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sagar saini
Published © GPL3+

Arduino Nano 20KHz pocket sized Digital Oscilloscope

A difficult code with a try to display waveform on a small screen with precisions. Volts-time, frequency, duty cycle and divisions.

IntermediateWork in progress1 hour27,905
Arduino Nano 20KHz pocket sized Digital Oscilloscope

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
0.96" OLED 64x128 Display Module
ElectroPeak 0.96" OLED 64x128 Display Module

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Breadboard, 830 Tie Points
Breadboard, 830 Tie Points
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long


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circuit PDF



// Follow us on Hackster, Hackaday and the Instructables.
//Please First uncomment/comment the oled driver lines, which you are using
//Circuitkicker.com -- Sagar saini --sainisagar7294

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
//#include <Adafruit_SH1106.h>            // https://github.com/wonho-maker/Adafruit_SH1106
#include <EEPROM.h>

#define SCREEN_WIDTH   128              // OLED display width
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT   64              // OLED display height
#define REC_LENG       200              // size of wave data buffer
#define DISP_LENG      100              // size of display data
#define MIN_TRIG_SWING   5              // minimum trigger swing.(Display "Unsync" if swing smaller than this value
#define DOTS_DIV        25

// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET     -1              // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
Adafruit_SSD1306 oled(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET);   // device name is oled
//Adafruit_SH1106 oled(OLED_RESET);        // use this when SH1106

#define R_12k   4        //  12k ohm
#define R_820k  16       //  820k ohm  for AC low range
#define R_82k   17       //  82k omm for AC Hi range

// Range name table (those are stored in flash memory)
const char vRangeName[10][5] PROGMEM = {"A50V", "A 5V", " 50V", " 20V", " 10V", "  5V", "  2V", "  1V", "0.5V", "0.2V"}; // Vertical display character (number of characters including \ 0 is required)
const char * const vstring_table[] PROGMEM = {vRangeName[0], vRangeName[1], vRangeName[2], vRangeName[3], vRangeName[4], vRangeName[5], vRangeName[6], vRangeName[7], vRangeName[8], vRangeName[9]};
const char hRangeName[22][6] PROGMEM = {"200ms", "100ms", " 50ms", " 20ms", " 10ms", "  5ms", "  2ms", "  1ms", "500us", "200us", "100us", " 50us", " 81us", " 41us", " 20us", "156us", " 78us", " 31us", "15.6u", "7.8us", "3.1us", "1.56u"};  //  Hrizontal display characters
const char * const hstring_table[] PROGMEM = {hRangeName[0], hRangeName[1], hRangeName[2], hRangeName[3], hRangeName[4], hRangeName[5], hRangeName[6], hRangeName[7], hRangeName[8], hRangeName[9],
    hRangeName[10], hRangeName[11], hRangeName[12], hRangeName[13], hRangeName[14], hRangeName[15], hRangeName[16], hRangeName[17], hRangeName[18], hRangeName[19], hRangeName[20], hRangeName[21]};
const float hRangeValue[] PROGMEM = { 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.5e-3, 0.2e-3, 0.2e-3, 0.2e-3, 81.3e-6, 81.3e-6, 81.3e-6, 156.25e-6, 78.125e-6, 31.25e-6, 15.625e-6, 7.8125e-6, 3.125e-6, 1.5625e-6}; // record speed in second. ( = 25pix on screen) this value used for freq calc.

int waveBuff[REC_LENG];        // wave form buffer (RAM remaining capacity is barely)
char chrBuff[8];               // display string buffer
char hScale[] = "xxxAs";       // horizontal scale character
char vScale[] = "xxxx";        // vartical scale

float lsb5V    = 0.00563965;   // (5V)sensivity coefficient of 5V range. std=0.00563965 1.1*630/(1024*120)
float lsb50V   = 0.0512939;    // (50V)sensivity coefficient of 50V range. std=0.0512939 1.1*520.91/(1024*10.91)

float lsb5Vac  = 0.00630776;   //  std=0.00630776 V/LSB
float lsb50Vac = 0.0579751;    //  std=0.0579751 V/LSB

volatile int vRange;           // V-range number                   2:50V,  3:20V,  4:10V,  5:5V,  6:2V,  7:1V,  8:0.5V,  9:0.2V
volatile int hRange;           // H-range nubmer 0:200ms, 1:100ms, 2:50ms, 3:20ms, 4:10ms, 5:5ms, 6;2ms, 7:1ms, 8:500us, 9:200us, 10:100us, 11:50us, 12:
volatile int trigD;            // trigger slope flag,     0:positive 1:negative
volatile int scopeP;           // operation scope position number. 0:Veratical, 1:Hrizontal, 2:Trigger slope, 3:DC/AC/FFT
volatile boolean hold = false; // hold flag
volatile boolean switchPushed = false; // flag of switch pusshed !
volatile int saveTimer;        // remaining time for saving EEPROM
int timeExec;                  // approx. execution time of current range setting (ms)

