Zachary Haslam
Published © GPL3+

LED Strip Game

When the red LED hits the center of the strip, click the button! It gets faster as you go, and if you miss, game over!

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)2,449
LED Strip Game

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Maker Board Lets Start Coding Ultimate Kit
The Maker Board is included in the Ultimate Kit


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 * Reaction game-  press the button when the moving pixel overlaps 
 * the center one. Speed increases each time you succeed

//Include the LEDStrip library to use the commands
#include "LEDStrip.h"

const byte numPixels = 15; //Number of pixels on a strip
const byte middlePixel = numPixels/2; //The pixel at the middle of your strip

int pixel = 0; //Position of the pixel on the strip

const int hitColor = 50; //The color of the strip when you hit the mark
const int missColor = 100; //The color of the strip when you miss the mark

int Direction = 1; //Direction of travel of the pixel

int delayTime = 300; //Starting time (in ms) between pixel movements

long timer = millis(); //Timer to control movement of pixel

 * Make the LED strip object LEDStrip strip
 *  = LEDStrip(numPixels, dataPin (DI), clockPin (CI));
LEDStrip strip = LEDStrip(numPixels, 13, 12);

void setup() {


void loop() {

  //If at the center pixel
  if (pixel == middlePixel){
    strip.setPixel(pixel,(hitColor+missColor)); //overlap the colors
    //If the button is pressed while on the center pixel
    if (digitalRead(A5) == LOW){
       delayTime= delayTime*.75; //delayTime reduced by 25%
      //Blink the hitColor to indicate success

  //When not on the center pixel
  if (pixel != middlePixel){
    strip.setPixel(pixel,missColor); //Set the moving pixel
    strip.setPixel(middlePixel,hitColor); //Set the center pixel

    //If button pressed when not at center
    if (digitalRead(A5) == LOW){
      //Blink all pixels the missColor for a second
      delayTime = delayTime + 100; //Slow down the ball

  //Every delayTime many ms, update pixel position
  if (millis()-timer > delayTime){
    timer = millis(); //Reset the timer 
    strip.setPixel(pixel,-1); //Clear previous pixel
    pixel = pixel + Direction; //Move the pixel
    //If at either end of the strip, change direction of travel
    if ((pixel == 0)||(pixel == numPixels-1)){
      Direction = Direction*-1;

  strip.draw(); //Draw what was written to the strip this loop

//Change the reduction to delayTime time to make the game move more
//  quickly

//(c) 2017 Let's Start Coding. License:


Zachary Haslam

Zachary Haslam

1 project • 84 followers
My name is Zach, and I'm 15. I've been developing for aImost 4 years now. specialize in Python and Linux.
