Slant Concepts
Published © CC0

"Waldo" Motion Capture with LittleArm

Building a "waldo" training pendant for the Arduino LittleArm.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)2 hours6,578
"Waldo" Motion Capture with LittleArm

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
LittleArm - Full Kit
LittleArm - Full Kit

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


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LittleArm Arduino Waldo Wiring Diagram

Alternate Wiring diagram (without usb connection)

This is an update to the first wiring diagram. It allows the powering of the arduino and the servos from the power supply and changes the reference value. This is a better method. But try to disconnect the servos when plugged into the USB. The two power sources can damage each other or the board.


LittleArm Arduino Waldo Code

// training program with gripper button working.

#include <Servo.h>  //arduino library
#include <math.h>   //standard c library

#define PI 3.141

Servo baseServo;  
Servo shoulderServo;  
Servo elbowServo; 
Servo gripperServo;

int command;

struct jointAngle{
  int base;
  int shoulder;
  int elbow;

int desiredGrip = 30;

int basePotPin = A0;
int shoulderPotPin = A1;
int elbowPotPin = A2; 

int desiredDelay = 3;

int potValHolder1;
int potValHolder2;
int potValHolder3;

int recordPin = 2;
int gripPin = 3;

bool gripped = 1;

bool holder = 1;

struct jointAngle desiredAngle; //desired angles of the servos

//+++++++++++++++FUNCTION DECLARATIONS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

int servoParallelControl (int thePos, Servo theServo );

void setup()
  baseServo.attach(9);        // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object 
  Serial.setTimeout(50);      //ensures the the arduino does not read serial for too long
  baseServo.write(90);        //intial positions of servos

  pinMode(gripPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(recordPin, INPUT);

//primary arduino loop
void loop() 
    potValHolder1 = analogRead(basePotPin);
    if (potValHolder1 < 500){
        desiredAngle.base = map(potValHolder1, 0, 500, 175, 5);
    potValHolder2 = analogRead(shoulderPotPin);
    if (potValHolder2 > 500){
       desiredAngle.shoulder = map(potValHolder2, 501, 1023, 175, 5);
    potValHolder3 = analogRead(elbowPotPin);
    if (potValHolder3 < 500){
       desiredAngle.elbow = map(potValHolder3, 0, 500, 175, 5);

   // holder = digitalRead(gripPin);

// read the gripper button to define position. 
// when the button is pressed the gripper changes positions
    if ((digitalRead(gripPin) ==HIGH) ){
      gripped = !gripped;    

      if (gripped == 1){
        desiredGrip = 3;
      if (gripped == 0){
        desiredGrip = 75;

  int status1 = 0;
  int status2 = 0;
  int status3 = 0;
  int status4 = 0;
  int done = 0 ; 
  while( done == 0){  
    //move the servo to the desired position
    status1 = servoParallelControl(desiredAngle.base, baseServo, desiredDelay);
    status2 = servoParallelControl(desiredAngle.shoulder,  shoulderServo, desiredDelay);
    status3 = servoParallelControl(desiredAngle.elbow, elbowServo, desiredDelay);      
    status4 = servoParallelControl(desiredGrip, gripperServo, desiredDelay);  
    if (status1 == 1 & status2 == 1 & status3 == 1 & status4 == 1){
      done = 1;
  }// end of while

//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++FUNCTION DEFITNITIONS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

int servoParallelControl (int thePos, Servo theServo, int theSpeed ){
    int startPos =;        //read the current pos
    int newPos = startPos;
    //int theSpeed = speed;
    //define where the pos is with respect to the command
    // if the current position is less that the actual move up
    if (startPos < (thePos-5)){
       newPos = newPos + 1;
       return 0;
   else if (newPos > (thePos + 5)){
      newPos = newPos - 1;
      return 0;
    else {
        return 1;


Slant Concepts

Slant Concepts

8 projects • 173 followers
Slant is a group of makers and engineers creating robots and other gadgets
Thanks to LittleArm.