int dataMin;                   // buffer minimum value (smallest=0)
int dataMax;                   //        maximum value (largest=1023)
int dataAve;                   // 10 x average value (use 10x value to keep accuracy. so, max=10230)
int dataRms;                   // 10x rms. value
int rangeMax;                  // buffer value to graph full swing
int rangeMin;                  // buffer value of graph botto
int rangeMaxDisp;              // display value of max. (100x value)
int rangeMinDisp;              // display value if min.
int trigP;                     // trigger position pointer on data buffer
boolean trigSync;              // flag of trigger detected
int att10x;                    // 10x attenuator ON (effective when 1)
int inMode;                    //  0=DC+, 1=DC+-, 2=AC
int offset5Vac;
int offset50Vac;

float waveFreq;                // frequency (Hz)
float waveDuty;                // duty ratio (%)

#include <fix_fft.h>
#define FFT_N 128
volatile boolean fftMode = false; // FFT mode false:Wave, true:FFT

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);             // reserve (button press interrupt (int.0 IRQ))
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);                   // PWM for trigger level
  pinMode(R_12k, INPUT);                // pin4 1/10 attenuator(Off=High-Z, Enable=Output Low)
  pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);             // FFT mode
  pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);             // AC mode
  pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);             // Select button
  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);             // Up
  pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);            // Calibration pulse output
  pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);            // Hold
  pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);            // Down
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);                  // LED
  pinMode(R_820k, INPUT);               // A2
  pinMode(R_82k, INPUT);                // A3
  DIDR0 = 0x0f;                         // disable digital input buffer of A0-A3

  oled.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); // select 3C or 3D (set your OLED I2C address)
 // oled.begin(SH1106_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);  // use this when SH1106

  auxFunctions();                       // Voltage measure (never return)
  loadEEPROM();                         // read last settings from EEPROM
  analogReference(INTERNAL);            // ADC full scale = 1.1V
  trigger_level(26);                    // PWM triger level 0.5V for ET
  analogReference(DEFAULT);             // ADC full scale = 5.0V
  trigger_level(128);                   // PWM triger level 2.5V for ET
  (void) analogRead(0);                 // dummy read to select A0 and reference
#ifdef USE_PIN2IRQ
  attachInterrupt(0, pin2IRQ, FALLING); // activate IRQ at falling edge mode
  PCMSK0 = _BV(PCINT4) | _BV(PCINT3) | _BV(PCINT1) | _BV(PCINT0); // D8,D9,D12 pin change interrupt
  PCICR  = _BV(PCIE0);                  // enable interrupt from PCIE0 group
  startScreen();                        // display start message

void loop() {
  if (hRange < 15) pulse();             // calibration pulse is for realtime sampling only
  setInputOffset();                     // coupling mode set(AC/DC)
  setConditions();                      // set measurment conditions
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);               // flash LED
  readWave();                           // read wave form and store into buffer memory
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);                // stop LED
  setConditions();                      // set measurment conditions again (reflect change during measure)
  dataAnalize();                        // analize data
  writeCommonImage();                   // write fixed screen image (2.6ms)
  plotData();                           // plot waveform (10-18ms)
  dispInf();                            // display information (6.5-8.5ms)
  oled.display();                       // send screen buffer to OLED (37ms)
  saveEEPROM();                         // save settings to EEPROM if necessary
  while (hold == true) {                // wait if Hold flag ON
    if (inMode > 0) {                   //  if DC mode,
      if (acZero() == 1) {              //  if offset adj. executed
        scopeP = 0;                     //  scope position to vartical
        hold = false;                   //  cancel hold
    }                                   //

int acZero() {                         // cancel AC renge offset
  if (digitalRead(8) == LOW) {         //  if select pushed
    if (vRange >= 5) {                 //  = 5V or less
      offset5Vac = dataAve / 10;       // adjust the offset
    } else {                           // range more than 5V
      offset50Vac = dataAve / 10;      //  adjust the offset
    saveEEPROM();                      // 
    return 1;                          //  adjusted
  return 0;                            // no adjust

void setInputOffset() {                //  set offset circuit
  if (inMode >= 1) {                   //  if AC mode
    if (att10x == 1) {                 //  10X-att enabled
      pull5V(R_82k);                   //  pull 5V by 82k
    } else {                           //  10X-att disable
      pull5V(R_820k);                  //  pull 5V by 820k
  } else {                             //  DC mode
    hiZ(R_820k);                       // Hi-Z
    hiZ(R_82k);                        // Hi-Z

void hiZ(int n) {                      // set the pin to hi-z
  pinMode(n, INPUT);                   // set INPUT
  digitalWrite(n, LOW);                //  no pull up

void pull5V(int n) {                   //  pull 5V through registor 
  pinMode(n, OUTPUT);                  //  set OUTPUT
  digitalWrite(n, HIGH);               //  OUTPUT HIGH

void pullGND(int n) {                  //  pull GND through registor 
  pinMode(n, OUTPUT);                  //  set OUTPUT
  digitalWrite(n, LOW);                //  output LOW

void setConditions() {              //  measuring condition setting
  if (digitalRead(7) == LOW) {      // set AC/DC
    inMode = 1;                     // 
  } else {
    inMode = 0;                     // 

