Timothy Graupmann
Published © Apache-2.0

Servos + Leap Motion Controller

Leap Motion Controller Drives Raspberry PI 2 Servos.

IntermediateWork in progress1,517
Servos + Leap Motion Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+

Software apps and online services



Project Thumbnail

The Servos simply connect to the 5V positive and negative. And the 3rd servo wire connects to the GPIO ports on the Raspberry PI breadboard.


Blog Post

The blog post includes sample Python code which runs on the Raspberry PI. The Unity code was adapted from the Leap Motion Controller Sample Unity project. Look for the video to see the details about the code. http://tagenigma.com/blog/2015/04/25/raspberry-pi-2-with-leap/


Timothy Graupmann

Timothy Graupmann

1 project • 0 followers
Tim is a hardware enthusiast making interesting technology projects with Leap Motion Controller, Myo, Sphero, Raspberry PI, Peeble, and OUYA.
