Jonathan Tan
Published © GPL3+

Build a TinyML Smart Weather Station with Wio Terminal!

Learn to build your very own smart weather station powered by machine learning, from data acquisition to training to deployment!

AdvancedFull instructions provided4 hours2,922
Build a TinyML Smart Weather Station with Wio Terminal!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Grove DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Microsoft Visual Studio Code


Read more


Wio Terminal TinyML Smart Weather Station Github

Download the repository as a ZIP, follow the instructions in the project page to use. Have fun!


Jonathan Tan

Jonathan Tan

6 projects • 16 followers
MS Data Science Candidate | MEng (Robotics) Graduate | Ex-Tech Content Editor @ Seeed Studio