  // get range name from PROGMEM
  strcpy_P(hScale, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(hstring_table[hRange])));  // H range name
  strcpy_P(vScale, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(vstring_table[vRange])));  // V range name

  switch (vRange) {                // setting of Vrange
    case 0:                        // delaeted Auto50V range
      att10x = 1;                  // use input attenuator

    case 1:                        // delaeted Auto 5V range
      att10x = 0;                  // no attenuator

    case 2:                        // 50V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 50.0 / lsb50V;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 5000;       // vartical scale (set100x value)
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset50Vac + 25.0 / lsb50Vac; // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 2500;       // vartical scale (set100x value)
        rangeMin = offset50Vac - 25.0 / lsb50Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -2500;
      att10x = 1;                  // use input attenuator

    case 3:                        // 20V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 20.0 / lsb50V;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 2000;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset50Vac + 10.0 / lsb50Vac;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 1000;
        rangeMin = offset50Vac - 10.0 / lsb50Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -1000;
      att10x = 1;                  // use input attenuator

    case 4:                        // 10V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 10.0 / lsb50V;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 1000;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset50Vac + 5.0 / lsb50Vac;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 500;
        rangeMin = offset50Vac - 5.0 / lsb50Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -500;
      att10x = 1;                  // use input attenuator

    case 5:                        // 5V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 5.0 / lsb5V;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 500;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset5Vac + 2.5 / lsb5Vac;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 250;
        rangeMin = offset5Vac - 2.5 / lsb5Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -250;
      att10x = 0;                  // no input attenuator

    case 6:                        // 2V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 2.0 / lsb5V;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 200;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset5Vac + 1.0 / lsb5Vac;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 100;
        rangeMin = offset5Vac - 1.0 / lsb5Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -100;
      att10x = 0;                  // no input attenuator

    case 7:                        // 1V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 1.0 / lsb5V;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 100;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset5Vac + 0.5 / lsb5Vac;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 50;
        rangeMin = offset5Vac - 0.5 / lsb5Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -50;
      att10x = 0;                  // no input attenuator

    case 8:                        // 0.5V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 0.5 / lsb5V;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 50;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset5Vac + 0.25 / lsb5Vac;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 25;
        rangeMin = offset5Vac - 0.25 / lsb5Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -25;
      att10x = 0;                  // no input attenuator

    case 9:                        // 0.2V range
      if (inMode == 0) {
        rangeMax = 0.2 / lsb5V;    // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 20;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
      } else {
        rangeMax = offset5Vac + 0.1 / lsb5Vac;  // set full scale pixcel count number
        rangeMaxDisp = 10;
        rangeMin = offset5Vac - 0.1 / lsb5Vac;
        rangeMinDisp = -10;
      att10x = 0;                  // no input attenuator

void writeCommonImage() {                 //  Common screen image drawing
  oled.clearDisplay();                    //  erase all(0.4ms)
  if (fftMode == true) return;            // no need for the FFT display
  oled.setTextColor(WHITE);               // write in white character
  oled.drawFastVLine(26, 9, 55, WHITE);   // left vartical line
  oled.drawFastVLine(127, 9, 3, WHITE);   // right vrtical line up
  oled.drawFastVLine(127, 61, 3, WHITE);  // right vrtical line bottom

  oled.drawFastHLine(24, 9, 7, WHITE);    // Max value auxiliary mark
  oled.drawFastHLine(24, 36, 2, WHITE);
  oled.drawFastHLine(24, 63, 7, WHITE);

  oled.drawFastHLine(51, 9, 3, WHITE);    // Max value auxiliary mark
  oled.drawFastHLine(51, 63, 3, WHITE);

  oled.drawFastHLine(76, 9, 3, WHITE);    // Max value auxiliary mark
  oled.drawFastHLine(76, 63, 3, WHITE);

  oled.drawFastHLine(101, 9, 3, WHITE);   // Max value auxiliary mark
  oled.drawFastHLine(101, 63, 3, WHITE);

  oled.drawFastHLine(123, 9, 5, WHITE);   // right side Max value auxiliary mark
  oled.drawFastHLine(123, 63, 5, WHITE);

