Published © GPL3+

A Wind Turbine MPPT Regulator with an Arduino Uno

How to build a wind turbine MPPT regulator within direct injection or battery configuration, 24V or 48V, 30A max. Update : V2 with a PCB.

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A Wind Turbine MPPT Regulator with an Arduino Uno

Things used in this project


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Custom parts and enclosures

all your need to build the regulator

You will find there the step by step manual for building this regulator.


diagram for Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno Diagram of the Wind Turbine MPPT Regulator

ATmega328p circuit diagram

Here is the diagram for PCB



Here is the Arduino code V2 for the Wind Turbine MPPT Regulator for Arduino Uno or ATmega328p
  Wind Turbine MPTT Regulator, for direct injection or battery charging

  |                                                               |
  |       author : Philippe de Craene <        |
  |       Free of use - Any feedback is welcome                   |

  Materials :
   1* Arduino Uno R3 - IDE version 1.8.7
   2* 20A current sensor ACS712 modules
   2* Power MOSFET drivers TC428
   1* LCD 1602 with I2C extension
   1 DC-DC boost converter : PCB is proposed for the use of a DIP28 Atmega328p

  Arduino Uno pinup (with Atmega328p matching:
 input voltage sensor   : VpriPin   => input A0 = ADC0
 output voltage sensor  : VsorPin   => input A1 = ADC1
 input current sensor   : IpriPin   => input A2 = ADC2
 battery current sensor : IbatPin   => input A3 = ADC4
 SDA for I2C LCD        : SDA       => output A4 = ADC4
 SCL for I2C LCD        : SCD       => output A5 = ADC5
 wind turbine speed     : FpriPin   => input 2 = PD2
 driving PWM signal     : gatePin   => output 3 = PD3 - DC-DC converter driver signal
 dumpload signal        : loadPin   => output 4 = PD4 - dumpload resistor
 inverter enable signal : ondulPin  => output 5 = PD5 - blue LED + inverter
 limit MPPT indicator   : limitPin  => output 6 = PD6 - yellow LED (!!! pin8 in V1.x!!!)
 MPPT indicator         : mpptPin   => output 7 = PD7 - green LED
 external charger       : ssrN_Pin  => output 8 = PB0 - Normal output to SSR
 external charger       : ssrI_Pin  => output 9 = PB1 - Inverted output to SSR
 "ok" push button       : pbE_Pin   => output 10 = PB2 
 "-" push button        : pbM_Pin   => output 11 = PB3
 "+" push button        : pbP_Pin   => output 12 = PB4
 overhead alarm         : alarmPin  => output 13 = PB5 - red LED (!!! pin9 in V1.x!!!)

  Versions history :
  version 0.4 - 26 march 2019 - Fpri sensor rebuild with interrupt function
  version 0.5 - 27 march 2019 - Ipri sensor rebuild for average value
  version 0.6 - 26 april 2019 - MPPT algorithm rebuild without Fpri
  version 0.7 - 27 april 2019 - DC-DC converter rebuilt from buck-boost inverter to boost
  version 1.0 -  2 june  2019 - First full working version
  version 1.1 -  5 july  2019 - added EEPROM and menus
  version 1.2 -  5 july  2019 - improvment of the display of voltages
  version 1.3 - 13 july  2019 - improvment of security underload and overload and Ibat measure
  version 1.4 -  8 oct  2019 - new LiquidCrystal-I2C-library and direct injection bug correction
  version 2.0 -  9 oct  2019 - update for PCB 


#include <EEPROM.h>               // EEPROM to keep redifined parameters data 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>    //

const bool VERBOSE = true;//false;       // if true : debugging mode => very slow !
const bool REGLAGE = false;       // if true : for current sensor offset settings
bool USAGE_FPRI = true;           // if true : the turbine speed is calculated
bool mode_injection = false;      // if true : direct injection : no batteries needed

