File missing, please reupload.
#pragma once
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/// Forward declaration of the data type passed to the handlers.
struct EventData;
/// <summary>
/// Function signature for event handlers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventData">The provided event data</param>
typedef void (*EventHandler)(struct EventData* eventData);
/// <summary>
/// <para>Contains context data for epoll events.</para>
/// <para>When an event is registered with RegisterEventHandlerToEpoll, supply
/// a pointer to an instance of this struct. The pointer must remain valid
/// for as long as the event is active.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="RegisterEventHandlerToEpoll" ></seealso>
typedef struct EventData {
/// <summary>
/// Function which is called when the event occurs.
/// </summary>
EventHandler eventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The file descriptor that generated the event.
/// </summary>
int fd;
} EventData;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an epoll instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A valid epoll file descriptor on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int CreateEpollFd(void);
/// <summary>
/// Registers an event with the epoll instance. If the event was previously added, that
/// registration will be modified to match the new mask.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epollFd">Epoll file descriptor</param>
/// <param name="eventFd">File descriptor generating events for the epoll</param>
/// <param name="persistentEventData">Persistent event data structure. This must stay in memory
/// until the handler is removed from the epoll.</param>
/// <param name="epollEventMask">Bit mask for the epoll event type</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int RegisterEventHandlerToEpoll(int epollFd, int eventFd, EventData* persistentEventData,
const uint32_t epollEventMask);
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters an event with the epoll instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epollFd">Epoll file descriptor</param>
/// <param name="eventFd">File descriptor generating events for the epoll</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int UnregisterEventHandlerFromEpoll(int epollFd, int eventFd);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the period of a timer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timerFd">Timer file descriptor</param>
/// <param name="period">The new period</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int SetTimerFdToPeriod(int timerFd, const struct timespec* period);
/// <summary>
/// Sets a timer to fire once only, after a duration specified in milliseconds.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timerFd">Timer file descriptor</param>
/// <param name="expiry">The time elapsed before it expires once</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int SetTimerFdToSingleExpiry(int timerFd, const struct timespec* expiry);
/// <summary>
/// Consumes an event by reading from the timer file descriptor.
/// If the event is not consumed, then it will immediately recur.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timerFd">Timer file descriptor</param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int ConsumeTimerFdEvent(int timerFd);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a timerfd and adds it to an epoll instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epollFd">Epoll file descriptor</param>
/// <param name="period">The timer period</param>
/// <param name="persistentEventData">Persistent event data structure. This must stay in memory
/// until the handler is removed from the epoll.</param>
/// <param name="epollEventMask">Bit mask for the epoll event type</param>
/// <returns>A valid timerfd file descriptor on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int CreateTimerFdAndAddToEpoll(int epollFd, const struct timespec* period,
EventData* persistentEventData, const uint32_t epollEventMask);
/// <summary>
/// Waits for an event on an epoll instance and triggers the handler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epollFd">
/// Epoll file descriptor which was created with <see cref="CreateEpollFd" ></see>.