  for (int x = 26; x <= 128; x += 5) {
    oled.drawFastHLine(x, 36, 2, WHITE);  // Draw the center line (horizontal line) with a dotted line
  for (int x = (127 - 25); x > 30; x -= 25) {
    for (int y = 10; y < 63; y += 5) {
      oled.drawFastVLine(x, y, 2, WHITE); // Draw 3 vertical lines with dotted lines

void readWave() {                          //  Record waveform to memory array
  byte *p = (byte *) waveBuff;
  if (att10x == 1) {                       // if 1/10 attenuator required
  } else {                                 // if not required
  switchPushed = false;                    // Clear switch operation flag

  switch (hRange) {                        // set recording conditions in accordance with the range number
    case 0:                                // 200ms range
      timeExec = 1600 + 60;                // Approximate execution time(ms) Used for countdown until saving to EEPROM

    case 1:                                // 100ms range
      timeExec = 800 + 60;                 // Approximate execution time(ms) Used for countdown until saving to EEPROM

    case 2:                                // 50ms range
      timeExec = 400 + 60;                 // Approximate execution time(ms)

    case 3:                                // 20ms range
      timeExec = 160 + 60;                 // Approximate execution time(ms)

    case 4:                                // 10ms range
      timeExec = 80 + 60;                  // Approximate execution time(ms)

    case 5:                                // 5ms range
      timeExec = 40 + 60;                  // Approximate execution time(ms)

    case 6:                                // 2ms range
      timeExec = 16 + 60;                  // Approximate execution time(ms)
      ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0xf8) | 0x06;     // dividing ratio = 64 (0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // up to rec buffer size
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 56us
        delayMicroseconds(23);             // timing adjustmet tuned

    case 7:                                // 1ms range
      timeExec = 8 + 60;                   // Approximate execution time(ms)
      ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0xf8) | 0x05;     // dividing ratio = 16 (0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // up to rec buffer size
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 28us
        delayMicroseconds(11);             // timing adjustmet tuned

    case 8:                                // 500us range
      timeExec = 4 + 60;                   // Approximate execution time(ms)
      ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0xf8) | 0x04;     // dividing ratio = 16(0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // up to rec buffer size
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 16us
        delayMicroseconds(4);              // timing adjustmet
        // time fine adjustment 0.0625 x 8 = 0.5usnop=0.0625us @16MHz)
        asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");

    case 9:
    case 10:
    case 11:                               //  common 200, 100, 50us range
      timeExec = 2 + 60;                   // Approximate execution time(ms)
      ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0xf8) | 0x02;     // dividing ratio = 4(0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // up to rec buffer size
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 6us
        // time fine adjustment 0.0625 * 20 = 1.25us (nop=0.0625us @16MHz)
        asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");
        asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");

    case 12:                               // full speed, ADC free run. 81.25us/div 308ksps
    case 13:                               // x2 40.625us/div
    case 14:                               // x4 20.3125us/div
      timeExec = 1 + 60;                   // Approximate execution time(ms)
      ADCSRB = 0x40;                       // Auto Trigger free run
      ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0xf8) | 0x62;     // Auto Trigger Enable. dividing ratio = 4(0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
      cli();                               //  no interrupt for TIMING
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) {
        while ((ADCSRA & 0x10) == 0);      // polling until adif==1
        ADCSRA |= 0x10;                    // clear ADIF bit so that ADC can do next operation
        *p++ = ADCL;                       // must read adch low byte first
        *p++ = ADCH;                       // read adch high byte
      ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0x9f;              // stop ADC free run ADSC=0 ADATE=0
      sei();                               // no interrupt for TIMING
    case 15:                               // 156.25us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 16:                               // 78.125us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 17:                               // 31.25us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 18:                               // 15.625us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 19:                               // 7.8125us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 20:                               // 3.125us/div equivalent time sampling
    case 21:                               // 1.5625us/div equivalent time sampling
      extern byte oscspeed;
      timeExec = 2 + 60;                   // Approximate execution time(ms)
      oscspeed = 21 - hRange;              // oscspeed = 6...0

void dataAnalize() {                       //  get various information from wave form
  long d;
  long sum = 0;

  // search max and min value
  dataMin = 1023;                          // min value initialize to big number
  dataMax = 0;                             // max value initialize to small number
  for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) {     // serach max min value
    d = waveBuff[i];
    sum = sum + d;
    if (d < dataMin) {                     // update min
      dataMin = d;
    if (d > dataMax) {                     // updata max
      dataMax = d;

  // calculate average
  dataAve = (sum + 10) / 20;               // Average value calculation (calculated by 10 times to improve accuracy)

  //  rms value calc.
  sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) {     //  to all buffer
    d = waveBuff[i] - (dataAve + 5) / 10;  // (10
    sum += d * d;                          // 
  dataRms = sqrt(sum / REC_LENG);          // 10 get rms value

