
teensy power controller

teensy++ controlling voltage regs. and power transistors.

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teensy power controller

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    /*this is controlling my powerbox, 3050, 3090 and fans W/PWM.takes the temp of 3050/3090 to enable auto fan speed.
     fan1 is a small computer fan, fan2 is the xbox fans.(no longer connected)remote cox universal aux 0820.
     monitors the voltage and current has a selector for high current and low current (changes the resistance to calculate with) can constant current charge a battery with different voltages and different amperages will slow down/turn off once voltage is reached.
     voltage can be set by sending it over the serial port.
     ABSOLUTE MAX OF 21.5v ON ALL INPUTS! now more accurate.
     button panel is a direct tv satellite box
     put together by SuperBrainAK
     version 0_5
    #include <IRremote.h>                                       //includes libraries.
    //const pin assignments
    const byte irin = 27;
    const byte temp = 45;
    const byte vlts = 38;
    const byte ain = 39;
    const byte aout = 40;
    const byte pbox = 0;
    const byte red = 17;
    const byte green = 13;
    const byte v5 = 21;
    const byte v9 = 22;
    const byte fan1 = 26;
    //const byte fan2 = 25;
    const byte batchrg = 25;
    const byte Button1 = 1;                                     //power (power)
    const byte Button2 = 2;                                     //5v power (guide)
    const byte Button3 = 3;                                     //9v power (menu)
    const byte Button4 = 4;                                     //change amperage resistance (active)
    const byte Button5 = 5;                                     //raise the output voltage (up)
    const byte Button6 = 7;                                     //lower the output voltage (down)
    const byte Button7 = 8;                                     //reset the current and voltage (select)
    const byte Button8 = 9;                                     //raises the output current (right)
    const byte Button9 = 10;                                    //lowers the output current (left)
    IRrecv irrecv(irin);                                        //ir recv stuff.
    decode_results results;
    int16_t adc_read_vcc(){
      //"reset" the ADMUX
      ADMUX = 0b01000000;
      ADMUX |=(1<<REFS0) | (1<<MUX4) | (1<<MUX3) | (1<<MUX2) | (1<<MUX1);
      //REFS0 - VCC as reference
      //mux - measurment on the 1.11V internal
      ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);//ADEN - enable ADC. ADPS - 1,1,1 = F_CPU/128 prescalar (should work for 8MHz - 16MHz)
      ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);//we start conversion
      while(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)));//Wait for conversion to complete
      ADCSRA|=(1<<ADIF);//just making sure it's 0
      return (1125300L/ADC);//to get it in mV (to not to loose to many decimals) - (1100mV*1023)
    void setup () {
      pinMode(pbox, OUTPUT);                                    //pin modes
      pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(v5, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(v9, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(fan1, OUTPUT);
      //pinMode(fan2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(batchrg, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(temp, INPUT);
      pinMode(vlts, INPUT);
      pinMode(ain, INPUT);
      pinMode(aout, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button1, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button2, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button3, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button4, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button5, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button6, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button7, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button8, INPUT);
      pinMode(Button9, INPUT);
    unsigned long last = millis();                              //declares millis var?
    byte startup = 0;                                           //runs startup sequence if=0.
    byte power = 0;                                             //main power state.
    byte p5v = 0;                                               //5V power state.
    byte p9v = 0;                                               //9V power state.
    byte start1 = 0;                                            //startup for fan1.
    int speed1 = 0;                                             //speed of fan1.
    //int speed2 = 0;                                             //speed of fan2.
    int lspeed1 = 0;                                            //last speed of fan1.
    //int lspeed2 = 0;                                            //last speed of fan2.
    int tval = 0;                                               //temperature value.
    int ltval = 0;                                              //last temperature value.
    float Vcc = 0;                                              //stores the Vcc voltage. in mV
    float volts = 0;                                            //voltage metering.
    float vampin = 0;                                           //voltage before the current resistor.
    float vampout = 0;                                          //voltage after the current resistor.
    byte amp = 0;                                               //0=low current, 1=high current.
    float amps = 0;                                             //calculated amps.
    float crntlmt = 0;                                          //max current the transistor will source.
    float vltlmt = 0;                                           //max voltage the transistor will get to.
    int chrgrte = 0;                                            //PWM value for the NPN to a PNP charging transistor via a small transformer.(reminder set a PWM limit to prevent overheat and maintain efficiency)
    int lchrgrte = 1;
    void loop() {
      if (startup == 0){                                        //sets the states of my sensitive outputs.
        digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(pbox, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(v5, LOW);
        digitalWrite(v9, LOW);
        startup = 1;
      byte pbutton = 0;                                         //temporary power variable state.
      byte p5 = 0;                                              //temporary 5V variable state.
      byte p9 = 0;                                              //temporary 9V variable state.
      byte crnt = 0;                                            //temporary current variable state.
      if (Serial.available()){                                  //will set the voltage to the recieved value.
        vltlmt = Serial.parseFloat();                           //use Serial.parseFloat() for grabbing floats over serial.
      if (millis() - last > 1000) {                             //only recieves an input every second.
        if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {                          //recieves the ir signal.
          if (results.value == 0xd87245ba) {                    //power button.
            Serial.println("power button");
            pbutton = !pbutton;
          else if (results.value == 0xffc03f){
          else if (results.value == 0xff807f){
          else if (results.value == 0xff609f){
          else if (results.value == 0xff906f){
          else if (results.value == 0xfff807){
          else if (results.value == 0xffb04f){
          else if (results.value == 0xffa857){                  //changes the current ranges.
            crnt = !crnt;
          else if (results.value == 0xd872748b){
            speed1 += 5;                                        //fan1 speed +5.
          else if (results.value == 0xd872b44b){
            speed1 -= 5;                                        //fan1 speed -5.
          else if (results.value == 0xd872f807){
            //speed2 -= 5;                                        //fan2 speed -5.
          else if (results.value == 0xd87204fb){
            //speed2 += 5;                                        //fan2 speed +5.
          else if (results.value == 0xd8720cf3){
          else if (results.value == 0xffe817){
          else if (results.value == 0xff6897){
          else if (results.value == 0xffb24d){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872649b){
          else if (results.value == 0xff58a7){
          else if (results.value == 0xff40bf){
            Serial.println("lcd mode");
          else if (results.value == 0xffa05f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872d02f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872906f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872f00f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872b04f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd87252ad){                  //5v power button.
            p5 = !p5;
          else if (results.value == 0xd872d02f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872708f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872609f){
          else if (results.value == 0xd872a05f){                  //9v power button.
            p9 = !p9;
          else if (results.value == 0xd87240bf){
          else {                                                  //tells you any unknown signal.
            if (results.decode_type == NEC) {
              Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
            else if (results.decode_type == SONY) {
              Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
            else if (results.decode_type == RC5) {
              Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
            else if (results.decode_type == RC6) {
              Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
            Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
        if (digitalRead(Button1) == LOW){                         //reads the button1 state.
          pbutton = !pbutton;
        if (digitalRead(Button2) == LOW){                         //reads the button2 state.
          p5 = !p5;
        if (digitalRead(Button3) == LOW){                         //reads the button3 state.
          p9 = !p9;
        if (digitalRead(Button4) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
          crnt = !crnt;
        if (digitalRead(Button5) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
          Serial.println("button5: volt limit up");
          vltlmt += .1;
        if (digitalRead(Button6) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
            Serial.println("button6: volt limit dowm");
            vltlmt -= .1;
        if (digitalRead(Button7) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
          Serial.println("button7: volt and current limits reset");
          chrgrte = 0;                                            //shuts off the transistor resets the voltage and current parameters.
          vltlmt = 0;
          crntlmt = 0;
        if (digitalRead(Button8) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
          Serial.println("button8: current limit up");
          crntlmt += .1;
        if (digitalRead(Button9) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
          Serial.println("button9: current limit down");
          crntlmt -= .1;
        tval = analogRead(temp);                                  //updates the temperature.
        if (tval > 450){                                          //cold temperature turns fan off if not already off.
          if (speed1 != 0){
            speed1 = 0;
        if (450 >= tval && tval >= 300){                          //medium temperature auto equalize the fan.
          if (tval > ltval){                                      //if the temp. falls slow down the fan.
            speed1 --;
          if (tval < ltval){
            speed1 ++;                                            //if the temp. rises speed up the fan.
        if (tval < 300){                                          //rather hot turns fan to max.
          speed1 = 70;
        if (tval < 250){                                          //hot and hotter tells you so.
          Serial.println("HEAT SINK IS HOT!!!");
          digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
          p5v = 1 , p5 = 1 , p9v = 1 , p9 = 1;                    //turns off the regulators.
          chrgrte = 0;                                            //stops any charging.
          crntlmt = -0.1;                                         //resets the current limit.
          speed1 = 70;                                            //makes sure the fan is running.
        Serial.print("temp value is: ");                           //says the temp value.
        ltval = tval;                                             //updates the last temperature.
        if (pbutton == 1){                                        //toggles my power outputs.
          Serial.println("power: ");
          power = !power;
          if (power){
          else {
          digitalWrite(pbox, power ? LOW : HIGH);
          digitalWrite(green, power ? HIGH : LOW);
          digitalWrite(v5, power ? HIGH : LOW);
          digitalWrite(v9, power ? HIGH : LOW);
          digitalWrite(red, power ? LOW : HIGH);
        if (p5 == 1){                                             //toggles my 5V output.
          Serial.print("5v power: ");
          p5v = !p5v;
          if (p5v){
          else {
          digitalWrite(v5, p5v ? HIGH : LOW);
        if (p9 == 1){                                             //toggles my 9V output.
          Serial.print("9v power: ");
          p9v = !p9v;
          if (p9v){
          else {
          digitalWrite(v9, p9v ? HIGH : LOW);
        if (crnt == 1){                                           //changes the resistance to use for current calculation.
          Serial.println("changed resistance");
          amp = !amp;
        if (speed1 < 0){                                          //limits range of speeds.
          Serial.println("fan1 low");
          speed1 = 0;
        if (speed1 > 70){
          Serial.println("fan1 high");
          speed1 = 70;
        /*if (speed2 < 0){
         Serial.println("fan2 low");
         speed2 = 0;
         if (speed2 > 100){
         Serial.println("fan2 high");
         speed2 = 100;
        if (speed1 != lspeed1){                                     //writes the speed of fan1 if change.
          lspeed1 = speed1;
          if (speed1 <= 14){                                        //puts start1 if fan1 gets to slow to run.
            start1 = 0;
          if (start1 != 2){
            if (start1 == 0){                                       //notices when to startup the fan.
              if (37 > speed1 && speed1 > 14){
                start1 = 1;
          if (start1 == 1){                                         //starts the fan to access low speeds.
            Serial.println("starting fan1");
            analogWrite(fan1, 70);
            start1 = 2;
            delay (100);
        if (speed1 > 14){
          analogWrite(fan1, speed1);
          Serial.print("fan1 speed is: ");                           //says the fan1 speed.
        else {
          Serial.print("fan1 speed is slow: ");
          analogWrite(fan1, 0);
        /*if (speed2 != lspeed2){                                   //writes the speed of fan2 if change.
         delay (100);
         lspeed2 = speed2;
         analogWrite(fan2, speed2);
         Serial.print("fan2 speed is:");                            //says the fan2 speed.
        Vcc = adc_read_vcc();                                     //updates the Vcc voltage for correct measurements.
        volts = (((analogRead(vlts)/1023.0)*5*42620)/9800);       //reads the voltage.
        Serial.print("voltage is: ");
        Serial.println(volts);                                    //tells you the voltage.
        vampin = (((analogRead(ain)/1023.0)*5*42390)/9770);       //reads the voltage in.
        vampout = (((analogRead(aout)/1023.0)*5*43060)/9940);     //reads the voltage out.
        Serial.print("voltage in is: ");
        Serial.println(vampin);                                   //tells you the voltage in.
        Serial.print("voltage out is: ");
        Serial.println(vampout);                                  //tells you the voltage out.
        Serial.print("voltage drop is: ");
        Serial.println(vampin - vampout);                         //tells you the voltage drop.*i will comment this out as it is just for debugging
        if (amp){                                                 //calculates for high current.
          amps = ((vampin - vampout)/.22);
        else {
          amps = ((vampin - vampout)/.47);                        //calculates for low current.
        if (amp){
          Serial.print("high ");
        else {
          Serial.print("low ");
        Serial.print("amperage is: ");
        Serial.println(amps);                                     //tells you the amperage.
        if ((crntlmt - amps) > .05){                              //the current is lower than the specified limit move on to voltage check.
          if ((vltlmt - vampout) > .05){                          //if the voltage is lower than the specified value go ahead and decrease the PWM.
            if (chrgrte < 255){
              chrgrte ++;
              Serial.print("increased, ");
        if ((vampout - vltlmt) > .05){//if the current or voltage is higher than the specified limit decrease the charge rate.
          if (chrgrte > 0){
            chrgrte --;
            Serial.print("high voltage decreasing, ");
        if ((amps - crntlmt) > .05){
          if (chrgrte > 0){
            chrgrte --;
            Serial.print("high current decreasing, ");
        if (chrgrte != lchrgrte){                                //changes the PWM of the transistor.
          analogWrite(batchrg, chrgrte);
          lchrgrte = chrgrte;
          Serial.print("PWM change");
        Serial.print("charge rate: ");                           //tells you the charge rate.
        Serial.print("voltage limit: ");                         //tells you the voltage limit.
        Serial.print("current limit: ");                         //tells you the current limit.
        last = millis();
      }                                                           //end of every second things.


