Robin Cole
Published © GPL3+

Hijack a Hue Remote to Control Anything with Home Assistant

Use the stylish and cheap WiFi-connected Hue remote to control more than just a light!

BeginnerWork in progress30 minutes51,511
Hijack a Hue Remote to Control Anything with Home Assistant

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Philips hue Hue dimmer switch
Philips hue Hue bridge
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Software apps and online services

Home Assistant
Home Assistant


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Github custom component

This code provides a Home-assistant custom component for Hue sensors. Place the custom_components folder in your hass config director. Setup assumes you have already configured the Hue component and have the file phue.conf in your hass config dir. Hue remote can be used for a click and long press (hold button for 2 sec and see LED blink twice).


Robin Cole
7 projects • 125 followers
Pythonista & PhD physics
Thanks to Home assistant.