  // Trigger position search
  for (trigP = (DISP_LENG / 2); trigP < (REC_LENG - 1 - (DISP_LENG / 2)); trigP++) { // Find the points that straddle the median at the center  50 of the data range
    if (trigD == 0) {                             // if trigger direction is positive
      if ((waveBuff[trigP - 1] < (dataMax + dataMin) / 2) && (waveBuff[trigP] >= (dataMax + dataMin) / 2)) {
        break;                                    // positive trigger position found !
    } else {                                      // trigger direction is negative
      if ((waveBuff[trigP - 1] > (dataMax + dataMin) / 2) && (waveBuff[trigP] <= (dataMax + dataMin) / 2)) {
      }                                           // negative trigger poshition found !
  if (hRange > 14)
    trigP = 50;     // equivalent time sampling use delayed trigger
  trigSync = true;
  if (trigP >= ((REC_LENG / 2) + (DISP_LENG / 2))) {  // If the trigger is not found in range
    trigP = (REC_LENG / 2);                       // Set it to the center for the time being
    trigSync = false;                             // set Unsync display flag
  if ((dataMax - dataMin) <= MIN_TRIG_SWING) {    // amplitude of the waveform smaller than the specified value
    trigSync = false;                             // set Unsync display flag

void freqDuty() {                               //  detect frequency and duty cycle value from waveform data
  int swingCenter;                              // center of wave (half of p-p)
  float p0 = 0;                                 // 1-st posi edge
  float p1 = 0;                                 // total length of cycles
  float p2 = 0;                                 // total length of pulse high time
  float pFine = 0;                              // fine position (0-1.0)
  float lastPosiEdge;                           // last positive edge position

  float pPeriod;                                // pulse period
  float pWidth;                                 // pulse width

  int p1Count = 0;                              // wave cycle count
  int p2Count = 0;                              // High time count

  boolean a0Detected = false;
  //  boolean b0Detected = false;
  boolean posiSerch = true;                     // true when serching posi edge

  swingCenter = (3 * (dataMin + dataMax)) / 2;  // calculate wave center value

  for (int i = 1; i < REC_LENG - 2; i++) {      // scan all over the buffer
    if (posiSerch == true) {   // posi slope (frequency serch)
      if ((sum3(i) <= swingCenter) && (sum3(i + 1) > swingCenter)) {  // if across the center when rising (+-3data used to eliminate noize)
        pFine = (float)(swingCenter - sum3(i)) / ((swingCenter - sum3(i)) + (sum3(i + 1) - swingCenter) );  // fine cross point calc.
        if (a0Detected == false) {              // if 1-st cross
          a0Detected = true;                    // set find flag
          p0 = i + pFine;                       // save this position as startposition
        } else {
          p1 = i + pFine - p0;                  // record length (length of n*cycle time)
        lastPosiEdge = i + pFine;               // record location for Pw calcration
        posiSerch = false;
    } else {   // nega slope serch (duration serch)
      if ((sum3(i) >= swingCenter) && (sum3(i + 1) < swingCenter)) {  // if across the center when falling (+-3data used to eliminate noize)
        pFine = (float)(sum3(i) - swingCenter) / ((sum3(i) - swingCenter) + (swingCenter - sum3(i + 1)) );
        if (a0Detected == true) {
          p2 = p2 + (i + pFine - lastPosiEdge); // calucurate pulse width and accumurate it
        posiSerch = true;

  pPeriod = p1 / p1Count;                 // pulse period
  pWidth  = p2 / p2Count;                 // palse width

  waveFreq = DOTS_DIV / ((pgm_read_float(hRangeValue + hRange) * pPeriod)); // frequency
  waveDuty = 100.0 * pWidth / pPeriod;                                      // duty ratio

int sum3(int k) {       // Sum of before and after and own value
  int m = waveBuff[k - 1] + waveBuff[k] + waveBuff[k + 1];
  return m;

void startScreen() {                      //  Staru up screen
//  oled.setTextSize(2);                  // at double size character
  oled.println(F("Oscilloscope"));       // Title(Poor Man's Osilloscope, RadioPench 1)
  oled.println(F("Sagar Saini"));          // this for SH1106
  oled.display();                         // actual display here
  oled.setTextSize(1);                    // After this, standard font size

void dispHold() {                         // display "Hold"
  oled.fillRect(42, 11, 24, 8, BLACK);    // black paint 4 characters
  oled.setCursor(42, 11);
  oled.print(F("Hold"));                  // Hold
  oled.display();                         //

void dispInf() {                          //   Display of various information
  float volt;
  // DC/AC display DC/AC couple mode
  oled.setCursor(1, 0);
  if (scopeP == 3) {                      // if scoped
    oled.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE);
  if (fftMode == true) {
  } else if (inMode == 0) {
  } else {
  if (scopeP == 3) {                      // if scoped
    oled.drawFastHLine(0, 7, 14, WHITE); // display scoped mark at the bottom
    oled.drawFastVLine(0, 5,  2, WHITE);
    oled.drawFastVLine(13, 5,  2, WHITE);