/*this is controlling my powerbox, 3050, 3090 and fans W/PWM.takes the temp of 3050/3090 to enable auto fan speed.
 fan1 is a small computer fan, fan2 is the xbox fans.(no longer connected)remote cox universal aux 0820.
 monitors the voltage and current has a selector for high current and low current (changes the resistance to calculate with) can constant current charge a battery with different voltages and different amperages will slow down/turn off once voltage is reached.
 ABSOLUTE MAX OF 21.5v ON ALL INPUTS! now more accurate.
 button panel is a direct tv satellite box
 put together by SuperBrainAK
#include <IRremote.h>                                       //includes libraries.
//const pin assignments
const byte irin = 27;
const byte temp = 45;
const byte vlts = 38;
const byte ain = 39;
const byte aout = 40;
const byte pbox = 0;
const byte red = 17;
const byte green = 13;
const byte v5 = 21;
const byte v9 = 22;
const byte fan1 = 26;
//const byte fan2 = 25;
const byte batchrg = 25;
const byte Button1 = 1;                                     //power (power)
const byte Button2 = 2;                                     //5v power (guide)
const byte Button3 = 3;                                     //9v power (menu)
const byte Button4 = 4;                                     //change amperage resistance (active)
const byte Button5 = 5;                                     //raise the output voltage (up)
const byte Button6 = 7;                                     //lower the output voltage (down)
const byte Button7 = 8;                                     //reset the current and voltage (select)
const byte Button8 = 9;                                     //raises the output current (right)
const byte Button9 = 10;                                    //lowers the output current (left)