/// </param>
/// <returns>0 on success, or -1 on failure</returns>
int WaitForEventAndCallHandler(int epollFd);
/// <summary>
/// Closes a file descriptor and prints an error on failure.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fd">File descriptor to close</param>
/// <param name="name">File descriptor name to use in error message</param>
void CloseFdAndPrintError(int fd, const char* name);
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <applibs/log.h>
#include <applibs/gpio.h>
#include <applibs/i2c.h>
#include <applibs/networking.h>
#include <applibs/storage.h>
#include "epoll_timerfd_utilities.h"
#include "BME680_reg.h"
#include <azureiot/iothub_device_client_ll.h>
#include <azureiot/iothub_client_core_common.h>
#include <azureiot/iothub_client_options.h>
#include <azureiot/iothub.h>
#include <azureiot/iothubtransportmqtt.h>
#include <azureiot/azure_sphere_provisioning.h>
#include "epoll_timerfd_utilities.h"
static char scopeId[SCOPEID_LENGTH]; // ScopeId for the Azure IoT Central application, set in
// app_manifest.json, CmdArgs
static volatile sig_atomic_t terminationRequired = false;
static I2C_DeviceAddress bme680_addr = 0x77;
static IOTHUB_DEVICE_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iothubClientHandle = NULL;
static const int keepalivePeriodSeconds = 20;
static bool iothubAuthenticated = false;
static void SendMessageCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result, void* context);
static void TwinCallback(DEVICE_TWIN_UPDATE_STATE updateState, const unsigned char* payload,
size_t payloadSize, void* userContextCallback);
static void TwinReportBoolState(const char* propertyName, bool propertyValue);
static void ReportStatusCallback(int result, void* context);
static void readWaterDetectHandler(EventData* eventData);
static const char* GetReasonString(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON reason);
static const char* getAzureSphereProvisioningResultString(
static void SendTelemetry(const unsigned char* key, const unsigned char* key1, const unsigned char* value1,
const unsigned char* key2, const unsigned char* value2,
const unsigned char* key3, const unsigned char* value3,
const unsigned char* key4, const unsigned char* value4,
const unsigned char* key5, const unsigned char* value5);
static void SetupAzureClient(void);
static uint8_t calculate_heat(void);
static double get_temperature(void);
static double get_humidity(void);
static double get_pressure(void);
static double get_gas(void);
static void init_device(void);
static void SendData(void);
static int InitPeripheralsAndHandlers(void);
static void ClosePeripheralsAndHandlers(void);
static int azureTimerFd = -1;
static int epollFd = -1;
static int i2cFd = -1;
static int waterDetectGpioFd = -1;
static int waterDetectTimerFd = -1;
static GPIO_Value_Type waterDetectState = GPIO_Value_Low;
static const int AzureIoTDefaultPollPeriodSeconds = 10;
static const int AzureIoTMinReconnectPeriodSeconds = 60;
static const int AzureIoTMaxReconnectPeriodSeconds = 10 * 60;
static const int waterDetectPollPeriod = 5000000000;
static int azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds = -1;
static void AzureTimerEventHandler(EventData* eventData);
static void TerminationHandler(int signalNumber)
// Don't use Log_Debug here, as it is not guaranteed to be async-signal-safe.
terminationRequired = true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Log_Debug("IoT Hub/Central Application starting.\n");
if (argc == 2) {
Log_Debug("Setting Azure Scope ID %s\n", argv[1]);
strncpy(scopeId, argv[1], SCOPEID_LENGTH);
else {
Log_Debug("ScopeId needs to be set in the app_manifest CmdArgs\n");
return -1;
if (InitPeripheralsAndHandlers() != 0) {
terminationRequired = true;
// Main loop
while (!terminationRequired) {
if (WaitForEventAndCallHandler(epollFd) != 0) {
terminationRequired = true;
Log_Debug("Application exiting.\n");
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Azure timer event: Check connection status and send telemetry
/// </summary>
static void AzureTimerEventHandler(EventData* eventData)
if (ConsumeTimerFdEvent(azureTimerFd) != 0) {
terminationRequired = true;
bool isNetworkReady = false;
if (Networking_IsNetworkingReady(&isNetworkReady) != -1) {
if (isNetworkReady && !iothubAuthenticated) {
else {
Log_Debug("Failed to get Network state\n");
if (iothubAuthenticated) {
static EventData azureEventData = { .eventHandler = &AzureTimerEventHandler };
static EventData waterDetectEventData = { .eventHandler = &readWaterDetectHandler };
