Simon Vavpotic
Published © GPL3+

ESP32 Internet Radio with wired Ethernet connection

Provides a faster, more reliable and safer internet connection and may also be programmed as a Wi-Fi to Ethernet router.

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ESP32 Internet Radio with wired Ethernet connection

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Espressif ESP32
Ethernet Module by
VS1053 Module

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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ESP32 Internet Radio with wired Ethernet connection


ESP32 Internet Radio with wired Ethernet connection

Compile in Arduino environment. Find more information on
//*  ESP32_Radio_SRV -- Webradio receiver for ESP32, VS1053 MP3 module and optional display.                        *
//*  Firmware updates and ArduinOTA are disabled to prevent updating with a unsuitable firmware from                *
//*  the Internet                                                                                                   *
//*  NOTE: Alter SPI.cpp library to comment or remove the last program line, like this: "// SPIClass SPI(HSPI);"    *                                                                                   *
//*  to be enable VSPI bus to be replaced by HSPI bus to support LAN8720A Network module                            *
//* (ex.path:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.4\libraries\SPI\src)  *
//*   																												*
// ESP32 libraries used:
//  - WiFiMulti
//  - nvs
//  - Adafruit_ST7735
//  - ArduinoOTA
//  - PubSubClientenc_dt_pin
//  - SD
//  - FS
//  - update
// A library for the VS1053 (for ESP32) is not available (or not easy to find).  Therefore
// a class for this module is derived from the maniacbug library and integrated in this sketch.
// See for suitable stations.  Add the stations of your choice
// to the preferences in either Esp32_radio_init.ino sketch or through the webinterface.
// Brief description of the program:
// First a suitable WiFi network is found and a connection is made.
// Then a connection will be made to a shoutcast server.  The server starts with some
// info in the header in readable ascii, ending with a double CRLF, like:
//  icy-name:Classic Rock Florida - SHE Radio
//  icy-genre:Classic Rock 60s 70s 80s Oldies Miami South Florida
//  icy-url:
//  content-type:audio/mpeg
//  icy-pub:1
//  icy-metaint:32768          - Metadata after 32768 bytes of MP3-data
//  icy-br:128                 - in kb/sec (for Ogg this is like "icy-br=Quality 2"
// After de double CRLF is received, the server starts sending mp3- or Ogg-data.  For mp3, this
// data may contain metadata (non mp3) after every "metaint" mp3 bytes.
// The metadata is empty in most cases, but if any is available the content will be
// presented on the TFT.
// Pushing an input button causes the player to execute a programmable command.
// The display used is a Chinese 1.8 color TFT module 128 x 160 pixels.
// Now there is room for 26 characters per line and 16 lines.
// Software will work without installing the display.
// Other displays are also supported. See documentation.
// The SD card interface of the module may be used to play mp3-tracks on the SD card.
// For configuration of the WiFi network(s): see the global data section further on.
// The VSPI interface is used for VS1053, TFT and SD.
// Wiring. Note that this is just an example.  Pins (except 18,19 and 23 of the SPI interface)
// can be configured in the config page of the web interface.
// ESP32dev Signal      Wired to LCD        LAN8720A Network Module 	Wired to VS1053      SDCARD         Wired to the rest
// -------- ------      --------------      -----------------------     -------------------  ------         -------------------
// GPIO32   XDCS        -                   -                           pin 1 (XDCS)         -              -
// GPIO15   XCS         -                   -                           pin 2 (XCS)          -              -
// GPIO33   DREQ        -                   -                           pin 4 (DREQ)         -              -
// GPIO2    AD          pin 3 (D/C or A0)   -                           -                    -              -
// GPIO23   SD_CS       -                   -                           -                    pin 1 (CS)     -
// GPIO16   EMAC_MDIO   -                   MDIO                        -                    -              -
// GPIO17   EMAC_MCD    -                   MDC                         -                    -              -
// GPIO19   EMAC_TXD0   -                   TX0                         -                    -              -
// GPIO21   EMAC_TX_EN  -                   TX-EN                       -                    -              -
// GPIO22	EMAC_TXD1   -                   TX1                         -                    -              -
// GPIO25   EMAC_RXD0   -                   RX0                         -                    -              -
// GPIO26   EMAC_RXD1   -                   RX1                         -                    -              -
// GPIO27   EMAC_CRS_DV -                   CRS                         -                    -              -
// GPIO12   MISO        -                   -                           pin 7 (MISO)         pin 7 (MISO)   -
// GPIO13   MOSI        pin 4 (DIN or SDA)  -                           pin 6 (MOSI)         pin 2 (MOSI)   -
// GPIO14   SCK         pin 5 CLK or SCK    -                           pin 5 (SCK)          pin 5 (CLK)    -
// GPIO4    OSC-EN      -                   OSC-EN                      -                    -              -
// GPIO0    RETCLK      -                   nINT/RETCLK                 -                    -              -
// GPI03    RXD0        -                   -                           -                    -              Reserved serial input for programming
// GPIO1    TXD0        -                   -                           -                    -              Reserved serial output for programming
// GPIO18   -           -                   -                           -                    -              -
// GIO5    -           -                   -                           -                    -              -
// GPIO35   -           -                   -                           -                    -              Infrared receiver VS1838B
// GPIO34   -           -                   -                           -                    -              Rotary encoder CLK
// GPIO36   -           -                   -                           -                    -              Rotary encoder DT
// GPIO39   -           -                   -                           -                    -              Rotary encoder SW
// EN       -           pin 1 (RST)         -                           pin 3 (XRST)         -              -
// -------  ------      ---------------     ----------------------      -------------------  ------         ----------------
// GND      -       	pin 8 (GND)         GND						    pin 8 (GND)          pins 3,6 GND   Power supply GND
// VDD      3.3 V       -                   VCC                         -                    pin 4          3.3 V Power supply
// VCC      5 V         pin 7 (BL)          -                           pin 9 (5 V)          -              5 V Power supply
// VCC      5 V         pin 6 (VCC)         pin 9 (5 V)                 -                    -              5 V Power supply