IRrecv irrecv(irin);                                        //ir recv stuff.
decode_results results;

int16_t adc_read_vcc(){
  //"reset" the ADMUX
  ADMUX = 0b01000000;

  ADMUX |=(1<<REFS0) | (1<<MUX4) | (1<<MUX3) | (1<<MUX2) | (1<<MUX1);
  //REFS0 - VCC as reference
  //mux - measurment on the 1.11V internal

  ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);//ADEN - enable ADC. ADPS - 1,1,1 = F_CPU/128 prescalar (should work for 8MHz - 16MHz)


  ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);//we start conversion

  while(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF)));//Wait for conversion to complete

  ADCSRA|=(1<<ADIF);//just making sure it's 0

  return (1125300L/ADC);//to get it in mV (to not to loose to many decimals) - (1100mV*1023)

void setup () {
  pinMode(pbox, OUTPUT);                                    //pin modes
  pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(v5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(v9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fan1, OUTPUT);
  //pinMode(fan2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(batchrg, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(temp, INPUT);
  pinMode(vlts, INPUT);
  pinMode(ain, INPUT);
  pinMode(aout, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button1, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button2, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button3, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button4, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button5, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button6, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button7, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button8, INPUT);
  pinMode(Button9, INPUT);
unsigned long last = millis();                              //declares millis var?
byte startup = 0;                                           //runs startup sequence if=0.
byte power = 0;                                             //main power state.
byte p5v = 0;                                               //5V power state.
byte p9v = 0;                                               //9V power state.
byte start1 = 0;                                            //startup for fan1.
int speed1 = 0;                                             //speed of fan1.
//int speed2 = 0;                                             //speed of fan2.
int lspeed1 = 0;                                            //last speed of fan1.
//int lspeed2 = 0;                                            //last speed of fan2.
int tval = 0;                                               //temperature value.
int ltval = 0;                                              //last temperature value.
float Vcc = 0;                                              //stores the Vcc voltage. in mV
float volts = 0;                                            //voltage metering.
float vampin = 0;                                           //voltage before the current resistor.
float vampout = 0;                                          //voltage after the current resistor.
byte amp = 0;                                               //0=low current, 1=high current.
float amps = 0;                                             //calculated amps.
float crntlmt = 0;                                          //max current the transistor will source.
float vltlmt = 0;                                           //max voltage the transistor will get to.
int chrgrte = 0;                                            //PWM value for the PNP to a NPN charging transistor.
int lchrgrte = 1;