static int InitPeripheralsAndHandlers(void)
struct sigaction action;
memset(&action, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
action.sa_handler = TerminationHandler;
sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
epollFd = CreateEpollFd();
if (epollFd < 0) {
return -1;
Log_Debug("Opening ISU2 I2C\n");
i2cFd = I2CMaster_Open(2);
I2CMaster_SetBusSpeed(i2cFd, I2C_BUS_SPEED_STANDARD);
I2CMaster_SetTimeout(i2cFd, 100);
I2CMaster_SetDefaultTargetAddress(i2cFd, bme680_addr);
azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds = AzureIoTDefaultPollPeriodSeconds;
struct timespec azureTelemetryPeriod = { azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds, 0 };
azureTimerFd =
CreateTimerFdAndAddToEpoll(epollFd, &azureTelemetryPeriod, &azureEventData, EPOLLIN);
Log_Debug("Opening GPIO2 as input.\n");
waterDetectGpioFd = GPIO_OpenAsInput(2);
if (waterDetectGpioFd < 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not open button GPIO: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
struct timespec waterDetectCheckPeriod = { 0, waterDetectPollPeriod };
waterDetectTimerFd = CreateTimerFdAndAddToEpoll(epollFd, &waterDetectCheckPeriod, &waterDetectEventData, EPOLLIN);
if (waterDetectTimerFd < 0) return -1;
return 0;
static void readWaterDetectHandler(EventData *eventData)
GPIO_Value_Type newState;
int result = GPIO_GetValue(waterDetectGpioFd, &newState);
if (result != 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not read button GPIO: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
//terminationRequired = true;
waterDetectState = newState;
static void init_device(void) {
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ctrl_hum_data, sizeof(ctrl_hum_data));
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ctrl_meas_data, sizeof(ctrl_meas_data));
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ctrl_gas_1_data, sizeof(ctrl_gas_1_data));
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, gas_wait_0_data, sizeof(gas_wait_0_data));
res_heat_0_data[1] = calculate_heat();
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, res_heat_0_data, sizeof(res_heat_0_data));
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, config_data, sizeof(config_data));
static uint8_t calculate_heat(void)
int par_g1, par_g2, par_g2_temp, par_g3, res_heat_range, res_heat_val;
uint8_t current_reg = 0xED;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_g1, 1);
current_reg = 0xEB;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_g2_temp, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_g2, 1);
current_reg = 0xEE;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_g3, 1);
current_reg = 0x02;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &res_heat_range, 1);
current_reg = 0x00;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &res_heat_val, 1);
par_g2 = (par_g2 << 8) + par_g2_temp;
res_heat_range &= 0b00110000;
double var1 = ((double)par_g1 / 16.0) + 49.0;
double var2 = (((double)par_g2 / 32768.0) * 0.0005) + 0.00235;
double var3 = (double)par_g3 / 1024.0;
double var4 = var1 * (1.0 + (var2 * (double)300.0));
double var5 = var4 + (var3 * (double)23.0);
return (uint8_t)(3.4 * ((var5 * (4.0 / (4.0 + (double)res_heat_range)) *
(1.0 / (1.0 + ((double)res_heat_val * 0.002)))) - 25));
static void ClosePeripheralsAndHandlers(void)
Log_Debug("Closing file descriptors\n");
CloseFdAndPrintError(i2cFd, "I2C");
CloseFdAndPrintError(azureTimerFd, "AzureTimer");
CloseFdAndPrintError(epollFd, "Epoll");
CloseFdAndPrintError(waterDetectGpioFd, "WaterDetectGpio");
CloseFdAndPrintError(waterDetectTimerFd, "WaterDetectTimer");
static void HubConnectionStatusCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS result,
void* userContextCallback)
iothubAuthenticated = (result == IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATED);
Log_Debug("IoT Hub Authenticated: %s\n", GetReasonString(reason));
static void SetupAzureClient(void)
if (iothubClientHandle != NULL)
IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_CreateWithAzureSphereDeviceAuthProvisioning(scopeId, 10000,
Log_Debug("IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_CreateWithAzureSphereDeviceAuthProvisioning returned '%s'.\n",
if (provResult.result != AZURE_SPHERE_PROV_RESULT_OK) {
// If we fail to connect, reduce the polling frequency, starting at
// AzureIoTMinReconnectPeriodSeconds and with a backoff up to
// AzureIoTMaxReconnectPeriodSeconds
if (azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds == AzureIoTDefaultPollPeriodSeconds) {
azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds = AzureIoTMinReconnectPeriodSeconds;
else {
azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds *= 2;
if (azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds > AzureIoTMaxReconnectPeriodSeconds) {
azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds = AzureIoTMaxReconnectPeriodSeconds;
struct timespec azureTelemetryPeriod = { azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds, 0 };
SetTimerFdToPeriod(azureTimerFd, &azureTelemetryPeriod);
Log_Debug("ERROR: failure to create IoTHub Handle - will retry in %i seconds.\n",
// Successfully connected, so make sure the polling frequency is back to the default
azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds = AzureIoTDefaultPollPeriodSeconds;
struct timespec azureTelemetryPeriod = { azureIoTPollPeriodSeconds, 0 };
SetTimerFdToPeriod(azureTimerFd, &azureTelemetryPeriod);
iothubAuthenticated = true;
if (IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SetOption(iothubClientHandle, OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE,
&keepalivePeriodSeconds) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: failure setting option \"%s\"\n", OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE);
//IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SetDeviceTwinCallback(iothubClientHandle, TwinCallback, NULL);
HubConnectionStatusCallback, NULL);
static const char* GetReasonString(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON reason)
static char* reasonString = "unknown reason";
switch (reason) {
return reasonString;
static const char* getAzureSphereProvisioningResultString(
switch (provisioningResult.result) {
static void SendTelemetry(const unsigned char* key, const unsigned char* key1, const unsigned char* value1,
const unsigned char* key2, const unsigned char* value2,
const unsigned char* key3, const unsigned char* value3,
const unsigned char* key4, const unsigned char* value4,
const unsigned char* key5, const unsigned char* value5)
static char eventBuffer[300] = { 0 };
static const char* EventMsgTemplate = "{ \"%s\": { \
\"%s\" : \"%s\", \
\"%s\" : \"%s\", \
\"%s\" : \"%s\", \
\"%s\" : \"%s\", \
\"%s\" : \"%s\"}}";
int len = snprintf(eventBuffer, sizeof(eventBuffer), EventMsgTemplate, key,
key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3, key4, value4, key5, value5);
if (len < 0)
Log_Debug("Sending IoT Hub Message: %s\n", eventBuffer);
IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE messageHandle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromString(eventBuffer);
if (messageHandle == 0) {
Log_Debug("WARNING: unable to create a new IoTHubMessage\n");
if (IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_SendEventAsync(iothubClientHandle, messageHandle, SendMessageCallback,
/*&callback_param*/ 0) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) {
Log_Debug("WARNING: failed to hand over the message to IoTHubClient\n");
else {
Log_Debug("INFO: IoTHubClient accepted the message for delivery\n");
static void SendMessageCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result, void* context)
Log_Debug("INFO: Message received by IoT Hub. Result is: %d\n", result);
void SendData(void)
double temperature, humidity, pressure, gas_res;
temperature = get_temperature();
humidity = get_humidity();
pressure = get_pressure();
gas_res = get_gas();
char tempBuffer[20];
int len = snprintf(tempBuffer, 20, "%3.2f", temperature);
char humBuffer[20];
len = snprintf(humBuffer, 20, "%3.1f", humidity);
char pressBuffer[20];
len = snprintf(pressBuffer, 20, "%6.1f", pressure);
char gasBuffer[20];
len = snprintf(gasBuffer, 20, "%3.2f", gas_res);
bool water_present = false;
if (waterDetectState == GPIO_Value_High) water_present = true;
char waterPresentBuffer[20];
len = snprintf(waterPresentBuffer, 20, "%s", water_present ? "true" : "false");
if (len > 0)
SendTelemetry("Env_data", "temperature", tempBuffer, "humidity", humBuffer, "pressure",
pressBuffer, "gas", gasBuffer, "water_present", waterPresentBuffer);
I2CMaster_Write(i2cFd, bme680_addr, reset_data, sizeof(reset_data));
static double get_gas(void)
static const const_array1[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.99, 1, 0.992, 1, 1, 0.998, 0.995, 1, 0.99, 1, 1};
static const const_array2[] = { 8000000, 4000000, 2000000, 1000000, 499500.4995, 248262.1648,
125000, 63004.03226, 31281.28128, 15625, 7812.5, 3906.25, 1953.125, 976.5625, 488.28125, 244.140625};
uint8_t gas_adc_lsb, gas_adc_msb, gas_range, range_switching_error;