// 22-06-2020, SV: A modified version to support fixed ethernet connection. Firmware updates and ArduinOTA are disabled to prevent updating with a unsuitable firmware from the Internet                                                                                   
// 26-04-2017, ES: First set-up, derived from ESP8266 version.
// 08-05-2017, ES: Handling of preferences.
// 20-05-2017, ES: Handling input buttons and MQTT.
// 22-05-2017, ES: Save preset, volume and tone settings.
// 23-05-2017, ES: No more calls of non-iram functions on interrupts.
// 24-05-2017, ES: Support for featherboard.
// 26-05-2017, ES: Correction playing from .m3u playlist. Allow single hidden SSID.
// 30-05-2017, ES: Add SD card support (FAT format), volume indicator.
// 26-06-2017, ES: Correction: start in AP-mode if no WiFi networks configured.
// 28-06-2017, ES: Added IR interface.
// 30-06-2017, ES: Improved functions for SD card play.
// 03-07-2017, ES: Webinterface control page shows current settings.
// 04-07-2017, ES: Correction MQTT subscription. Keep playing during long operations.
// 08-07-2017, ES: More space for streamtitle on TFT.
// 18-07-2017, ES: Time Of Day on TFT.
// 19-07-2017, ES: Minor corrections.
// 26-07-2017, ES: Flexible pin assignment. Add rotary encoder switch.
// 27-07-2017, ES: Removed tinyXML library.
// 18-08-2017, Es: Minor corrections
// 28-08-2017, ES: Preferences for pins used for SPI bus,
//                 Corrected bug in handling programmable pins,
//                 Introduced touch pins.
// 30-08-2017, ES: Limit number of retries for MQTT connection.
//                 Added MDNS responder.
// 11-11-2017, ES: Increased ringbuffer.  Measure bit rate.
// 13-11-2017, ES: Forward declarations.
// 16-11-2017, ES: Replaced ringbuffer by FreeRTOS queue, play function on second CPU,
//                 Included improved rotary switch routines supplied by fenyvesi,
//                 Better IR sensitivity.
// 30-11-2017, ES: Hide passwords in config page.
// 01-12-2017, ES: Better handling of playlist.
// 07-12-2017, ES: Faster handling of config screen.
// 08-12-2017, ES: More MQTT items to publish, added pin_shutdown.
// 13-12-2017, ES: Correction clear LCD.
// 15-12-2017, ES: Correction defaultprefs.h.
// 18-12-2017, ES: Stop playing during config.
// 02-01-2018, ES: Stop/resume is same command.
// 22-01-2018, ES: Read ADC (GPIO36) and display as a battery capacity percentage.
// 13-02-2018, ES: Stop timer during NVS write.
// 15-02-2018, ES: Correction writing wifi credentials in NVS.
// 03-03-2018, ES: Correction bug IR pinnumber.
// 05-03-2018, ES: Improved rotary encoder interface.
// 10-03-2018, ES: Minor corrections.
// 13-04-2018, ES: Guard against empty string send to TFT, thanks to Andreas Spiess.
// 16-04-2018, ES: ID3 tags handling while playing from SD.
// 25-04-2018, ES: Choice of several display boards.
// 30-04-2018, ES: Bugfix: crash when no IR is configured, no display without VS1063.
// 08-05-2018, ES: 1602 LCD display support (limited).
// 11-05-2018, ES: Bugfix: incidental crash in isr_enc_turn().
// 30-05-2018, ES: Bugfix: Assigned DRAM to global variables used in timer ISR.
// 31-05-2018, ES: Bugfix: Crashed if I2C is used, but pins not defined.
// 01-06-2018, ES: Run Playtask on CPU 0.
// 04-06-2018, ES: Made handling of playlistdata more tolerant (NDR).
// 09-06-2018, ES: Typo in defaultprefs.h.
// 10-06-2018, ES: Rotary encoder, interrupts on all 3 signals.
// 25-06-2018, ES: Timing of mp3loop.  Limit read from stream to free queue space.
// 16-07-2018, ES: Correction tftset().
// 25-07-2018, ES: Correction touch pins.
// 30-07-2018, ES: Added GPIO39 and inversed shutdown pin.  Thanks to fletsche.
// 31-07-2018, ES: Added TFT backlight control.
// 01-08-2018, ES: Debug info for IR.  Shutdown amplifier if volume is 0.
// 02-08-2018, ES: Added support for ILI9341 display.
// 03-08-2018, ES: Added playlistposition for MQTT.
// 06-08-2018, ES: Correction negative time offset, OTA through remote host.
// 16-08-2018, ES: Added Nextion support.
// 18-09-2018, ES: "uppreset" and "downpreset" for MP3 player.
// 04-10-2018, ES: Fixed compile error OLED 64x128 display.
// 09-10-2018, ES: Bug fix xSemaphoreTake.
// 05-01-2019, ES: Fine tune datarate.
// 05-01-2019, ES: Basic http authentication. (just one user)
// 11-02-2019, ES: MQTT topic and subtopic size enlarged.
// 24-04-2019, ES: Do not lock SPI during gettime().  Calling gettime may take a long time.
// 15-05-2019, ES: MAX number of presets as a defined constant.
// 16-12-2019, ES: Modify of claimSPI() function for debugability.
// 21-12-2019, ES: Check chip version.
// 23-03-2020, ES: Allow playlists on SD card.
// 25-03-2020, ES: End of playlist: start over.

