Md. Khairul Alam
Published © GPL3+

Choose Best Service at Best Price in Industry Marketplace

A use case of choosing the best service at the best price in Industry Marketplace

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 1 day1,033

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Flash Memory Card, SD Card
Flash Memory Card, SD Card

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian
IOTA Tangle
IOTA Tangle


Read more



Technical Manual

Must read it for better understanding.

Steps for service

Transection between service requester and service provider


Client program abstract class

This file is required to run client program for requester or service provider.
import requests
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import datetime
import json
import os
import pprint

class IndustryMarketplace:
    Abstract Industry Marketplace instance,
    Should not be called directly but you should inherit it 
    with your own implementation class. See ``
    for an example
    # Generic Marketplace settings, overwrite these to your needs
    service_provider = False
    name = 'Anonymous'
    fund_wallet = False
    gps_coords = None
    reply_time = 10
    # MQTT settings, leave as is to work out of the box with the ServiceApp
    mqtt_timeout = 60
    mqtt_port = 1883
    mqtt_id = None
    mqtt_broker = ''

    # The endpoint of the ServiceApp Node application
    endpoint = 'http://localhost:4000'
    eclass = None
    operations = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client()

    def update_eclass_whitelist(self):
        Function to load the eclass whitelist or create it from it's source
        if it does not exist. Only these IRDI's and Attributes can be used
        with the Industry Marketplace right now.
        if not os.path.exists('eclass.json'):
            with open('eclass.json', 'wb') as fh:
                resp = requests.get('')
                self.eclass = resp.json()
            self.eclass = json.loads(open('eclass.json', 'r').read())
        if not os.path.exists('operations.json'):
            with open('operations.json', 'wb') as fh:
                resp = requests.get('')
                self.operations = resp.json()
            self.operations = json.loads(open('operations.json', 'r').read())

    def get_price(self, irdi, submodels):
        Get the price for a irdi from the submodels
            return [x['value'] for x in submodels.values() if x['idShort'] == 'price'][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None
    def get_location(self, irdi, submodels):
        Get the service location for a irdi from the submodels
            return [x['value'] for x in submodels.values() if x['idShort'] == 'location [lat, lng]'][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def get_range(self, irdi, submodels):
        Get the cell tower range for a irdi from the submodels
            return [x['value'] for x in submodels.values() if x['idShort'] == 'range [km]'][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def get_frequency(self, irdi, submodels):
        Get the cell tower frequency for a irdi from the submodels
            return [x['value'] for x in submodels.values() if x['idShort'] == 'frequency [MHz]'][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def get_energy_consumption(self, irdi, submodels):
        Get the energy consumption of BTS for a irdi from the submodels
            return [x['value'] for x in submodels.values() if x['idShort'] == 'energy consumption [kWh]'][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def config(self):
        data = {
            'role': 'SP' if self.service_provider else 'SR', 
            'gps': self.gps_coords or '', 
            'wallet': self.fund_wallet

        config = self.api('config', data=data)
        if config.get('success', False):
            self.log('Now running as %s under the name "%s"' % ('Service Provider' if self.service_provider else 'Service Requester',

        return config
    def api(self, uri, data=None):
            if data:
                resp ='%s/%s' % (self.endpoint, uri), json=data, timeout=15)
                #self.log('POST body: %s' % json.dumps(data))
                return resp.json()
                resp = requests.get('%s/%s' % (self.endpoint, uri), timeout=15)
                return resp.json()
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            self.log('Unable to connect to Industry Marketmanager ServiceApp; Make sure it is running on %s' % self.endpoint)

    def user(self):
        user = self.api('user')
        return user

    def cfp(self, irdi, location=None, start_at=None, end_at=None, values=None):
        Send a call for proposal as a service requester

        irdi: ecl@ss irdi number for requested service/product, see
        location: LAT,LON
        start_at: Datetime object, if None defaults to now
        end_at: Datetime object, if None defaults to 10 minutes from now
        values: Dict with as keys the property ID's and as values the property values as defined by ecl@ss

        if self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Requesters are allowed to call this method')
        if not location:
            location = ''

        if not start_at:
            start_at = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)

        if not end_at:
            end_at = start_at + datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)

        start_ts = int(start_at.timestamp()) * 1000
        end_ts = int(end_at.timestamp()) * 1000

        user = self.user()

        data = {
            'messageType': 'callForProposal',
            'irdi': irdi,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'location': location,
            'startTimestamp': start_ts,
            'endTimestamp': end_ts,
            'creationDate':'%d %B, %Y %I:%M %p'),
            'submodelValues': values or {},

        ret = self.api('cfp', data=data)
        return ret

    def proposal(self, proposal_data, price_in_iota):
        Send a proposal as a response to a call for proposal
        Takes the original message it replies to as the `proposal_data` argument

