RacerXIsh Ot Jr.
Published © MIT

Pebble Altimeter Smartstrap

Altimeter Smartstrap for action sports and hiking that tells you your current altitude, ascent/decent, and includes real-time altitude graph

IntermediateFull instructions provided4,414
Pebble Altimeter Smartstrap

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Pebble Time
Pebble Time
teensy 3.0
Freescale MPL3115A2 Precision Altimeter


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Custom parts and enclosures

strap cap

strap cap to cover micro and sensor


Bread Board Diagram

Bread Board Diagram

Fritzing Hook up diagram

Fritzing hookup diagram if you need more information than is in the diagram

Fritzing Diagram v2

This Fritzing diagram is if you would like a little more information from the bread board image. Updated with correct sda/scl pins



Teensy code for smart strap. Flash this to a teensy to take readings from the altimeter and connect to a Pebble Time via Smart Strap port

Pebble Altimeter Watchface

Pebble Time Watchface to read from Hack Dads Pebble Altimeter Smart Strap. This Watchface can display current elevation, accent and decent status, and graph altitude with a shake of your wrist.




1 project • 4 followers
Ish Ot Jr.

Ish Ot Jr.

21 projects • 173 followers
