssNr);          // also let the IOT platform know that the operation was succesful: give it some feedback. This also allows the iot to update the GUI's correctly & run scenarios.

Stepper motor program

This is the individual program that runs our stepper motor.
int Pin0 = 10; 
int Pin1 = 11; 
int Pin2 = 12; 
int Pin3 = 13; 
int _step = 0; 
signed int dir = 1;
unsigned long time;

void setup() 
 pinMode(Pin0, OUTPUT);  
 pinMode(Pin1, OUTPUT);  
 pinMode(Pin2, OUTPUT);  
 pinMode(Pin3, OUTPUT);
   do {
 time = millis();
   case 0: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, HIGH); 
   case 1: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, HIGH); 
   case 2: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
   case 3: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
   case 4: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
   case 5: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, HIGH);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
     case 6: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, HIGH);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
   case 7: 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, HIGH);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, HIGH); 
     digitalWrite(Pin0, LOW);  
     digitalWrite(Pin1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin2, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(Pin3, LOW); 
  } while (time<8400);
 void loop() 


Relais program

With this program we can control our relais that we use for our LED-strip and ventilator.
//Relais aangesloten op D8. Voor D7 gewoon pin 7 gebruiken.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);

DHT sensor program

This is the program for our temperature and humidity sensor in the greenhouse.
   /* How to use the DHT-22 sensor with Arduino uno
   Temperature and humidity sensor
   More info:
   Dev: Michalis Vasilakis // Date: 1/7/2015 // */

#include <DHT.h>;

#define DHTPIN 4     // what pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22  (AM2302)
dht dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); //// Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino

int chk;
float hum;  //Stores humidity value
float temp; //Stores temperature value

void setup()


void loop()
    //Read data and store it to variables hum and temp
    hum = dht.readHumidity();
    temp= dht.readTemperature();
    //Print temp and humidity values to serial monitor
    Serial.print("Humidity: ");
    Serial.print(" %, Temp: ");
    Serial.println(" Celsius");
    delay(2000); //Delay 2 sec.

Non-contact liquid level sensor

This program is used for the non-contact liquid level sensors to control our water level.
int functCap;

void setup(){
 pinMode(6, INPUT);
 pinMode(6, INPUT);
void loop()

int functCap
 //De variabelen worden ingelezen.
 int sensorVal = digitalRead(6);
 //De waarde van het vloeistofniveau wordt weergegeven.

Vacuum and water pump program

This program is used to run our vacuum pump or the water pump via the Adafruit motor shield.
//A4 en A5 worden gebruikt

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>
#include "utility/Adafruit_MS_PWMServoDriver.h"

// Create the motor shield object with the default I2C address
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(); 
// Or, create it with a different I2C address (say for stacking)
// Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield(0x61); 

// Select which 'port' M1, M2, M3 or M4. In this case, M1
Adafruit_DCMotor *myMotor = AFMS.getMotor(1);
// You can also make another motor on port M2
//Adafruit_DCMotor *myOtherMotor = AFMS.getMotor(2);

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
  Serial.println("Adafruit Motorshield v2 - DC Motor test!");

  AFMS.begin();  // create with the default frequency 1.6KHz
  //AFMS.begin(1000);  // OR with a different frequency, say 1KHz
  // Set the speed to start, from 0 (off) to 255 (max speed)

void loop() {
  uint8_t i;




Robbe Timmerman

Robbe Timmerman

1 project • 9 followers
Student Science and technology at the VTI of Veurne
Sebastiaan Lamers

Sebastiaan Lamers

1 project • 7 followers
Andries Dedeurwaerder

Andries Dedeurwaerder

1 project • 6 followers