void loop() {
  if (startup == 0){                                        //sets the states of my sensitive outputs.
    digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pbox, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(v5, LOW);
    digitalWrite(v9, LOW);
    startup = 1;
  byte pbutton = 0;                                         //temporary power variable state.
  byte p5 = 0;                                              //temporary 5V variable state.
  byte p9 = 0;                                              //temporary 9V variable state.
  byte crnt = 0;                                            //temporary current variable state.
  if (millis() - last > 1000) {                             //only recieves an input every second.
    if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {                          //recieves the ir signal.
      if (results.value == 0xd87245ba) {                    //power button.
        Serial.println("power button");
        pbutton = !pbutton;
      else if (results.value == 0xffc03f){
      else if (results.value == 0xff807f){
      else if (results.value == 0xff609f){
      else if (results.value == 0xff906f){
      else if (results.value == 0xfff807){
      else if (results.value == 0xffb04f){
      else if (results.value == 0xffa857){                  //changes the current ranges.
        crnt = !crnt;
      else if (results.value == 0xd872748b){
        speed1 += 5;                                        //fan1 speed +5.
      else if (results.value == 0xd872b44b){
        speed1 -= 5;                                        //fan1 speed -5.
      else if (results.value == 0xd872f807){
        //speed2 -= 5;                                        //fan2 speed -5.
      else if (results.value == 0xd87204fb){
        //speed2 += 5;                                        //fan2 speed +5.
      else if (results.value == 0xd8720cf3){
      else if (results.value == 0xffe817){
      else if (results.value == 0xff6897){
      else if (results.value == 0xffb24d){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872649b){
      else if (results.value == 0xff58a7){
      else if (results.value == 0xff40bf){
        Serial.println("lcd mode");
      else if (results.value == 0xffa05f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872d02f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872906f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872f00f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872b04f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd87252ad){                  //5v power button.
        p5 = !p5;
      else if (results.value == 0xd872d02f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872708f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872609f){
      else if (results.value == 0xd872a05f){                  //9v power button.
        p9 = !p9;
      else if (results.value == 0xd87240bf){
      else {                                                  //tells you any unknown signal.
        if (results.decode_type == NEC) {
          Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
        else if (results.decode_type == SONY) {
          Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
        else if (results.decode_type == RC5) {
          Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
        else if (results.decode_type == RC6) {
          Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
        Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
    if (digitalRead(Button1) == LOW){                         //reads the button1 state.
      pbutton = !pbutton;
    if (digitalRead(Button2) == LOW){                         //reads the button2 state.
      p5 = !p5;
    if (digitalRead(Button3) == LOW){                         //reads the button3 state.
      p9 = !p9;
    if (digitalRead(Button4) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
      crnt = !crnt;
    if (digitalRead(Button5) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
      Serial.println("button5: volt limit up");
      vltlmt += .1;
    if (digitalRead(Button6) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
        Serial.println("button6: volt limit dowm");
        vltlmt -= .1;
    if (digitalRead(Button7) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
      Serial.println("button7: volt and current limits reset");
      vltlmt = 0;                                             //shuts off the voltage and current parameters.
      crntlmt = 0;
    if (digitalRead(Button8) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
      Serial.println("button8: current limit up");
      crntlmt += .1;
    if (digitalRead(Button9) == LOW){                         //reads the button4 state.
      Serial.println("button9: current limit down");
      crntlmt -= .1;
    tval = analogRead(temp);                                  //updates the temperature.
    if (tval > 450){                                          //cold temperature turns fan off if not already off.
      if (speed1 != 0){
        speed1 = 0;
    if (450 >= tval && tval >= 300){                          //medium temperature auto equalize the fan.
      if (tval > ltval){                                      //if the temp. falls slow down the fan.
        speed1 --;
      if (tval < ltval){
        speed1 ++;                                            //if the temp. rises speed up the fan.
    if (tval < 300){                                          //rather hot turns fan to max.
      speed1 = 70;
    if (tval < 250){                                          //hot and hotter tells you so.
      Serial.println("heat sink is hot!");
      digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