uint16_t raw_gas_adc;
double gas_res;
uint8_t current_reg = 0x2B;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &gas_adc_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x2A;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &gas_adc_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0x2B;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &gas_range, 1);
current_reg = 0x04;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &range_switching_error, 1);
raw_gas_adc = (gas_adc_msb << 2) + (gas_adc_lsb >> 6);
gas_range = gas_range & 0b1111;
double var1 = (1340.0 + 5.0 * range_switching_error) * const_array1[gas_range];
gas_res = var1 * const_array2[gas_range] / (raw_gas_adc - 512.0 + var1);
return gas_res;
static double get_pressure(void)
uint32_t raw_press_adc;
uint8_t par_p1_lsb, par_p1_msb, par_p2_lsb, par_p2_msb, par_p3, par_p4_lsb, par_p4_msb,
par_p5_lsb, par_p5_msb, par_p6, par_p7, par_p8_lsb, par_p8_msb, par_p9_lsb, par_p9_msb,
par_p10, press_adc_xlsb, press_adc_lsb, press_adc_msb;
uint16_t par_p1, par_p2, par_p4, par_p5, par_p8, par_p9;
uint32_t press_comp;
uint8_t current_reg = 0x8E;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p1_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p1_msb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p2_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p2_msb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p3, 1);
current_reg = 0x94;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p4_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p4_msb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p5_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p5_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0x99;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p6, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p7, 1);
current_reg = 0x9C;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p8_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x9D;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p8_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0x9E;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p9_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x9F;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p9_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0xA0;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_p10, 1);
current_reg = 0x21;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &press_adc_xlsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &press_adc_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &press_adc_msb, 1);
par_p1 = (par_p1_msb << 8) + par_p1_lsb;
par_p2 = (par_p2_msb << 8) + par_p2_lsb;
par_p4 = (par_p4_msb << 8) + par_p4_lsb;
par_p5 = (par_p5_msb << 8) + par_p5_lsb;
par_p8 = (par_p8_msb << 8) + par_p8_lsb;
par_p9 = (par_p9_msb << 8) + par_p9_lsb;
raw_press_adc = (press_adc_msb << 12) + (press_adc_lsb << 4) + (press_adc_xlsb >> 4);
double t_fine = get_temperature() * 5120.0;
int32_t var1 = ((int32_t)t_fine >> 1) - 64000;
int32_t var2 = ((((var1 >> 2) * (var1 >> 2)) >> 11) * (int32_t)par_p6) >> 2;
var2 = var2 + ((var1 * (int32_t)par_p5) << 1);
var2 = (var2 >> 2) + ((int32_t)par_p4 << 16);
var1 = (((((var1 >> 2) * (var1 >> 2)) >> 13) * ((int32_t)par_p3 << 5)) >> 3) +
(((int32_t)par_p2 * var1) >> 1);
var1 = var1 >> 18;
var1 = ((32768 + var1) * (int32_t)par_p1) >> 15;
press_comp = 1048576 - raw_press_adc;
press_comp = (uint32_t)((press_comp - (var2 >> 12)) * ((uint32_t)3125));
if (press_comp >= (1 << 30)) press_comp = ((press_comp / (uint32_t)var1) << 1);
else press_comp = ((press_comp << 1) / (uint32_t)var1);
var1 = ((int32_t)par_p9 * (int32_t)(((press_comp >> 3) *
(press_comp >> 3)) >> 13)) >> 12;
var2 = ((int32_t)(press_comp >> 2) * (int32_t)par_p8) >> 13;
int32_t var3 = ((int32_t)(press_comp >> 8) * (int32_t)(press_comp >> 8) *
(int32_t)(press_comp >> 8) * (int32_t)par_p10) >> 17;
press_comp = (int32_t)(press_comp)+((var1 + var2 + var3 + ((int32_t)par_p7 << 7)) >> 4);
Log_Debug("Pressure integer val is %i\n", press_comp);
return (double)press_comp;
static double get_humidity(void)
uint32_t raw_hum_adc;
uint8_t par_h1_lsb, par_h1_msb, par_h2_lsb, par_h2_msb, par_h3, par_h4, par_h5, par_h6, par_h7,
hum_adc_lsb, hum_adc_msb;
uint16_t par_h1, par_h2;
const double temp_comp = get_temperature();