// Define the version number, also used for webserver as Last-Modified header and to
// check version for update.  The format must be exactly as specified by the HTTP standard!
#define VERSION     "V1.0 23.6.2020 04:43 CET"
#define UPDATEHOST  "" 
#define BINFILE     ""
#define TFTFILE     ""
// Define (just one) type of display.  See documentation.
//#define BLUETFT                        // Works also for RED TFT 128x160
#define OLED                         // 64x128 I2C OLED
//#define DUMMYTFT                     // Dummy display
//#define LCD1602I2C                   // LCD 1602 display with I2C backpack
//#define ILI9341                      // ILI9341 240*320
//#define NEXTION                      // Nextion display. Uses UART 2 (pin 16 and 17)
#include <ETH.h>
#include <nvs.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <WiFiMulti.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
// #include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <freertos/queue.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
#include <esp_task_wdt.h>
#include <esp_partition.h>
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include <Update.h>
#include <base64.h>
// Number of entries in the queue
#define QSIZ 400
// Debug buffer size
#define NVSBUFSIZE 150
// Access point name if connection to WiFi network fails.  Also the hostname for WiFi and OTA.
// Note that the password of an AP must be at least as long as 8 characters.
// Also used for other naming.
#define NAME "ESP32Radio"
// Max number of presets in preferences
#define MAXPRESETS 200
// Maximum number of MQTT reconnects before give-up
// Adjust size of buffer to the longest expected string for nvsgetstr
#define NVSBUFSIZE 150
// Position (column) of time in topline relative to end
#define TIMEPOS -52
// SPI speed for SD card
#define SDSPEED 1000000
// Size of metaline buffer
#define METASIZ 1024
// Max. number of NVS keys in table
#define MAXKEYS 200
// Time-out [sec] for blanking TFT display (BL pin)
#define BL_TIME 45
// Subscription topics for MQTT.  The topic will be pefixed by "PREFIX/", where PREFIX is replaced
// by the the mqttprefix in the preferences.  The next definition will yield the topic
// "ESP32Radio/command" if mqttprefix is "ESP32Radio".
#define MQTT_SUBTOPIC     "command"           // Command to receive from MQTT
#define otaclient mp3client                   // OTA uses mp3client for connection to host

// Forward declaration and prototypes of various functions.                                        *

void        displaytime ( const char* str, uint16_t color = 0xFFFF ) ;
void        showstreamtitle ( const char* ml, bool full = false ) ;
void        handlebyte_ch ( uint8_t b ) ;
void        handleFSf ( const String& pagename ) ;
void        handleCmd()  ;
char*       dbgprint( const char* format, ... ) ;
const char* analyzeCmd ( const char* str ) ;
const char* analyzeCmd ( const char* par, const char* val ) ;
void        chomp ( String &str ) ;
String      httpheader ( String contentstype ) ;
bool        nvssearch ( const char* key ) ;
void        mp3loop() ;
void        tftlog ( const char *str ) ;
void        playtask ( void * parameter ) ;       // Task to play the stream
void        spftask ( void * parameter ) ;        // Task for special functions
void        gettime() ;
void        reservepin ( int8_t rpinnr ) ;

IPAddress ip(10,0,0,3);
//IPAddress ip(192, 168, 137, 7);
IPAddress gw(10,0,0,1);
//IPAddress gw(0, 0, 0, 0);
IPAddress msk(255,255,255, 252);
IPAddress dns_1(193,189,160,13);
IPAddress dns_2(192,189,160,23);

// Several structs.                                                                                *


struct scrseg_struct                                  // For screen segments
  bool     update_req ;                               // Request update of screen
  uint16_t color ;                                    // Textcolor
  uint16_t y ;                                        // Begin of segment row
  uint16_t height ;                                   // Height of segment
  String   str ;                                      // String to be displayed
} ;

enum qdata_type { QDATA, QSTARTSONG, QSTOPSONG } ;    // datatyp in qdata_struct
struct qdata_struct
  int datatyp ;                                       // Identifier
  __attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t buf[32] ;       // Buffer for chunk
} ;

struct ini_struct
  String         mqttbroker ;                         // The name of the MQTT broker server
  String         mqttprefix ;                         // Prefix to use for topics
  uint16_t       mqttport ;                           // Port, default 1883
  String         mqttuser ;                           // User for MQTT authentication
  String         mqttpasswd ;                         // Password for MQTT authentication
  uint8_t        reqvol ;                             // Requested volume
  uint8_t        rtone[4] ;                           // Requested bass/treble settings
  int16_t        newpreset ;                          // Requested preset
  String         clk_server ;                         // Server to be used for time of day clock
  int8_t         clk_offset ;                         // Offset in hours with respect to UTC
  int8_t         clk_dst ;                            // Number of hours shift during DST
  int8_t         ir_pin ;                             // GPIO connected to output of IR decoder
  int8_t         enc_clk_pin ;                        // GPIO connected to CLK of rotary encoder
  int8_t         enc_dt_pin ;                         // GPIO connected to DT of rotary encoder
  int8_t         enc_sw_pin ;                         // GPIO connected to SW of rotary encoder
  int8_t         tft_cs_pin ;                         // GPIO connected to CS of TFT screen
  int8_t         tft_dc_pin ;                         // GPIO connected to D/C or A0 of TFT screen
  int8_t         tft_scl_pin ;                        // GPIO connected to SCL of i2c TFT screen
  int8_t         tft_sda_pin ;                        // GPIO connected to SDA of I2C TFT screen
  int8_t         tft_bl_pin ;                         // GPIO to activate BL of display
  int8_t         tft_blx_pin ;                        // GPIO to activate BL of display (inversed logic)
  int8_t         sd_cs_pin ;                          // GPIO connected to CS of SD card
  int8_t         vs_cs_pin ;                          // GPIO connected to CS of VS1053
  int8_t         vs_dcs_pin ;                         // GPIO connected to DCS of VS1053
  int8_t         vs_dreq_pin ;                        // GPIO connected to DREQ of VS1053
  int8_t         vs_shutdown_pin ;                    // GPIO to shut down the amplifier
  int8_t         vs_shutdownx_pin ;                   // GPIO to shut down the amplifier (inversed logic)
  int8_t         spi_sck_pin ;                        // GPIO connected to SPI SCK pin
  int8_t         spi_miso_pin ;                       // GPIO connected to SPI MISO pin
  int8_t         spi_mosi_pin ;                       // GPIO connected to SPI MOSI pin
  uint16_t       bat0 ;                               // ADC value for 0 percent battery charge
  uint16_t       bat100 ;                             // ADC value for 100 percent battery charge
} ;