      p5v = 1 , p5 = 1 , p9v = 1 , p9 = 1;                    //turns off the regulators.
      chrgrte = 0;                                            //stops any charging.
      crntlmt = -0.1                                          //resets the current limit.
      speed1 = 70;                                            //makes sure the fan is running.
    Serial.print("temp value is:");                           //says the temp value.
    ltval = tval;                                             //updates the last temperature.
    if (pbutton == 1){                                        //toggles my power outputs.
      power = !power;
      if (power){
      else {
      digitalWrite(pbox, power ? LOW : HIGH);
      digitalWrite(green, power ? HIGH : LOW);
      digitalWrite(v5, power ? HIGH : LOW);
      digitalWrite(v9, power ? HIGH : LOW);
      digitalWrite(red, power ? LOW : HIGH);
    if (p5 == 1){                                             //toggles my 5V output.
      Serial.println("5v power");
      p5v = !p5v;
      if (p5v){
      else {
      digitalWrite(v5, p5v ? HIGH : LOW);
    if (p9 == 1){                                             //toggles my 9V output.
      Serial.println("9v power");
      p9v = !p9v;
      if (p9v){
      else {
      digitalWrite(v9, p9v ? HIGH : LOW);
    if (crnt == 1){                                           //changes the resistance to use for current calculation.
      Serial.println("changed resistance");
      amp = !amp;
    if (speed1 < 0){                                          //limits range of speeds.
      Serial.println("fan1 low");
      speed1 = 0;
    if (speed1 > 70){
      Serial.println("fan1 high");
      speed1 = 70;
    /*if (speed2 < 0){
     Serial.println("fan2 low");
     speed2 = 0;
     if (speed2 > 100){
     Serial.println("fan2 high");
     speed2 = 100;
    if (speed1 != lspeed1){                                     //writes the speed of fan1 if change.
      lspeed1 = speed1;
      if (speed1 <= 14){                                        //puts start1 if fan1 gets to slow to run.
        start1 = 0;
      if (start1 != 2){
        if (start1 == 0){                                       //notices when to startup the fan.
          if (37 > speed1 && speed1 > 14){
            start1 = 1;
      if (start1 == 1){                                         //starts the fan to access low speeds.
        Serial.println("starting fan1");
        analogWrite(fan1, 70);
        start1 = 2;
        delay (100);
    if (speed1 > 14){
      analogWrite(fan1, speed1);
      Serial.print("fan1 speed is:");                           //says the fan1 speed.
    else {
      Serial.print("fan1 speed is slow: ");
      analogWrite(fan1, 0);
    /*if (speed2 != lspeed2){                                   //writes the speed of fan2 if change.
     delay (100);
     lspeed2 = speed2;
     analogWrite(fan2, speed2);
     Serial.print("fan2 speed is:");                            //says the fan2 speed.
    Vcc = adc_read_vcc();                                     //updates the Vcc voltage for correct measurements.
    volts = (((analogRead(vlts)/1023.0)*5*42620)/9800);       //reads the voltage.
    Serial.print("voltage is: ");
    Serial.println(volts);                                    //tells you the voltage.
    vampin = (((analogRead(ain)/1023.0)*5*42390)/9770);       //reads the voltage in.
    vampout = (((analogRead(aout)/1023.0)*5*43060)/9940);     //reads the voltage out.
    Serial.print("voltage in is: ");
    Serial.println(vampin);                                   //tells you the voltage in.
    Serial.print("voltage out is: ");
    Serial.println(vampout);                                  //tells you the voltage out.
    Serial.print("voltage drop is: ");
    Serial.println(vampin - vampout);                         //tells you the voltage drop.*i will comment this out as it is just for debugging
    if (amp){                                                 //calculates for high current.
      amps = ((vampin - vampout)/.22);
    else {
      amps = ((vampin - vampout)/.47);                        //calculates for low current.
    Serial.print("amperage is ");
    if (amp){
      Serial.print("high: ");
    else {
      Serial.print("low: ");
    Serial.println(amps);                                     //tells you the amperage.
    if ((crntlmt - amps) > .05){                              //the current is lower than the specified limit move on to voltage check.
      if ((vltlmt - vampout) > .05){                          //if the voltage is lower than the specified value go ahead and decrease the PWM.
        if (chrgrte < 255){
          chrgrte ++;
          Serial.print("increased ");
    if ((vampout - vltlmt) > .05){//if the current or voltage is higher than the specified limit decrease the charge rate.
      if (chrgrte > 0){
        chrgrte --;
        Serial.print("high voltage decreasing ");
    if ((amps - crntlmt) > .05){
      if (chrgrte > 0){
        chrgrte --;
        Serial.print("high current decreasing ");
    if (chrgrte != lchrgrte){
      analogWrite(batchrg, chrgrte);
      lchrgrte = chrgrte;
      Serial.print("changed PWM ");
    Serial.print("charge rate: ");                           //tells you the charge rate.
    Serial.print("voltage limit: ");                         //tells you the voltage limit.
    Serial.print("current limit: ");                         //tells you the current limit.
    last = millis();
  }                                                           //end of every second things.




2 projects • 2 followers
your above the norm white guy who loves to experiment and try new things, especially interested in SMPS or DC to DC converters.
