Kaloyan RaevReni Stambolieva
Published © CC BY

Pot of Gold Counter with Lego, Snap Circuits, and Micro:bit

Build your own pot of gold for St. Patrick's Day from Lego bricks and make it count the coins with the help of Micro:bit and Snap Circuits.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1.5 hours1,551
Pot of Gold Counter with Lego, Snap Circuits, and Micro:bit

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BBC micro:bit board
BBC micro:bit board
snap:bit board
snap:bit board
Snap Circuits Jr.® 100 Experiments
Snap Circuits Jr.® 100 Experiments
Lego bricks
4 x Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole, 4 x Technic Pin, various bricks and plates.

Software apps and online services

micro:bit pxt.microbit.org


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Pot of Gold Diagram

The Red LED (D1) and the Photoresistor (RP) are inside the pot of gold.


Kaloyan Raev
39 projects • 16 followers
I am a software engineer in my day job. I love hacking. I spend half my day repairing my kid's toys. I am the creator of the snap:bit.
Reni Stambolieva
39 projects • 6 followers
Hi! I'm Irena a mother of two. I am a homeschooling mom and we like to play and learn.