struct WifiInfo_t                                     // For list with WiFi info
  uint8_t inx ;                                       // Index as in "wifi_00"
  char * ssid ;                                       // SSID for an entry
  char * passphrase ;                                 // Passphrase for an entry
} ;

struct nvs_entry
  uint8_t  Ns ;                                       // Namespace ID
  uint8_t  Type ;                                     // Type of value
  uint8_t  Span ;                                     // Number of entries used for this item
  uint8_t  Rvs ;                                      // Reserved, should be 0xFF
  uint32_t CRC ;                                      // CRC
  char     Key[16] ;                                  // Key in Ascii
  uint64_t Data ;                                     // Data in entry
} ;

struct nvs_page                                       // For nvs entries
{ // 1 page is 4096 bytes
  uint32_t  State ;
  uint32_t  Seqnr ;
  uint32_t  Unused[5] ;
  uint32_t  CRC ;
  uint8_t   Bitmap[32] ;
  nvs_entry Entry[126] ;
} ;

struct keyname_t                                      // For keys in NVS
  char      Key[16] ;                                 // Max length is 15 plus delimeter
} ;

// Global data section.                                                                            *
// There is a block ini-data that contains some configuration.  Configuration data is              *
// saved in the preferences by the webinterface.  On restart the new data will                     *
// de read from these preferences.                                                                 *
// Items in ini_block can be changed by commands from webserver/MQTT/Serial.                       *

enum display_t { T_UNDEFINED, T_BLUETFT, T_OLED,         // Various types of display
                 T_DUMMYTFT, T_LCD1602I2C, T_ILI9341,
                 T_NEXTION } ;

enum datamode_t { INIT = 1, HEADER = 2, DATA = 4,        // State for datastream
                  METADATA = 8, PLAYLISTINIT = 16,
                  PLAYLISTHEADER = 32, PLAYLISTDATA = 64,
                  STOPREQD = 128, STOPPED = 256
                } ;

// Global variables
int               DEBUG = 1 ;                            // Debug on/off
int               numSsid ;                              // Number of available WiFi networks
WiFiMulti         wifiMulti ;                            // Possible WiFi networks
ini_struct        ini_block ;                            // Holds configurable data
WiFiServer        cmdserver ( 80 ) ;                     // Instance of embedded webserver, port 80
WiFiClient        mp3client ;                            // An instance of the mp3 client, also used for OTA
WiFiClient        cmdclient ;                            // An instance of the client for commands
WiFiClient        wmqttclient ;                          // An instance for mqtt
PubSubClient      mqttclient ( wmqttclient ) ;           // Client for MQTT subscriber
HardwareSerial*   nxtserial = NULL ;                     // Serial port for NEXTION (if defined)
TaskHandle_t      maintask ;                             // Taskhandle for main task
TaskHandle_t      xplaytask ;                            // Task handle for playtask
TaskHandle_t      xspftask ;                             // Task handle for special functions
SemaphoreHandle_t SPIsem = NULL ;                        // For exclusive SPI usage
hw_timer_t*       timer = NULL ;                         // For timer
char              timetxt[9] ;                           // Converted timeinfo
char              cmd[130] ;                             // Command from MQTT or Serial
uint8_t           tmpbuff[6000] ;                        // Input buffer for mp3 or data stream 
QueueHandle_t     dataqueue ;                            // Queue for mp3 datastream
QueueHandle_t     spfqueue ;                             // Queue for special functions
qdata_struct      outchunk ;                             // Data to queue
qdata_struct      inchunk ;                              // Data from queue
uint8_t*          outqp = outchunk.buf ;                 // Pointer to buffer in outchunk
uint32_t          totalcount = 0 ;                       // Counter mp3 data
datamode_t        datamode ;                             // State of datastream
int               metacount ;                            // Number of bytes in metadata
int               datacount ;                            // Counter databytes before metadata
char              metalinebf[METASIZ + 1] ;              // Buffer for metaline/ID3 tags
int16_t           metalinebfx ;                          // Index for metalinebf
String            icystreamtitle ;                       // Streamtitle from metadata
String            icyname ;                              // Icecast station name
String            ipaddress ;                            // Own IP-address
int               bitrate ;                              // Bitrate in kb/sec
int               mbitrate ;                             // Measured bitrate
int               metaint = 0 ;                          // Number of databytes between metadata
int16_t           currentpreset = -1 ;                   // Preset station playing
String            host ;                                 // The URL to connect to or file to play
String            playlist ;                             // The URL of the specified playlist
bool              hostreq = false ;                      // Request for new host
bool              reqtone = false ;                      // New tone setting requested
bool              muteflag = false ;                     // Mute output
bool              resetreq = false ;                     // Request to reset the ESP32
bool              updatereq = false ;                    // Request to update software from remote host
bool              NetworkFound = false ;                 // True if WiFi network connected
bool              mqtt_on = false ;                      // MQTT in use
String            networks ;                             // Found networks in the surrounding
uint16_t          mqttcount = 0 ;                        // Counter MAXMQTTCONNECTS
int8_t            playingstat = 0 ;                      // 1 if radio is playing (for MQTT)
int16_t           playlist_num = 0 ;                     // Nonzero for selection from playlist
File              mp3file ;                              // File containing mp3 on SD card
uint32_t          mp3filelength ;                        // File length
bool              localfile = false ;                    // Play from local mp3-file or not
bool              chunked = false ;                      // Station provides chunked transfer
int               chunkcount = 0 ;                       // Counter for chunked transfer
String            http_getcmd ;                          // Contents of last GET command
String            http_rqfile ;                          // Requested file
bool              http_response_flag = false ;           // Response required
uint16_t          ir_value = 0 ;                         // IR code
uint32_t          ir_0 = 550 ;                           // Average duration of an IR short pulse
uint32_t          ir_1 = 1650 ;                          // Average duration of an IR long pulse
struct tm         timeinfo ;                             // Will be filled by NTP server
bool              time_req = false ;                     // Set time requested
bool              SD_okay = false ;                      // True if SD card in place and readable
String            SD_nodelist ;                          // Nodes of mp3-files on SD
int               SD_nodecount = 0 ;                     // Number of nodes in SD_nodelist
String            SD_currentnode = "" ;                  // Node ID of song playing ("0" if random)
uint16_t          adcval ;                               // ADC value (battery voltage)
uint32_t          clength ;                              // Content length found in http header
uint32_t          max_mp3loop_time = 0 ;                 // To check max handling time in mp3loop (msec)
int16_t           scanios ;                              // TEST*TEST*TEST
int16_t           scaniocount ;                          // TEST*TEST*TEST
uint16_t          bltimer = 0 ;                          // Backlight time-out counter
display_t         displaytype = T_UNDEFINED ;            // Display type
std::vector<WifiInfo_t> wifilist ;                       // List with wifi_xx info
// nvs stuff
nvs_page                nvsbuf ;                         // Space for 1 page of NVS info
const esp_partition_t*  nvs ;                            // Pointer to partition struct
esp_err_t               nvserr ;                         // Error code from nvs functions
uint32_t                nvshandle = 0 ;                  // Handle for nvs access
uint8_t                 namespace_ID ;                   // Namespace ID found
char                    nvskeys[MAXKEYS][16] ;           // Space for NVS keys
std::vector<keyname_t> keynames ;                        // Keynames in NVS
// Rotary encoder stuff
#define sv DRAM_ATTR static volatile
sv uint16_t       clickcount = 0 ;                       // Incremented per encoder click
sv int16_t        rotationcount = 0 ;                    // Current position of rotary switch
sv uint16_t       enc_inactivity = 0 ;                   // Time inactive
sv bool           singleclick = false ;                  // True if single click detected
sv bool           doubleclick = false ;                  // True if double click detected
sv bool           tripleclick = false ;                  // True if triple click detected
sv bool           longclick = false ;                    // True if longclick detected
enum enc_menu_t { VOLUME, PRESET, TRACK } ;              // State for rotary encoder menu
enc_menu_t        enc_menu_mode = VOLUME ;               // Default is VOLUME mode

