Tal O
Published © GPL3+

Slot Cars Laser Triggered Lap Time GLCD Display

I bought a pair of KY008 laser modules and a matching sensor, and I knew I had to make some cool project with it.

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Slot Cars Laser Triggered Lap Time GLCD Display

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
KY 008 Laser

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Untitled file

* Time keeping digital gate
* Code by: Tal Ofer
* talofer99@hotmail.com

#include "openGLCD.h"

// laps info
unsigned long currentRunStartMillis;
unsigned long lastRunInMillis;
unsigned long bestRunInMillis;
int currentLap;
unsigned long savedMillis;

gText t1; // will define runtime later
gText t2; // will define runtime later
gText t3; // will define runtime later

// global for display
int sec_val, milli_val;

// laser gate 
const int gateSensorPin = 2;    // the number of the gate sensor pin
int gateSensorState;             // the current reading from the sensor
int lastgateSensorState = LOW;   // the previous reading from sensor
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the sensor pin was toggled
int debounceDelay = 50;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers

void setup() {
  // pin mode
  pinMode(gateSensorPin, INPUT);
  delay(50); // to late the sensor and laser work, so we wont get the lap triggered.
  // start GLCD
  // define areas
  t1.DefineArea(textAreaTOP, lcdnums14x24);
  t2.DefineArea(0, GLCD.CenterY, 8, 2, fixednums7x15);
  t3.DefineArea(GLCD.CenterX, GLCD.CenterY, 8, 2, fixednums7x15);
  t3.SetFontColor(WHITE); // set font color
  // print text
  GLCD.CursorTo(1, 4);
  GLCD.CursorTo(11, 4);
  // reset params
  currentRunStartMillis = 0;
  lastRunInMillis = 0;
  bestRunInMillis = 0;
  currentLap = 0;


void loop()
  // read the state of the laser sensor:
  int reading = digitalRead(gateSensorPin);
  // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:
  if (reading != lastgateSensorState) {
    // reset the debouncing timer
    lastDebounceTime = millis();
  } //end if

  // if passes the debounce time
  if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    if (reading != gateSensorState) {
      gateSensorState = reading;

      // If we went low, this mean the beam was broken
      if (gateSensorState == LOW) {
        // save the millis so all the math on it will be done with the same value.
        savedMillis = millis();
        // if its not the first lap
        if (currentLap > 0) {
          // save the last run
          lastRunInMillis = savedMillis - currentRunStartMillis;
          // if last run is faster then best run
          if (lastRunInMillis < bestRunInMillis || bestRunInMillis == 0) {
            //save as best
            bestRunInMillis = lastRunInMillis;
          } //end if
        } //end if
        //reset the current
        currentRunStartMillis = savedMillis;
        // move lap counter
      } //end if
    } //enf if
  } //end if

  // save the reading. Next time through the loop, it'll be the lastgateSensorState:
  lastgateSensorState = reading;

  // print Laps
  t1.CursorTo(0, 0); // set in location
  t1.Printf(F("%02d"), currentLap);

  // save current milis
  savedMillis = millis();

  // if we start the first lap
  if (currentLap > 0) {
    calcResultFromMillis(savedMillis - currentRunStartMillis, &sec_val, &milli_val);
  } else {
    calcResultFromMillis(0, &sec_val, &milli_val);
  } //end if

  t1.CursorTo(3, 0); // column & row is relative to text area
  t1.Printf(F("%02d.%03d"), sec_val, milli_val);

  calcResultFromMillis(lastRunInMillis, &sec_val, &milli_val);
  t2.CursorTo(1, 1); // column & row is relative to text area
  t2.Printf(F("%02d.%03d"), sec_val, milli_val);

  calcResultFromMillis(bestRunInMillis, &sec_val, &milli_val);
  t3.CursorTo(1, 1);
  t3.Printf(F("%02d.%03d"), sec_val, milli_val);

} //wnd loop

// calculate millis into 2 values, seconeds and millis for display
void calcResultFromMillis(unsigned long value, int *sec_val, int *milli_val) {
  *sec_val = int(value / 1000);
  *milli_val = value - *sec_val * 1000;


Tal O

Tal O

20 projects • 55 followers
Maker @ heart
