RobotGeek TeamWade Filewich
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

6-Shooter: Arduino Drink Mixing Station

Want to mix drinks with a push of a button? The 6-Shooter can mix and match combinations of 6 different drinks with a single pump!

IntermediateFull instructions provided4 hours10,900
6-Shooter: Arduino Drink Mixing Station

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RobotGeek Geekduino
RobotGeek Geekduino
RobotGeek Sensor Shield
RobotGeek Sensor Shield
RobotGeek Duino Mount
RobotGeek Mega Workbench
RobotGeek 4 Line I2C LCD Control Panel
RobotGeek Drink Station
RobotGeek NeoPixel Ring - 16 x WS2812 5050 RGB LED
RobotGeek 12V DC Liquid Pump
RobotGeek Solenoid Valve
RobotGeek Relay
RobotGeek Relay
RobotGeek 12V/10A Power Supply
RobotGeek 6V/2A Power Supply
RobotGeek DC Power Squid
RobotGeek Silicone Tubing
RobotGeek 3-Pin Coupler
RobotGeek Standoff Variety Pack
RobotGeek 3-Pin Sensor Cable
Check Valve
6 Outlet Splitter Distributor Valve
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
OPTION: In place of the Geekduino, you can use any standard Arduino UNO/Duemilanove board.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Code snippet #2

Plain text
// Selections
String selectionLine[14] = {
                   "                   ",  //buffer line. Leave here or experience terror.
                   "1. Red             ", 
                   "2. Green           ",
                   "3. Blue            ",
                   "4. Yellow          ",
                   "5. White           ",
                   "6. Black           ",
                   "7. Red & Yellow    ", 
                   "8. Green & Blue    ",
                   "9. Black & White   ",
                   "10. Black & Yellow ",
                   "                   ",  //buffer line. Leave here or experience terror.
                   "                   ",  //buffer line. Leave here or experience terror.
                   "End of List        "   //buffer line. Leave here or experience terror.

Code snippet #5

Plain text
  if ( debounce[2].fell() )
    switch (drinkSelectCounter)
      case 1: // Red
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 50); // Red
      digitalWrite(PUMP_RELAY_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the pump
      digitalWrite(SELECTED_RELAY_PIN[0], HIGH); // Open Solenoid valve 1
      delay(PUMP_TIME); // Run for the set amount of time
      digitalWrite(SELECTED_RELAY_PIN[0], LOW); // Close Solenoid valve 1
      digitalWrite(CLEAN_RELAY_PIN, HIGH); // Open Solenoid valve 7
      delay(PUMP_TIME); // Run for the set amount of time
      digitalWrite(CLEAN_RELAY_PIN, LOW); // Close Solenoid valve 7
      digitalWrite(PUMP_RELAY_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the pump

Github file


RobotGeek Team

RobotGeek Team

35 projects • 208 followers
The RobotGeek team is a 6-man operation that wants to make it even easier to use Arduino to make electronics and robots.
Wade Filewich

Wade Filewich

35 projects • 102 followers
I make technology that makes plants grow
