Shilpajoy 93alfin joji

Automated Plant Watering - SMS Alerts

This project is designed to implement automated plant watering according to temperature variations.

IntermediateWork in progress15 days1,115
Automated Plant Watering - SMS Alerts

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Tableau Software


Read more


Arduino 101 LM35 Temperature Sensor Circuit Diagram


Arduino101 code

Arduino 101 is a intel board with pattern matching engine to records temperature from a sensor and classify it
#include "CuriePME.h"
#include <CurieTime.h>
#include <SerialFlash.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#define thermometer  A3
int tm1;
int tm2;
int tm3;
int tm4;
int tm5;
int tm6;
int tm7;
int tm8;
int tm9;
int tm10;
int tm11;
int tm12;
int tm13;
int tm14;
int tm15;
int tm16;
int tm17;
int tm18;
int tm19;
int tm20;
int tm21;
int tm22;
int tm23;
int tm24;
int tm25;
int tm26;
int tm27;
int tm28;
int tm29;
int tm30;
int average;
int progav;
float voltage;
float temperatureC;
void setup() {  
    if (central) { // If a device links to the board.
       setTime(hourTime, minuteTime, 00, dayTime, monthTime, 2017);
    const char *filename = "NeurData.dat";
    if (check_if_exists(filename) == true)
       Serial.print("Not found!");
    for (int i = 8; i < 22; i++) 
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm1 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm2 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm3 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm4 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm5 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm6 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm7 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm8 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm9 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm10 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm11 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm12 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm13 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm14 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   voltage = analogRead(thermometer) * 3.3;
   voltage /= 1024.0;
   temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
   tm = map(temperatureC, -40, 125, 0, 255);
   tm15 = constrain(tm, 0, 255);
   // Similarly take values till tm30 
   tm1 = map(tm1, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm1 = constrain(tm1, -40, 125);
   tm2 = map(tm2, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm2 = constrain(tm2, -40, 125);
   tm3 = map(tm3, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm3 = constrain(tm3, -40, 125);
   tm4 = map(tm4, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm4 = constrain(tm4, -40, 125);
   tm5 = map(tm5, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm5 = constrain(tm5, -40, 125);
   tm6 = map(tm6, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm6 = constrain(tm6, -40, 125);
   tm7 = map(tm7, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm7 = constrain(tm7, -40, 125);
   tm8 = map(tm8, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm8 = constrain(tm8, -40, 125);
   tm9 = map(tm9, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm9 = constrain(tm9, -40, 125);
   tm10 = map(tm10, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm10 = constrain(tm10, -40, 125);
   tm11 = map(tm11, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm11 = constrain(tm11, -40, 125);
   tm12 = map(tm12, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm12 = constrain(tm12, -40, 125);
   tm13 = map(tm13, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm13 = constrain(tm13, -40, 125);
   tm14 = map(tm14, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm14 = constrain(tm14, -40, 125);
   tm15 = map(tm15, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm15 = constrain(tm15, -40, 125);
   tm16 = map(tm16, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm16 = constrain(tm16, -40, 125);
   tm17 = map(tm17, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm17 = constrain(tm17, -40, 125);
   tm18 = map(tm18, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm18 = constrain(tm18, -40, 125);
   tm19 = map(tm19, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm19 = constrain(tm19, -40, 125);
   tm20 = map(tm20, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm20 = constrain(tm20, -40, 125);
   tm21 = map(tm21, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm21 = constrain(tm21, -40, 125);
   tm22 = map(tm22, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm22 = constrain(tm22, -40, 125);
   tm23 = map(tm23, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm23 = constrain(tm23, -40, 125);
   tm24 = map(tm24, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm24 = constrain(tm24, -40, 125);
   tm25 = map(tm25, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm25 = constrain(tm25, -40, 125);
   tm26 = map(tm26, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm26 = constrain(tm26, -40, 125);
   tm27 = map(tm27, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm27 = constrain(tm27, -40, 125);
   tm28 = map(tm28, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm28 = constrain(tm28, -40, 125);
   tm29 = map(tm29, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm29 = constrain(tm29, -40, 125);
   tm30 = map(tm30, 0, 255, -40, 125);
   tm30 = constrain(tm30, -40, 125);
   // Find the arithmetic mean and commit it to memory.
   average = (tm2 + tm3 + tm4 + tm5 + tm6 + tm7 + tm8 + tm9 + tm10 + tm11 + tm12 + tm13 + tm14 + tm15 + tm16 + tm17 + tm18 + tm19 + tm20 + tm21 + tm22 + tm23 + tm24 + tm25 + tm26 + tm27 + tm28 + tm29 + tm30) / 29;
   commitSample(i, average);
 saveNetworkKnowledge(); // Save this new data to flash memory.
void commitSample (int category, uint8_t s1)
 uint8_t vector[1];
 vector[0] = s1;
 CuriePME.learn(vector, 1, category);
void loop() { 
 uint8_t vector[1];
 vector[0] = 25;
 int answer = CuriePME.classify(vector, 1 );
 if (answer == CuriePME.noMatch)
   Serial.print("NO MATCHES!");
   if (month() == 1 || month() == 2 || month() == 11 || month() == 12)
     answer = 12;
   else if (month() == 3 || month() == 4 || month() == 10)
     answer = 14;
   else if (month() == 5 || month() == 6 || month() == 9)
     answer = 15;
   else if (month() == 7 || month() == 8)
     answer = 16;

Temperature sensor code

float temp;
int tempPin = 0;
void setup()
void loop()
 temp = analogRead(tempPin);
 temp = temp * 0.48828125;
 Serial.print("TEMPRATURE = ");


Shilpajoy 93

Shilpajoy 93

2 projects • 1 follower
alfin joji

alfin joji

3 projects • 3 followers