  //  vertical sensitivity
  oled.setCursor(15, 0);                  // around top left
  oled.print(vScale);                     // vertical sensitivity value
  if (scopeP == 0) {                      // if scoped
    oled.drawFastHLine(13, 7, 27, WHITE); // display scoped mark at the bottom
    oled.drawFastVLine(13, 5,  2, WHITE);
    oled.drawFastVLine(39, 5,  2, WHITE);

  //  horizontal sweep speed
  oled.setCursor(42, 0);                  //
  oled.print(hScale);                     // display sweep speed (time/div)
  if (scopeP == 1) {                      // if scoped
    oled.drawFastHLine(40, 7, 33, WHITE); // display scoped mark
    oled.drawFastVLine(40, 5,  2, WHITE);
    oled.drawFastVLine(72, 5,  2, WHITE);
  if (hRange > 14 && fftMode == false) {  // if equivalent time sampling
    oled.setCursor(0, 21);                //

  //  trigger polarity
  oled.setCursor(75, 0);                  // at top center
  if (trigD == 0) {                       // if positive
    oled.print(char(0x18));               // up mark
  } else {
    oled.print(char(0x19));               // down mark              
  if (scopeP == 2) {                      // if scoped
    oled.drawFastHLine(72, 7, 11, WHITE); // display scoped mark
    oled.drawFastVLine(72, 5,  2, WHITE);
    oled.drawFastVLine(82, 5,  2, WHITE);

  // average voltage
  if (inMode == 0) {                      // DC if DC mode
    oled.setCursor(86, 0);
    oled.print(F("av"));                  // av : average
    if (att10x == 1) {                    // if 10x attenuator is used
      volt = dataAve * lsb50V / 10.0;     // 50V(10) range value
    } else {                              // no!
      volt = dataAve * lsb5V / 10.0;      // 5V 10range value
    if (volt < 9.995) {                   // if less than 10V
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);       // format x.xx
    } else {                              // no! over 10
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);       // format xx.x
  } else {                                // AC  AC mode
    oled.setCursor(86, 0);
    oled.print(F("rm"));                  // rm : rms root mean square

    if (att10x == 1) {                    // if 10x attenuator is used
      volt = dataRms * lsb50Vac;          //  50V range value
    } else {                              // no!
      volt = dataRms * lsb5Vac;           // 5V range value

    if (volt < 9.995) {                   // if less than 10V
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);       // format x.xx
    } else {                              // no!
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);       // format xx.x
  oled.setCursor(98, 0);                  // at top right
  oled.print(chrBuff);                    //  display voltage 

  //  display frequency, duty % or trigger missed
  if (trigSync == false) {                // If trigger point can't found
    oled.fillRect(92, 14, 24, 8, BLACK);  // black paint 4 character
    oled.setCursor(92, 14);               //
    oled.print(F("unSync"));              // display Unsync
  } else {
    oled.fillRect(91, 12, 25, 9, BLACK);  // erase Freq area
    oled.setCursor(92, 13);               // set display location
    if (waveFreq < 9.9995) {              // if less than 9.9995Hz
      oled.print(waveFreq, 2);            // display 9.99Hz
    } else if (waveFreq < 99.995) {       // if less than 99.995Hz
      oled.print(waveFreq, 1);            // display 99.9Hz
    } else if (waveFreq < 999.95) {       // if less than 999.95Hz
      oled.print(waveFreq, 1);            // display 999.9H
    } else if (waveFreq < 9995.0) {       // if less than 9.995kHz
      oled.print((waveFreq / 1000.0), 2); // display 9.99kH
    } else if (waveFreq < 99950.0) {      // if less than 99.95kHz                         // if more
      oled.print((waveFreq / 1000.0), 1); // display 99.9kH
    } else {                              // if more
      oled.print((waveFreq / 1000.0), 0); // display 999kHz
    oled.fillRect(97, 21, 25, 10, BLACK); // erase Freq area (as small as possible)
    oled.setCursor(98, 23);               // set location
    oled.print(waveDuty, 1);              // display duty (High level ratio) in %

