Julian Campanellaamr7102Tamara QuispeLaurent VelezAbdulrahman AlfaresBob FlynnJiahaoXu
Published © GPL3+

Cellular IoT Irrigation System for oneM2M + Nordic Thingy:91

This project uses oneM2M and Zephyr RTOS to create a smart irrigation system using cellular based IoT with the Nordic Thingy:91

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Cellular IoT Irrigation System for oneM2M + Nordic Thingy:91

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Thingy:91 Multi-sensor cellular IoT Prototyping Platform
Nordic Semiconductor Thingy:91 Multi-sensor cellular IoT Prototyping Platform
At least two, one for a sensor and one for an actuator. You can have multiple sensors and actuators running for this project (We do at least!)
Irritol RainSensor Series RS500
Optional for sensor program. We used the RS500 model, which is the only wired one
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor
Optional for sensor program.
24VAC 40VA Plug in Transformer
Required for actuator program.
Irritrol 2400S Control Valve
Required for actuator program. Any valve would work, just ensure it works with the transformer you use.
SPST 5V Relay
required for actuator program.
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 0.1 µF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 0.1 µF
required for actuator program.
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
required for actuator program. This is used to drive the relay and will be replaced with a circuit eventually
Resistor 47.5k ohm
Resistor 47.5k ohm
required for actuator program.
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
Optional to power Arduino remotely
9V to Barrel Jack Connector
9V to Barrel Jack Connector
Optional to power Arduino remotely

Software apps and online services

nRF Connect SDK
Nordic Semiconductor nRF Connect SDK
VS Code
Microsoft VS Code
Site to learn more about oneM2M
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long


Read more


Sensor Circuit Diagram

Actuator Circuit Diagram


oneM2M irrigation system using Nordic Thingy:91



Julian Campanella
1 project • 0 followers
I am a computer engineering senior at PSU that enjoys designing IoT applications, circuits, 3D printing, and more in my spare time.
1 project • 0 followers
Tamara Quispe
1 project • 1 follower
Laurent Velez
18 projects • 6 followers
Abdulrahman Alfares
1 project • 0 followers
Computer Engineering Student at Penn State. I enjoy image processing and computer vision and recently gained interest for IoT.
Bob Flynn
32 projects • 16 followers
1 project • 0 followers
Thanks to Nordic Semiconductors.