struct progpin_struct                                    // For programmable input pins
  int8_t         gpio ;                                  // Pin number
  bool           reserved ;                              // Reserved for connected devices
  bool           avail ;                                 // Pin is available for a command
  String         command ;                               // Command to execute when activated
                                                         // Example: "uppreset=1"
  bool           cur ;                                   // Current state, true = HIGH, false = LOW
} ;

progpin_struct   progpin[] =                             // Input pins and programmed function
  {  0, false, false,  "", false },
  //{  1, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for TX Serial output
  {  2, false, false,  "", false },
  //{  3, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for RX Serial input
  {  4, false, false,  "", false },
  {  5, false, false,  "", false },
  //{  6, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH SCK
  //{  7, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH D0
  //{  8, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH D1
  //{  9, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH D2
  //{ 10, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH D3
  //{ 11, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for FLASH CMD
  { 12, false, false,  "", false },
  { 13, false, false,  "", false },
  { 14, false, false,  "", false },
  { 15, false, false,  "", false },
  { 16, false, false,  "", false },                      // May be UART 2 RX for Nextion
  { 17, false, false,  "", false },                      // May be UART 2 TX for Nextion
  { 18, false, false,  "", false },                      // Default for SPI CLK
  { 19, false, false,  "", false },                      // Default for SPI MISO
  //{ 20, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  { 21, false, false,  "", false },                      // Also Wire SDA
  { 22, false, false,  "", false },                      // Also Wire SCL
  { 23, false, false,  "", false },                      // Default for SPI MOSI
  //{ 24, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  { 25, false, false,  "", false },
  { 26, false, false,  "", false },
  { 27, false, false,  "", false },
  //{ 28, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  //{ 29, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  //{ 30, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  //{ 31, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Not exposed on DEV board
  { 32, false, false,  "", false },
  { 33, false, false,  "", false },
  { 34, false, false,  "", false },                      // Note, no internal pull-up
  { 35, false, false,  "", false },                      // Note, no internal pull-up
  { 36, true,  false,  "", false },                    // Reserved for ADC battery level
  { 39, false,  false,  "", false },                     // Note, no internal pull-up
  { -1, false, false,  "", false }                       // End of list
} ;

struct touchpin_struct                                   // For programmable input pins
  int8_t         gpio ;                                  // Pin number GPIO
  bool           reserved ;                              // Reserved for connected devices
  bool           avail ;                                 // Pin is available for a command
  String         command ;                               // Command to execute when activated
  // Example: "uppreset=1"
  bool           cur ;                                   // Current state, true = HIGH, false = LOW
  int16_t        count ;                                 // Counter number of times low level
} ;
touchpin_struct   touchpin[] =                           // Touch pins and programmed function
  {   4, false, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH0
  {   0, true,  false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH1, reserved for BOOT button
  {   2, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH2, reserver for xrst for vs1053
  {  15, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH3, reserved for hspi for vs1053
  {  13, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH4, reserved for hspi for vs1053
  {  12, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH5, reserved for hspi for vs1053
  {  14, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH6, reserved for hspi for vs1053
  {  27, false, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH7
  {  33, false, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH8
  {  32, true, false, "", false, 0 },                   // TOUCH9, reserved for XDCS for vs1053
  {  -1, false, false, "", false, 0 }                    // End of list
  // End of table
} ;