        if not self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Providers are allowed to call this method')
        user = self.user()

        irdi = proposal_data['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']['id']

        data = {
            'messageType': 'proposal',
            'irdi': irdi,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'price': int(price_in_iota),
            'originalMessage': proposal_data

        ret = self.api('proposal', data=data)
        return ret

    def accept_proposal(self, proposal_data):

        if self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Requesters are allowed to call this method')
        user = self.user()

        irdi = proposal_data['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']['id']
        price = proposal_data['frame'].get('price')

        data = {
            'messageType': 'acceptProposal',
            'price': price,
            'irdi': irdi,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'originalMessage': proposal_data

        ret = self.api('acceptProposal', data=data)
        return ret

    def inform_confirm(self, proposal_data):

        if not self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Providers are allowed to call this method')
        user = self.user()

        irdi = proposal_data['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']['id']
        price = proposal_data['frame'].get('price')

        data = {
            'messageType': 'informConfirm',
            'irdi': irdi,
            'price': price,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'originalMessage': proposal_data

        ret = self.api('informConfirm', data=data)
        return ret
    def inform_payment(self, proposal_data):

        if self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Requesters are allowed to call this method')
        user = self.user()

        irdi = proposal_data['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']['id']
        price = proposal_data['frame'].get('price')

        data = {
            'messageType': 'informPayment',
            'irdi': irdi,
            'price': price,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'originalMessage': proposal_data

        ret = self.api('informPayment', data=data)
        return ret

    def reject_proposal(self, proposal_data):
        if self.service_provider:
            raise ValueError('Only Service Requesters are allowed to call this method')
        user = self.user()

        irdi = proposal_data['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']['id']
        price = 100 #proposal_data['frame'].get('price')

        data = {
            'messageType': 'rejectProposal',
            'irdi': irdi,
            'userId': user.get('id'),
            'userName': user.get('name'),
            'replyTime': self.reply_time,
            'price': price,
            'originalMessage': proposal_data

        ret = self.api('rejectProposal', data=data)
        return ret

    def listen(self, mqtt=False):

        data = self.api('mqtt', {'message': 'subscribe'})
        if not data.get('success'):
            raise ValueError('Unable to subscribe to MQTT stream: %s' % data.get('error'))

        self.mqtt_id = data.get('id')
        self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.on_connect
        self.mqtt_client.on_disconnect = self.on_disconnect
        self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.on_message
        self.mqtt_client.connect(self.mqtt_broker, self.mqtt_port, self.mqtt_timeout)

    def log(self, message):
        print('[%s] %s' % (, message))

    def on_proposal(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a proposal is received
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_proposal` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')
    def on_inform_confirm(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a fulfillment has been confirmed
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_inform_confirm` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')
    def on_inform_payment(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a payment has been completed
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_inform_payment` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')
    def on_cfp(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a call for proposal is received
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_cfp` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')

    def on_accept_proposal(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a proposal is accepted
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_accept_proposal` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')
    def on_reject_proposal(self, data, irdi=None, submodels=None):
        This function is called as soon as a proposal is rejected
        Implement this function to do what you need as you please
        self.log('`[WARNING] on_reject_proposal` function not implemented yet, you might want to implement this!')

    #TODO: Implement other callback functions

    def on_message(self, client, userdata, message):
            data = json.loads(message.payload)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            self.log('Unable to decode, no json found')
            self.log('Received %s from %s' % (data['data']['messageType'], data['data']['data']['userName']))
                dat = data['data']['data']
                first_request = dat['dataElements']['submodels'][0]['identification']
                irdi = first_request['id']
                submodels = first_request['submodelElements']
                submodeldict = dict([(x['semanticId'], x) for x in submodels])
            except Exception as e:
                self.log('Error getting data: %s' % e)

            if data['data']['messageType'] == 'proposal':
                self.on_proposal(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)
            elif data['data']['messageType'] == 'acceptProposal':
                self.on_accept_proposal(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)
            elif data['data']['messageType'] == 'rejectProposal':
                self.on_reject_proposal(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)
            elif data['data']['messageType'] == 'informConfirm':
                self.on_inform_confirm(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)
            elif data['data']['messageType'] == 'informPayment':
                self.on_inform_payment(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)

            elif data['data']['messageType'] == 'callForProposal':
                self.on_cfp(dat, irdi=irdi, submodels=submodeldict)

                self.log('Unhandled message type: %s' % data['data']['messageType'])
        except KeyError as e:
            self.log('Invalid message format for data (%s) - %s' % (data, e))

    def on_connect(self, client, *args, **kwargs):
        self.log('subscribed to %s' % self.mqtt_id)

    def on_disconnect(self, client, *arg, **kwargs):
        self.log('mqtt disconnected')

