Tom Kintop
Published © MIT

LED Sound Meter using Wio-Link and Node-Red

SeeedStudio Grove sound sensor and LED strip attached to Wio-Link being driven by a Node-Red flow.

IntermediateProtip4 hours3,147
LED Sound Meter using Wio-Link and Node-Red

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed Studio Seeed Wio Link Deluxe Kit
Seeed Studio Grove LED Bar
If you don't want to buy the full deluxe kit above (the only way to get the LED Strip), there is a way to use a 10 segment Grove LED Bar instead.
Seeed Studio Grove Sound Sensor
Really, any sensor that outputs a range of values will work.

Software apps and online services



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Node-Red nodes created to support the Wio Link REST API. I forked this and edited some to do my bidding.

Modified Node-Red nodes for Wio Link

My fork of the original Wio Nodes


Tom Kintop

Tom Kintop

2 projects • 7 followers
Too many projects, so little time.
