Gavin Jeganathan

Niner Pan Cam

A pan shift that will allow you so see more angles on your camera!

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours165
Niner Pan Cam

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Arlo Q Camera
Any camera with WiFi capabilities will work with this project. Does not have to be an Arlo Q.
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Two are used for the photons, one is used for the camera.
General Purpose Transistor PNP
General Purpose Transistor PNP
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Will need plenty
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Case or Box
This will be used to place both photons in. Further details are below.

Software apps and online services

Mobicle Mobicle
Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

A drill was used to place holes in the case. A different tool can be used depending on the case used.


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Camera Pan

Pans the Camera

Camera LED on/off

LED indicating if camera is on or off

Graphs- On/Off Indicator

The graph expresses the time the camera is on or off. Negative 1 shows that it is off, positive 1 shows that it is on.


Camera Pan Code

This is the code for the camera commands.
//Security Camera Code

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0;                                                // variable to store the servo position
int digitalvalue=0;                                         //sets inital values for graphs
int status=0;

void setup()
    Particle.function("gong", gong);                        // create a function called "gong" that
                                                            // can be called from the cloud
                                                            // connect it to the gong function below

    myservo.attach(D0);                                     // attach the servo on the D0 pin to the servo object
    myservo.write(50);                                      // initial servo position
        Particle.function("transistor", transistor);        // create a function called "gong" that
                                                            // can be called from the cloud
                                                            // connect it to the gong function below

    Particle.variable("digitalvalue", &digitalvalue, INT);  //data for graphing
    Particle.variable("status", &status, INT);
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);                                    // set D7 as an output to control transistor

int transistor(String command) 
    if(command.startsWith("on"))                                     //when command is on, pin D7 set to high
    digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
            Particle.publish("cam_on","camera is on");      //publishes to the cloud to communmicate with other particle
            digitalvalue = 1;                               //sets digital value to 1 to be graphed
        return 1;                                           //returns 1 if command is understood              
    if(command.startsWith("off"))                               //when command is off, D7 set to low
    digitalWrite(D7, LOW);
            Particle.publish("cam_off","camera is off");    //publishes to the cloud to communmicate with other particle
            digitalvalue= -1;                               //sets digital value to -1 to be graphed
        return 2;                                           //returns 2 if command is understood                  


int gong(String command)                                    //function to control camera turn
    if(command.startsWith("right"))                                  //if command is right, camera turns to the right
           // wait 100 ms
        myservo.write(0)                                   // move servo to 0°
          // turn off LED
          ;status = 1;
        return 1;                                           // return a status of "1"
    if(command.startsWith("left"))                              // if command is left, camera turns to the left
            myservo.write(100);                             // move servo to 100°
            status = -1;
        return 2;                                           // return a status of "2"
    if(command.startsWith("center"))                          // if command is center, returns to 50°
            myservo.write(50);                              // move servo to 50°
            status = 0;
        return 3;                                           // return a status of "3"

void loop()
                                                            // empty because we call functions via the cloud

Camera on/off LED Display

LED display showing if camera is on/off
//LED Camera On Indicator

int led = D7;                                                           //declare D7

void setup() {
    digitalWrite(led,LOW);                                              //sets D7 to LOW
    Particle.subscribe("cam_on",led_on, "2b001a000247353138383138");    //subsribes from security camera photon when camera is on
    Particle.subscribe("cam_off",led_off, "2b001a000247353138383138");  //subsribes from security camera photon when camera is off


void led_on(const char *event, const char *data)
 digitalWrite(led,HIGH);                                                //if camera is on, D7 set to HIGH

void led_off(const char *event, const char *data)
 digitalWrite(led,LOW);                                                 //if camera is off, D7 set to LOW

void loop() {



Gavin Jeganathan

Gavin Jeganathan

1 project • 0 followers