  //  vartical scale lines
  if (fftMode == true) return;            // no need for the FFT display
  volt = rangeMaxDisp / 100.0;            // convert Max voltage
  if (vRange <= 3) {                      // 20V if range is 20 or more
    dtostrf(volt, 4, 0, chrBuff);         // format **
  } else {
    if (vRange <= 7) {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);       // format **.*
    } else {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);       // format *.**
  oled.setCursor(0, 9);
  oled.print(chrBuff);                    //  display Max value

  volt = (rangeMaxDisp + rangeMinDisp) / 200.0; // center value calculation
  if (vRange <= 3) {                      // 20V
    dtostrf(volt, 4, 0, chrBuff);         // format **20
  } else {
    if (vRange <= 7) {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);       // format **.*
    } else {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);       // format *.**
  oled.setCursor(0, 33);
  oled.print(chrBuff);                    //  display the value

  volt = rangeMinDisp / 100.0;            //  convart Min voltage
  if (vRange <= 3) {                      // 20V
    dtostrf(volt, 4, 0, chrBuff);         // format **20
  } else {
    if (vRange <= 7) {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);       // format **.*
    } else {
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);       // format *.**
      if (inMode >= 1 ) {                 // 0.5 0.2V  compress zero(-0.25 -> -.25)
        chrBuff[1] = chrBuff[2];          //  
        chrBuff[2] = chrBuff[3];
        chrBuff[3] = chrBuff[4];
        chrBuff[4] = chrBuff[5];
  oled.setCursor(0, 57);
  oled.print(chrBuff);                    //  display the value
  //  this for debug (value display on screen)
  //  oled.fillRect(40, 12, 25, 9, BLACK);    //  
  //  oled.setCursor(40, 13);                 //
  //  oled.print(hRange);                     // 

void plotData() {                    //  plot waveform on OLED
  long y1, y2;
  if (fftMode == true) {                            // FFT
  } else if (hRange <= 9 || hRange == 12 || hRange > 14) {          //  noromal plot
    for (int x = 0; x <= 98; x++) {
      y1 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 50], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // convert to plot address
      y1 = constrain(y1, 9, 63);                                     // Crush(Saturate) the protruding part
      y2 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 49], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // to address calucurate
      y2 = constrain(y2, 9, 63);                                     //
      oled.drawLine(x + 27, y1, x + 28, y2, WHITE);                  // connect between point
  } else if (hRange == 10 || hRange == 13) {         // 100us2 zoom 2X when 100us range
    for (int x = 0; x <= 49; x++) {
      y1 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 25], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // convert to plot address
      y1 = constrain(y1, 9, 63);                                     // Crush(Saturate) the protruding part
      y2 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 24], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // to address calucurate
      y2 = constrain(y2, 9, 63);                                     //
      oled.drawLine(x * 2 + 27, y1, x * 2 + 29, y2, WHITE);              // connect between point
  } else if (hRange == 11 || hRange == 14) {        // 50us4 zoom 4x when 50us range
    for (int x = 0; x <= 24; x++) {
      y1 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 13], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // convert to plot address
      y1 = constrain(y1, 9, 63);                                     // Crush(Saturate) the protruding part
      y2 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 12], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); // to address calucurate
      y2 = constrain(y2, 9, 63);                                     //
      oled.drawLine(x * 4 + 27, y1, x * 4 + 31, y2, WHITE);              // connect between point

void saveEEPROM() {                    // Save the setting value in EEPROM after waiting a while after the button operation.
  if (saveTimer > 0) {                 // If the timer value is positive,
    saveTimer = saveTimer - timeExec;  // Timer subtraction
    if (saveTimer < 0) {               // if time up
      EEPROM.write(0, vRange);         // save current status to EEPROM
      EEPROM.write(1, hRange);
      EEPROM.write(2, trigD);
      EEPROM.write(3, scopeP);
      EEPROM.write(4, offset5Vac >> 8);    // AC5V(
      EEPROM.write(5, offset5Vac & 0xFF);  // 
      EEPROM.write(6, offset50Vac >> 8);   //      50V                  
      EEPROM.write(7, offset50Vac & 0xFF); //                           

void loadEEPROM() {                    // Read setting values from EEPROM (abnormal values will be corrected to default)
  int x;
  x = EEPROM.read(0);                  // vRange
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 9)) {            // if out side 0-9
    x = 5;                             // default value
  vRange = x;

  x = EEPROM.read(1);                  // hRange
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 21)) {           // if out of 0-21
    x = 3;                             // default value
  hRange = x;
  x = EEPROM.read(2);                  // trigD
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 1)) {            // if out of 0-1
    x = 1;                             // default value
  trigD = x;
  x = EEPROM.read(3);                  // scopeP
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 3)) {            // if out of 0-3
    x = 1;                             // default value
  scopeP = x;

  x = EEPROM.read(4);                  // AC 5V offset value of AC5V
  x = x << 8 ;
  x = x | EEPROM.read(5);
  if ((x < 350) || (x > 650 )) {       //  350-650if abnormal value,
    x = 594;                           //  default value
  offset5Vac = x;