// Pages, CSS and data for the webinterface.                                                       *
#include "about_html.h"
#include "config_html.h"
#include "index_html.h"
#include "mp3play_html.h"
#include "radio_css.h"
#include "favicon_ico.h"
#include "defaultprefs.h"

// End of global data section.                                                                     *

//                                     M Q T T P U B _ C L A S S                                   *
// ID's for the items to publish to MQTT.  Is index in amqttpub[]
     } ;
enum { MQSTRING, MQINT8, MQINT16 } ;                     // Type of variable to publish

class mqttpubc                                           // For MQTT publishing
    struct mqttpub_struct
      const char*    topic ;                             // Topic as partial string (without prefix)
      uint8_t        type ;                              // Type of payload
      void*          payload ;                           // Payload for this topic
      bool           topictrigger ;                      // Set to true to trigger MQTT publish
    } ;
    // Publication topics for MQTT.  The topic will be pefixed by "PREFIX/", where PREFIX is replaced
    // by the the mqttprefix in the preferences.
    mqttpub_struct amqttpub[9] =                   // Definitions of various MQTT topic to publish
    { // Index is equal to enum above
      { "ip",              MQSTRING, &ipaddress,        false }, // Definition for MQTT_IP
      { "icy/name",        MQSTRING, &icyname,          false }, // Definition for MQTT_ICYNAME
      { "icy/streamtitle", MQSTRING, &icystreamtitle,   false }, // Definition for MQTT_STREAMTITLE
      { "nowplaying",      MQSTRING, &ipaddress,        false }, // Definition for MQTT_NOWPLAYING
      { "preset" ,         MQINT8,   &currentpreset,    false }, // Definition for MQTT_PRESET
      { "volume" ,         MQINT8,   &ini_block.reqvol, false }, // Definition for MQTT_VOLUME
      { "playing",         MQINT8,   &playingstat,      false }, // Definition for MQTT_PLAYING
      { "playlist/pos",    MQINT16,  &playlist_num,     false }, // Definition for MQTT_PLAYLISTPOS
      { NULL,              0,        NULL,              false }  // End of definitions
    } ;
    void          trigger ( uint8_t item ) ;                      // Trigger publishig for one item
    void          publishtopic() ;                                // Publish triggerer items
} ;

// MQTTPUB  class implementation.                                                                  *

//                                            T R I G G E R                                        *
// Set request for an item to publish to MQTT.                                                     *
void mqttpubc::trigger ( uint8_t item )                    // Trigger publishig for one item
  amqttpub[item].topictrigger = true ;                     // Request re-publish for an item

//                                     P U B L I S H T O P I C                                     *
// Publish a topic to MQTT broker.                                                                 *
void mqttpubc::publishtopic()
  int         i = 0 ;                                         // Loop control
  char        topic[80] ;                                     // Topic to send
  const char* payload ;                                       // Points to payload
  char        intvar[10] ;                                    // Space for integer parameter
  while ( amqttpub[i].topic )
    if ( amqttpub[i].topictrigger )                           // Topic ready to send?
      amqttpub[i].topictrigger = false ;                      // Success or not: clear trigger
      sprintf ( topic, "%s/%s", ini_block.mqttprefix.c_str(),
                amqttpub[i].topic ) ;                         // Add prefix to topic
      switch ( amqttpub[i].type )                             // Select conversion method
        case MQSTRING :
          payload = ((String*)amqttpub[i].payload)->c_str() ;
          //payload = pstr->c_str() ;                           // Get pointer to payload
          break ;
        case MQINT8 :
          sprintf ( intvar, "%d",
                    *(int8_t*)amqttpub[i].payload ) ;         // Convert to array of char
          payload = intvar ;                                  // Point to this array
          break ;
        case MQINT16 :
          sprintf ( intvar, "%d",
                    *(int16_t*)amqttpub[i].payload ) ;        // Convert to array of char
          payload = intvar ;                                  // Point to this array
          break ;
        default :
          continue ;                                          // Unknown data type
      dbgprint ( "Publish to topic %s : %s",                  // Show for debug
                 topic, payload ) ;
      if ( !mqttclient.publish ( topic, payload ) )           // Publish!
        dbgprint ( "MQTT publish failed!" ) ;                 // Failed
      return ;                                                // Do the rest later
    i++ ;                                                     // Next entry

mqttpubc         mqttpub ;                                    // Instance for mqttpubc

// VS1053 stuff.  Based on maniacbug library.                                                      *
// VS1053 class definition.                                                                        *
class VS1053
    int8_t        cs_pin ;                         // Pin where CS line is connected
    int8_t        dcs_pin ;                        // Pin where DCS line is connected
    int8_t        dreq_pin ;                       // Pin where DREQ line is connected
    int8_t        shutdown_pin ;                   // Pin where the shutdown line is connected
    int8_t        shutdownx_pin ;                  // Pin where the shutdown (inversed) line is connected
    uint8_t       curvol ;                         // Current volume setting 0..100%
    const uint8_t vs1053_chunk_size = 32 ;
    // SCI Register
    const uint8_t SCI_MODE          = 0x0 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_STATUS        = 0x1 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_BASS          = 0x2 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_CLOCKF        = 0x3 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_AUDATA        = 0x5 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_WRAM          = 0x6 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_WRAMADDR      = 0x7 ;
    const uint8_t SCI_AIADDR        = 0xA ;
    const uint8_t SCI_VOL           = 0xB ;
    const uint8_t SCI_AICTRL0       = 0xC ;
    const uint8_t SCI_AICTRL1       = 0xD ;
    const uint8_t SCI_num_registers = 0xF ;
    // SCI_MODE bits
    const uint8_t SM_SDINEW         = 11 ;        // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE always on
    const uint8_t SM_RESET          = 2 ;         // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE soft reset
    const uint8_t SM_CANCEL         = 3 ;         // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE cancel song
    const uint8_t SM_TESTS          = 5 ;         // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE for tests
    const uint8_t SM_LINE1          = 14 ;        // Bitnumber in SCI_MODE for Line input
    SPISettings   VS1053_SPI ;                    // SPI settings for this slave
    uint8_t       endFillByte ;                   // Byte to send when stopping song
    bool          okay              = true ;      // VS1053 is working
    inline void await_data_request() const
      while ( ( dreq_pin >= 0 ) &&
              ( !digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) ) )
        NOP() ;                                   // Very short delay