uint8_t current_reg = 0xE2;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h1_lsb, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h2_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0xE3;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h1_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0xE1;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h2_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0xE4;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h3, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h4, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h5, 1);
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h6, 1);
current_reg++; //0xE8
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_h7, 1);
current_reg = 0x26;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &hum_adc_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x25;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &hum_adc_msb, 1);
raw_hum_adc = (hum_adc_msb << 8) + hum_adc_lsb;
par_h1 = (par_h1_msb << 4) + (par_h1_lsb >> 4);
par_h2 = (par_h2_msb << 4) + (par_h2_lsb >> 4);
double var1 = raw_hum_adc - (((double)par_h1 * 16.0) + (((double)par_h3 / 2.0) * temp_comp));
double var2 = var1 * (((double)par_h2 / 262144.0) * (1.0 + (((double)par_h4 / 16384.0) *
temp_comp) + (((double)par_h5 / 1048576.0) * temp_comp * temp_comp)));
double var3 = (double)par_h6 / 16384.0;
double var4 = (double)par_h7 / 2097152.0;
return var2 + ((var3 + (var4 * temp_comp)) * var2 * var2);
static double get_temperature(void)
uint32_t raw_temp_adc;
uint8_t par_t1_lsb, par_t1_msb, par_t2_lsb, par_t2_msb, par_t3, temp_adc_xlsb,
temp_adc_lsb, temp_adc_msb;
uint16_t par_t1, par_t2;
uint8_t current_reg = 0xE9;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_t1_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0xEA;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_t1_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0x8A;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_t2_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x8B;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_t2_msb, 1);
current_reg = 0x8C;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &par_t3, 1);
current_reg = 0x24;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &temp_adc_xlsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x23;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &temp_adc_lsb, 1);
current_reg = 0x22;
I2CMaster_WriteThenRead(i2cFd, bme680_addr, ¤t_reg, 1, &temp_adc_msb, 1);
temp_adc_xlsb >>= 4;
raw_temp_adc = (temp_adc_msb << 12) + (temp_adc_lsb << 4) + temp_adc_xlsb;
par_t1 = (par_t1_msb << 8) + par_t1_lsb;
par_t2 = (par_t2_msb << 8) + par_t2_lsb;
double var1 = (((double)raw_temp_adc / 16384.0) - ((double)par_t1 / 1024.0)) * (double)par_t2;
double var2 = ((((double)raw_temp_adc / 131072.0) - ((double)par_t1 / 8192.0)) *
(((double)raw_temp_adc / 131072.0) - ((double)par_t1 / 8192.0))) *
((double)par_t3 * 16.0);
double t_fine = var1 + var2;
double temp_comp = t_fine / 5120.0;
return temp_comp;
#pragma once
#define Ctrl_meas 0x74
#define Ctrl_hum 0x72
#define Ctrl_gas_1 0x71
#define Ctrl_gas_0 0x70
#define Config 0x75
#define Gas_wait_(x) (0x64 + x)
#define Idac_heat_(x) (0x50 + x)
#define Res_heat_(x) (0x5A + x)
#define Gas_r_lsb 0x2B
#define Gas_r_msb 0x2A
#define Hum_lsb 0x26
#define Hum_msb 0x25
#define Temp_xlsb 0x24
#define Temp_lsb 0x23
#define Temp_msb 0x22
#define Press_xlsb 0x21
#define Press_lsb 0x20
#define Press_msb 0x1F
#define BME680_ID 0x61
#define Id 0xD0
#define Reset 0xE0
#define BME680_ADDR 0x77
const uint8_t ctrl_hum_data[] = { Ctrl_hum, 0x01 };
const uint8_t ctrl_meas_data[] = { Ctrl_meas, 0b01010101 };
const uint8_t ctrl_gas_1_data[] = { Ctrl_gas_1, 0b0001000 };
const uint8_t gas_wait_0_data[] = { Gas_wait_(0), 0x59 };
uint8_t res_heat_0_data[] = { Res_heat_(0), 0x00 };
const uint8_t config_data[] = { Config, 0b00001000 };
const uint8_t reset_data[] = { Reset, 0xB6 };
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <applibs/log.h>
#include "epoll_timerfd_utilities.h"
int CreateEpollFd(void)
int epollFd = -1;
epollFd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epollFd == -1) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not create epoll instance: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return epollFd;
int RegisterEventHandlerToEpoll(int epollFd, int eventFd, EventData* persistentEventData,
const uint32_t epollEventMask)
persistentEventData->fd = eventFd;
struct epoll_event eventToAddOrModify = { .data.ptr = persistentEventData,
.events = epollEventMask };
// Register the eventFd on the epoll instance referred by epollFd
// and register the eventHandler handler for events in epollEventMask.
