Rich Noordam
Published © GPL3+

Garage Parking Stop Light

Pull into your garage and have a distance sensor tell you when to stop and give feedback through a regular stop light interface.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)8 hours6,971
Garage Parking Stop Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Novelty Traffic Light
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
power supply module
28 Pin DIP IC Sockets Adaptor Solder Type Socket
Capacitor 22 pF
Capacitor 22 pF
16 MHz Crystal
16 MHz Crystal
Various Connector Adapters
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hand Drill
5/8'' Drill Bit
Connect Wire


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RYG Stoplight Fritz


Arduino code

Stop Light Code v. 1.0
By Richard Noordam
Based on several base modules cobbled together.

#define pinLedRed 12
#define pinLedYellow 11
#define pinLedGreen 10
#define TRIGGER 7
#define ECHO    8
#define theDelay 250
int redDistance;
int greenDistance;
int misReadValue;
int retDistance;
int compareDistance;

void setup() {
  //initialize values
  redDistance = 150;
  greenDistance = 350;
  misReadValue = 0;
  // set serial baud rate
  Serial.begin (9600);
  // set pin modes
  pinMode(pinLedRed, OUTPUT);     // Initialize RedLed pin as an output
  pinMode(pinLedYellow, OUTPUT);     // Initialize the Yellow pin as an output
  pinMode(pinLedGreen, OUTPUT);     // Initialize the Green pin as an output
  pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);
  // set start position of LED pins
  digitalWrite(pinLedRed, LOW);     // turn Red off
  digitalWrite(pinLedYellow, LOW);  // turn Yellow off
  digitalWrite(pinLedGreen, LOW);   // turn Green off

// the loop function runs over and over again forever

// get distance from hc-sr04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
int getDistance(){
 long duration, distance;
  digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);
  distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
  return (int)distance;
// turn on yellow LED
void yellowOn(){
    digitalWrite(pinLedGreen, LOW);    // turn Green OFF
    digitalWrite(pinLedYellow, HIGH);   // turn Yellow ON
    digitalWrite(pinLedRed, LOW);      // turn Red OFF
// turn on green LED
void greenOn(){
    digitalWrite(pinLedGreen, HIGH);    // turn Green on
    digitalWrite(pinLedYellow, LOW);   // turn Yellow OFF
    digitalWrite(pinLedRed, LOW);      // turn Red OFF
// turn on red LED
void redOn(){
    digitalWrite(pinLedGreen, LOW);    // turn Green OFF
    digitalWrite(pinLedYellow, LOW);   // turn Yellow OFF
    digitalWrite(pinLedRed, HIGH);      // turn Red ON

String returnColor(int myDistance){
  String retColor = "ERROR";
  if (myDistance > 0 and myDistance < redDistance){
    retColor = "Red";
  if (myDistance >= redDistance and myDistance < greenDistance){
    retColor = "Yellow";
  if (myDistance >= greenDistance){
    retColor = "Green";
  if (retColor == "ERROR"){
    Serial.print("NoColor: Error, Range Failure:");
    // so it turns green if too far.
    retColor = "Green";
  return retColor;  
String color;

void loop() {
  retDistance = getDistance();
  color = returnColor(retDistance);
  Serial.print(":   Color:");
  // turn on green if long distance
  if (color == "Green"){
  if (color == "Yellow"){
  if (color == "Red"){


Rich Noordam
10 projects • 33 followers
Many interests, computing obviously being one of them. MS SQL Server Database Administration, Reporting, Data Science, and more.