    inline void control_mode_on() const
      SPI.beginTransaction ( VS1053_SPI ) ;       // Prevent other SPI users
      digitalWrite ( cs_pin, LOW ) ;

    inline void control_mode_off() const
      digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ;             // End control mode
      SPI.endTransaction() ;                      // Allow other SPI users

    inline void data_mode_on() const
      SPI.beginTransaction ( VS1053_SPI ) ;       // Prevent other SPI users
      //digitalWrite ( cs_pin, HIGH ) ;           // Bring slave in data mode
      digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, LOW ) ;

    inline void data_mode_off() const
      digitalWrite ( dcs_pin, HIGH ) ;            // End data mode
      SPI.endTransaction() ;                      // Allow other SPI users

    uint16_t    read_register ( uint8_t _reg ) const ;
    void        write_register ( uint8_t _reg, uint16_t _value ) const ;
    inline bool sdi_send_buffer ( uint8_t* data, size_t len ) ;
    void        sdi_send_fillers ( size_t length ) ;
    void        wram_write ( uint16_t address, uint16_t data ) ;
    uint16_t    wram_read ( uint16_t address ) ;
    void        output_enable ( bool ena ) ;             // Enable amplifier through shutdown pin(s)

    // Constructor.  Only sets pin values.  Doesn't touch the chip.  Be sure to call begin()!
    VS1053 ( int8_t _cs_pin, int8_t _dcs_pin, int8_t _dreq_pin,
             int8_t _shutdown_pin, int8_t _shutdownx_pin) ;
    void     begin() ;                                   // Begin operation.  Sets pins correctly,
    // and prepares SPI bus.
    void     startSong() ;                               // Prepare to start playing. Call this each
    // time a new song starts.
    inline bool playChunk ( uint8_t* data,               // Play a chunk of data.  Copies the data to
                            size_t len ) ;               // the chip.  Blocks until complete.
    // Returns true if more data can be added
    // to fifo
    void     stopSong() ;                                // Finish playing a song. Call this after
    // the last playChunk call.
    void     setVolume ( uint8_t vol ) ;                 // Set the player volume.Level from 0-100,
    // higher is louder.
    void     setTone ( uint8_t* rtone ) ;                // Set the player baas/treble, 4 nibbles for
    // treble gain/freq and bass gain/freq
    inline uint8_t  getVolume() const                    // Get the current volume setting.
    { // higher is louder.
      return curvol ;
    void     printDetails ( const char *header ) ;       // Print config details to serial output
    void     softReset() ;                               // Do a soft reset
    bool     testComm ( const char *header ) ;           // Test communication with module
    inline bool data_request() const
      return ( digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) == HIGH ) ;
    void     AdjustRate ( long ppm2 ) ;                  // Fine tune the datarate

} ;

// VS1053 class implementation.                                                                    *

VS1053::VS1053 ( int8_t _cs_pin, int8_t _dcs_pin, int8_t _dreq_pin,
                 int8_t _shutdown_pin, int8_t _shutdownx_pin) :
  cs_pin(_cs_pin), dcs_pin(_dcs_pin), dreq_pin(_dreq_pin), shutdown_pin(_shutdown_pin),

uint16_t VS1053::read_register ( uint8_t _reg ) const
  uint16_t result ;

  control_mode_on() ;
  SPI.write ( 3 ) ;                                // Read operation
  SPI.write ( _reg ) ;                             // Register to write (0..0xF)
  // Note: transfer16 does not seem to work
  result = ( SPI.transfer ( 0xFF ) << 8 ) |        // Read 16 bits data
           ( SPI.transfer ( 0xFF ) ) ;
  await_data_request() ;                           // Wait for DREQ to be HIGH again
  control_mode_off() ;
  return result ;

void VS1053::write_register ( uint8_t _reg, uint16_t _value ) const
  control_mode_on( );
  SPI.write ( 2 ) ;                                // Write operation
  SPI.write ( _reg ) ;                             // Register to write (0..0xF)
  SPI.write16 ( _value ) ;                         // Send 16 bits data
  await_data_request() ;
  control_mode_off() ;

bool VS1053::sdi_send_buffer ( uint8_t* data, size_t len )
  size_t chunk_length ;                            // Length of chunk 32 byte or shorter

  data_mode_on() ;
  while ( len )                                    // More to do?
    chunk_length = len ;
    if ( len > vs1053_chunk_size )
      chunk_length = vs1053_chunk_size ;
    len -= chunk_length ;
    await_data_request() ;                         // Wait for space available
    SPI.writeBytes ( data, chunk_length ) ;
    data += chunk_length ;
  data_mode_off() ;
  return data_request() ;                          // True if more data can de stored in fifo

void VS1053::sdi_send_fillers ( size_t len )
  size_t chunk_length ;                            // Length of chunk 32 byte or shorter

  data_mode_on() ;
  while ( len )                                    // More to do?
    await_data_request() ;                         // Wait for space available
    chunk_length = len ;
    if ( len > vs1053_chunk_size )
      chunk_length = vs1053_chunk_size ;
    len -= chunk_length ;
    while ( chunk_length-- )
      SPI.write ( endFillByte ) ;

