Kevin Sidwar
Published © MIT

Build the Fridgeye App with a Nextion Display

The Kickstarter may have failed but that doesn't mean you can't make your own Fridgeye with a few components and a Nextion display.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour12,043
Build the Fridgeye App with a Nextion Display

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Photo resistor
Photo resistor
Resistor 3.3k ohm
Itead Nextion Enhanced 3.5" Touch Display

Software apps and online services

Nextion GUI Editor
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


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Fridgeye Schematic

This is a wiring diagram of how to connect the Arduino, photoresistor, resistor and screen together to create this project.


Arduino Sketch for Fridgeye App

This is the code that runs on the Arduino so it can talk to the Nextion display and show the current light sensor reader.


Kevin Sidwar

Kevin Sidwar

11 projects • 23 followers
Software Guy with an EE Degree. Obsessed with teaching people about the Internet of Things.