  x = EEPROM.read(6);                  //AC 50V offset value of AC50V
  x = x << 8 ;
  x = x | EEPROM.read(7);
  if ((x < 350) || (x > 650 )) {       //  (350-650) if abnormal value,
    x = 546;                           //  default value
  offset50Vac = x;

void auxFunctions() {                     //  select AUX function
  if (digitalRead(8) == LOW) {            //  if SELECT button pushed, measure battery voltage
  if (digitalRead(9) == LOW) {            // UP  DMM5V
  if (digitalRead(12) == LOW) {           // DOWN DMM50V

void battVolt() {                         //  Battery voltage measure (this for pen osillo)
  float volt;
  long x;
  analogReference(DEFAULT);               // ADC full scale set to Vcc
  while (1) {                             // do forever
    x = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {       // 100 times
      x = x + analogRead(1);              // A1read A1 pin voltage and accumulate
    volt = (x / 100.0) * 5.0 / 1023.0;    // convert voltage value
    oled.clearDisplay();                  // all erase screen(0.4ms)
    oled.setTextColor(WHITE);             // write in white character
    oled.setCursor(20, 16);               //
    oled.setTextSize(1);                  // standerd size character
    oled.println(F("Battery voltage"));
    oled.setCursor(35, 30);               //
    oled.setTextSize(2);                  // double size character
    dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);         // display batterry voltage x.xxV

void dmm5V() {                             //  5V  digital voltmeter 5V range
  float volt, vPP;
  while (1) {                              // 
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);                // flash LED
    oled.clearDisplay();                   // erase screen (0.4ms)
    oled.setTextColor(WHITE);              // write in white character
    oled.setCursor(0, 0);                  //
    oled.setTextSize(1);                   // by standerd size character

    if (digitalRead(7) == HIGH) {          // DC   if switch is DC mode
      hiZ(R_820k);                         //  set measure condition
      hiZ(R_12k);                          //
      volt = analogRead(0) * lsb5V;        // DC measure voltage
      oled.println(F("DC DVM 5V range"));  //
      oled.setCursor(20, 22);              //
      oled.setTextSize(2);                 // double size character
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);        // display voltage x.xxV
    } else {                               // AC  AC mode
      pull5V(R_820k);                      // give offset
      hiZ(R_12k);                          // Set the attenuator control pin to Hi-z (use as input)

      ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // clear bottom 3bit
      ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // dividing ratio = 128 (default of Arduino
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // 5msrecoord to buffer at 5ms range settings
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 112s
        delayMicroseconds(87);             // timing adjustmet tuned
      dataAnalize();                       //  analize data

      volt = dataRms * lsb5Vac;            //  get RMS value
      vPP = (dataMax - dataMin) * lsb5Vac; // P-P get Peak to peak voltage

      oled.println(F("AC DVM 5V range"));
      oled.setTextSize(2);                 // double size character
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 2, chrBuff);        // foromat x.xx
      oled.setCursor(20, 16);              //
      oled.print(chrBuff);                 //  display rms voltage
      dtostrf(vPP, 4, 2, chrBuff);         // format x.xx
      oled.setCursor(20, 38);              //
      oled.print(chrBuff);                 // P-P
    oled.display();                        //  actual display here
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);                 // stop LED flash
    delay(150);                            // wait next measure

void dmm50V() {                            //  5V  digital voltmeter 5V range
  float volt, vPP;
  while (1) {                              // forever,
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);                // flash LED
    oled.clearDisplay();                   // erase screen (0.4ms)
    oled.setTextColor(WHITE);              // write in white character
    oled.setCursor(0, 0);                  //
    oled.setTextSize(1);                   // by standerd size character

    if (digitalRead(7) == HIGH) {          // DC   if awitch is DC mode
      hiZ(R_820k);                         //  set measure condition
      pullGND(R_12k);                      //
      volt = analogRead(0) * lsb50V;       // DC measure voltage
      oled.println(F("DC DVM 50V range")); //
      oled.setCursor(20, 22);              //
      oled.setTextSize(2);                 // double size character
      dtostrf(volt, 4, 1, chrBuff);        // display voltage xx.xV
    } else {                               // AC  AC mode
      hiZ(R_820k);                         //  set measure condition
      pull5V(R_82k);                       // pull up
      pullGND(R_12k);                      // att 10x

      ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // clear bottom 3bit
      ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // dividing ratio = 128 (default of Arduino
      for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENG; i++) { // 5msrecoord to buffer at 5ms range settings
        waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // read and save approx 112s
        delayMicroseconds(87);             // timing adjustmet tuned
      dataAnalize();                       //  analize data

      volt = dataRms * lsb50Vac;            //  get RMS value

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sagar saini

sagar saini

81 projects • 85 followers
I am Sagar Saini an electronic hardware enthusiast