void VS1053::wram_write ( uint16_t address, uint16_t data )
  write_register ( SCI_WRAMADDR, address ) ;
  write_register ( SCI_WRAM, data ) ;

uint16_t VS1053::wram_read ( uint16_t address )
  write_register ( SCI_WRAMADDR, address ) ;            // Start reading from WRAM
  return read_register ( SCI_WRAM ) ;                   // Read back result

bool VS1053::testComm ( const char *header )
  // Test the communication with the VS1053 module.  The result wille be returned.
  // If DREQ is low, there is problably no VS1053 connected.  Pull the line HIGH
  // in order to prevent an endless loop waiting for this signal.  The rest of the
  // software will still work, but readbacks from VS1053 will fail.
  int            i ;                                    // Loop control
  uint16_t       r1, r2, cnt = 0 ;
  uint16_t       delta = 300 ;                          // 3 for fast SPI
  const uint16_t vstype[] = { 1001, 1011, 1002, 1003,   // Possible chip versions
                              1053, 1033, 0000, 1103 } ;
  dbgprint ( header ) ;                                 // Show a header
  if ( !digitalRead ( dreq_pin ) )
    dbgprint ( "VS1053 not properly installed!" ) ;
    // Allow testing without the VS1053 module
    pinMode ( dreq_pin,  INPUT_PULLUP ) ;               // DREQ is now input with pull-up
   return false ;                                      // Return bad result
  // Further TESTING.  Check if SCI bus can write and read without errors.
  // We will use the volume setting for this.
  // Will give warnings on serial output if DEBUG is active.
  // A maximum of 20 errors will be reported.
  if ( strstr ( header, "Fast" ) )
    delta = 3 ;                                         // Fast SPI, more loops
  for ( i = 0 ; ( i < 0xFFFF ) && ( cnt < 20 ) ; i += delta )
    write_register ( SCI_VOL, i ) ;                     // Write data to SCI_VOL
    r1 = read_register ( SCI_VOL ) ;                    // Read back for the first time
    r2 = read_register ( SCI_VOL ) ;                    // Read back a second time
    if  ( r1 != r2 || i != r1 || i != r2 )              // Check for 2 equal reads
      dbgprint ( "VS1053 SPI error. SB:%04X R1:%04X R2:%04X", i, r1, r2 ) ;
      cnt++ ;
      delay ( 10 ) ;
  okay = ( cnt == 0 ) ;                                 // True if working correctly
  // Further testing: is it the right chip?
  r1 = ( read_register ( SCI_STATUS ) >> 4 ) & 0x7 ;    // Read status to get the version
  if ( r1 !=  4 )                                       // Version 4 is a genuine VS1053
    dbgprint ( "This is not a VS1053, "                 // Report the wrong chip
               "but a VS%d instead!",
               vstype[r1] ) ;
    okay = false ;
  return ( okay ) ;                                     // Return the result

void VS1053::begin()
  pinMode      ( dreq_pin,  INPUT ) ;                   // DREQ is an input
  pinMode      ( cs_pin,    OUTPUT ) ;                  // The SCI and SDI signals
  pinMode      ( dcs_pin,   OUTPUT ) ; 
  delay(10);                                           // Delay for 10 ms for VS1053 to start
  digitalWrite ( dcs_pin,   HIGH ) ;                    // Start HIGH for SCI en SDI
  digitalWrite ( cs_pin,    HIGH ) ;
  if ( shutdown_pin >= 0 )                              // Shutdown in use?
    pinMode ( shutdown_pin,   OUTPUT ) ;
  if ( shutdownx_pin >= 0 )                            // Shutdown (inversed logic) in use?
    pinMode ( shutdownx_pin,   OUTPUT ) ;
  output_enable ( false ) ;                            // Disable amplifier through shutdown pin(s)
  delay ( 100 ) ;
  // Init SPI in slow mode ( 0.2 MHz )
  VS1053_SPI = SPISettings ( 200000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0 ) ;
  SPI.setDataMode ( SPI_MODE0 ) ;
  SPI.setBitOrder ( MSBFIRST ) ;
  //printDetails ( "Right after reset/startup" ) ;
  delay ( 20 ) ;
  //printDetails ( "20 msec after reset" ) ;
  if ( testComm ( "Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers..." ) )
    // Most VS1053 modules will start up in midi mode.  The result is that there is no audio
    // when playing MP3.  You can modify the board, but there is a more elegant way:
    wram_write ( 0xC017, 3 ) ;                            // GPIO DDR = 3
    wram_write ( 0xC019, 0 ) ;                            // GPIO ODATA = 0
    delay ( 100 ) ;
    //printDetails ( "After test loop" ) ;
    softReset() ;                                         // Do a soft reset
    // Switch on the analog parts
    write_register ( SCI_AUDATA, 44100 + 1 ) ;            // 44.1kHz + stereo
    // The next clocksetting allows SPI clocking at 5 MHz, 4 MHz is safe then.
    write_register ( SCI_CLOCKF, 6 << 12 ) ;              // Normal clock settings
    // multiplyer 3.0 = 12.2 MHz
    //SPI Clock to 4 MHz. Now you can set high speed SPI clock.
    VS1053_SPI = SPISettings ( 5000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0 ) ;
    write_register ( SCI_MODE, _BV ( SM_SDINEW ) | _BV ( SM_LINE1 ) ) ;
    testComm ( "Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again..." ) ;
    delay ( 10 ) ;
    await_data_request() ;
    endFillByte = wram_read ( 0x1E06 ) & 0xFF ;
    dbgprint ( "endFillByte is %X", endFillByte ) ;
    //printDetails ( "After last clocksetting" ) ;
    delay ( 100 ) ;

void VS1053::setVolume ( uint8_t vol )
  // Set volume.  Both left and right.
  // Input value is 0..100.  100 is the loudest.

This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.


Simon Vavpotic

Simon Vavpotic

31 projects • 9 followers or or
