
Prestissimo Uno+: Uno w/ More I2C UART SPI ADC IO PWM

All the simplicity of the Arduino Uno plus extra I2C UART SPI ADC IO and PWM channels. A development board for the new ATmega328PB MCU.

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Prestissimo Uno+: Uno w/ More I2C UART SPI ADC IO PWM

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Prestissimo Uno+

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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pinout diagram

Details the exact pinout for the board


Dual Serial Test

An example on how to use the dual serial port functionality on the prestissimo uno+
// Hardware serial loopback test
// connect RX1/TX1 (D12/D11) together of the secnd UART port
// a character will be sen using Serial1, 
// that same chacterater will be recieved by the Serial (port on pins 0/1)
// and sent accross Serial to the serial monitor
// This is a simple verifiation that two Harware serial ports can operate simultaneuosly.
// This is far more reliable than using software serial or similar, it takes up less code space
// Runs faster with less memory usage and will not interfer with interrupts 
// or libraries that use interupts such as servo.h etc.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600); // connnected to serial monitor
Serial1.begin(9600); // the second serial port available on the Prestissimo Uno+

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.write(; //this will transmit the data sent on Serial1 to the serial monitor unchanged
// Note: if Serial.print is used instead the program will return 65 instead of A 
// as serial print will treat the ASCII character code as a decimal number
Serial.println(""); // create a new line

Arduino source

the official arduino repository


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