Client program for service requester

This program use mqtt to connect with the server
from imp import IndustryMarketplace
import pprint
import sys

class ServiceRequester(IndustryMarketplace):
    name = 'MakerBangla'
    service_provider = False
    fund_wallet = True
    gps_coords = '23.759, 90.378'

    endpoint = ''  # or your localhost

    def on_proposal(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        Accept only for cell tower rent request
        self.log('on proposal called!')
            price = self.get_price(irdi, submodels)
            self.log('Received proposal for %si for irdi %s' % (price, irdi))
            if not price:
                self.log('Price not found, submodels: %s' % submodels)

            if price <= 50:
                self.log('Accepting proposal')
                self.log('Rejecting proposal')
        except Exception as e:
            self.log('Error on accepting: %s' % e)

    def on_inform_confirm(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        self.log('Offer confirmed, time to pay')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    imp = ServiceRequester()

    # Either run it as a listeing service
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:

    # Or as a one time command requesting a cell tower rent!
    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'request_tower':
        values = {  # cell tower rent service
            '0173-1#02-AAI957#004': 2,  # range [km], decimal
            '0173-1#07-AAL034#004': 10,  # frequency [MHz], double
            '0173-1#02-AAF090#005': 3,  # energy consumption [kWh], decimal
            '0173-1#02-BAF163#002': '54.4321, 4.5210',  # location [lat, lng], string

        ret = imp.cfp(irdi='0173-1#01-BAF575#004', values=values, location='23.321, 90.123')
        # pprint.pprint(ret)

Client program for service provider

from imp import IndustryMarketplace
import random
import pprint

class ServiceProvider(IndustryMarketplace):
    name = 'RF Communication'
    service_provider = True
    fund_wallet = False
    gps_coords = '23.123, 90.321'
    proposed_price = random.randint(10, 20)
    endpoint = ''

    def on_cfp(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        As soon as this service provider receives a CfP this function is called
        You can read the requester's requirements from submodels to define a price if you like

        self.log('Call for Proposal received for irdi %s!' % irdi)

        if irdi == '0173-1#01-BAF575#004':   #irdi for cell tower rent service
                location = self.get_location(irdi, submodels)
                cell_range = self.get_range(irdi, submodels)
                frequency = self.get_frequency(irdi, submodels)
                energy_consumption = self.get_energy_consumption(irdi, submodels)

                if cell_range <= 1 and frequency <= 1000 and energy_consumption <= 2:
                    self.proposed_price = 20
                elif cell_range <= 2 and frequency <= 1000 and energy_consumption <= 2:
                    self.proposed_price = 25
                elif cell_range <= 3 and frequency <= 1000 and energy_consumption <= 4:
                    self.proposed_price = 30
                elif cell_range <= 6 and frequency <= 1000 and energy_consumption <= 6:
                    self.proposed_price = 35
                elif cell_range > 6 and frequency <= 1000 and energy_consumption > 6:
                    self.proposed_price = 40
                elif cell_range <= 4 and frequency <= 3000 and energy_consumption <= 2:
                    self.proposed_price = 27
                elif cell_range <= 4 and frequency <= 3000 and energy_consumption <= 4:
                    self.proposed_price = 33
                elif cell_range <= 2 and frequency <= 3000 and energy_consumption <= 4:
                    self.proposed_price = 38
                elif cell_range > 4 and frequency <= 3000 and energy_consumption > 4:
                    self.proposed_price = 43
                    self.proposed_price = 50

                print('Received proposal request for location = %s, range'
                      '= %s, frequency = %s, energy consumption = %s, for irdi %s' % (
                      location, cell_range, frequency, energy_consumption, irdi))

            except Exception as e:
                self.log('Error on accepting: %s' % e)

            self.log('We only rent cell tower, ignore this one!')

            ret = self.proposal(data, price_in_iota=self.proposed_price)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log('Unable to send proposal', e)

        self.log('proposal sent! Requesting %si for this service' % self.proposed_price)

    def on_accept_proposal(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        self.log('Proposal accepted! Start fulfilling')
        self.log('Sending inform confirm')
        ret = self.inform_confirm(data)
        # self.log(ret)

    def on_reject_proposal(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        self.log('Proposal rejected!')
        price = self.get_price(irdi, submodels)
        marginal_price = 0.8*self.proposed_price
        if price > marginal_price:
                ret = self.proposal(data, price_in_iota=price * 0.8)
                self.log('20% Discount is offered!')
            except Exception as e:
                self.log('Unable to send proposal', e)
            self.log('Proposal rejected even after 20% discount!')

    def on_inform_payment(self, data, irdi, submodels):
        self.log('Payment received! IMP transaction done!')
        # pprint.pprint(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    imp = ServiceProvider()


Md. Khairul Alam

Md. Khairul Alam

67 projects • 581 followers
Developer, Maker & Hardware Hacker. Currently working as a faculty at the University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