if (epoll_ctl(epollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, eventFd, &eventToAddOrModify) == -1) {
// If the Add fails, retry with the Modify as the file descriptor has already been
// added to the epoll set after it was removed by the kernel upon its closure.
if (epoll_ctl(epollFd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, eventFd, &eventToAddOrModify) == -1) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not register event to epoll instance: %s (%d).\n",
strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int UnregisterEventHandlerFromEpoll(int epollFd, int eventFd)
int res = 0;
// Unregister the eventFd on the epoll instance referred by epollFd.
if ((res = epoll_ctl(epollFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, eventFd, NULL)) == -1) {
if (res == -1 && errno != EBADF) { // Ignore EBADF errors
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not remove event from epoll instance: %s (%d).\n",
strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int SetTimerFdToPeriod(int timerFd, const struct timespec* period)
struct itimerspec newValue = { .it_value = *period,.it_interval = *period };
if (timerfd_settime(timerFd, 0, &newValue, NULL) < 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not set timerfd period: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int SetTimerFdToSingleExpiry(int timerFd, const struct timespec* expiry)
struct itimerspec newValue = { .it_value = *expiry,.it_interval = {} };
if (timerfd_settime(timerFd, 0, &newValue, NULL) < 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not set timerfd interval: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int ConsumeTimerFdEvent(int timerFd)
uint64_t timerData = 0;
if (read(timerFd, &timerData, sizeof(timerData)) == -1) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not read timerfd %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int CreateTimerFdAndAddToEpoll(int epollFd, const struct timespec* period,
EventData* persistentEventData, const uint32_t epollEventMask)
// Create the timerfd and arm it by setting the interval to period
int timerFd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK);
if (timerFd < 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not create timerfd: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
if (SetTimerFdToPeriod(timerFd, period) != 0) {
int result = close(timerFd);
if (result != 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not close timerfd: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
persistentEventData->fd = timerFd;
if (RegisterEventHandlerToEpoll(epollFd, timerFd, persistentEventData, epollEventMask) != 0) {
return -1;
return timerFd;
int WaitForEventAndCallHandler(int epollFd)
struct epoll_event event;
int numEventsOccurred = epoll_wait(epollFd, &event, 1, -1);
if (numEventsOccurred == -1) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
// interrupted by signal, e.g. due to breakpoint being set; ignore
return 0;
Log_Debug("ERROR: Failed waiting on events: %s (%d).\n", strerror(errno), errno);
return -1;
if (numEventsOccurred == 1 && != NULL) {
EventData* eventData =;
return 0;
void CloseFdAndPrintError(int fd, const char* fdName)
if (fd >= 0) {
int result = close(fd);
if (result != 0) {
Log_Debug("ERROR: Could not close fd %s: %s (%d).\n", fdName, strerror(errno), errno);
2 projects • 4 followers
I am Samyak, a final year student of master's with a Specialization in Embedded Systems from Nirma University, India.