// Wind turbine voltage model : 24 ou 48V
// VpriMax is twice the optimal wind turbine voltage :
// a 24V wind turbine can reach 50V  => VpriMaxRef = 50.0V
// a 48V wind turbine can reach 100V => VpriMaxRef = 100.0V
int VpriMaxRef = 50;              // 24V model
int VpriMax = 31;                 // MAx value until DumpLoad Resistor security

// Current sensor model for ACS712 :
// 5A ACS712 module  => 185mV/A
// 20A ACS712 module => 100mV/A
// 30A ACS712 module => 66mV/A
const float convI = 100.0;        // 20A model (float number is required)

// Depending of the way the ACS712 module is wired, polarity ajustment may be required
// to get the charging batteries current positive, values can be 1 or -1
const int IbatPolarity = 1;

// General parameters
const int   Ioffset = 510;        // offset is set with REGLAGE = true, to get Ipri=0 with no current (~512)
const byte  pwm_gate_Max = 220;   // Max PWM allowed (<250)
int   IbatMax = 15;         // must be = 0,23 time the battery capacity => 13A for 54Ah
int   VpriMin = 15;         // the voltage that will start the MPPT process. Too low the wind turbine may have difficulties to start
int Vsor_calibrate = 100;   // to adjust Vsor to match real value with multimeter 100 = 100%

// Battery mode parameters (floats numbers)
float VsorMin = 24.0;       // discharged battery voltage : see battery datasheet for exact value
float VsorFlo = 26.6;       // floating voltage : see battery datasheet for exact value
float VsorMax = 29.8;       // maximum voltage : see battery datasheet for exact value

// Direct injection parameters (int numbers)
byte VsorMin_injection = 23;     // see inverter datasheet for correct values
byte VsorFlo_injection = 28;     // injection will start over the "floating value"
byte VsorMax_injection = 59;     // and will stop under the "Min value"

/// inputs outputs declaration
#define VpriPin  A0         // input to Vpri sensor
#define VsorPin  A1         // input to Vsor sensor
#define IpriPin  A2         // input to Ipri sensor 
#define IbatPin  A3         // input to Ibat sensor
#define FpriPin   2         // input to Fpri sensor
#define gatePin   3         // pwm output to drive the DC-DC converter circuit (pwm_gate)
#define loadPin   4         // inverted output (because of TC428) dumpload resistor
#define ondulPin  5         // output inverter enabling
#define limitPin  6         // output to yellow LED
#define mpptPin   7         // output to green LED
#define ssrN_pin  8         // output for SSR for external battery charger
#define ssrI_pin  9         // inverted output for external battery charger
#define pbE_Pin  10         // push-button for parameters access
#define pbM_Pin  11         // push-button -
#define pbP_Pin  12         // push-button +
#define alarmPin 13         // output to red LED

// variables for treatment

float Vpri, memo_Vpri, Vsor;         // input and output voltage
float Ipri, Ibat;                    // input and battery current
float Puiss = 0, memo_Puiss;         // input power
unsigned int Fpri = 0;               // turbine speed in Hertz
int kept_VpriMax = 0;                // Max measured Vpri for display
int kept_IpriMax = 0;                // Max measured Ipri for display
int kept_PuissMax = 0;               // Max calculated Puiss for display
int kept_FpriMax = 0;                // Max measured Fpri for display
unsigned int lect_Ipri_count = 0;    // number of Ipri measures
unsigned long somme_lect_Ipri = 0;   // Ipri measures added between two interrupts (in bytes)
unsigned long somme_lect_Ibat = 0;   // Ibat measures added between two interrupts (in bytes)
volatile bool Fpri_flag = false;     // Fpri flag interruption
unsigned int Fpri_tempo = 0, memo_Fpri_tempo, duration;    // time spent for Fpri measure
int Step = 0;                        // pwm ratio update for pwm_gate
int pwm_gate = 0;                    // pwm signal command for DC-DC converter
byte VsorMinInt, VsorMinDec, VsorFloInt, VsorFloDec, VsorMaxInt, VsorMaxDec;
byte overflow_count = 0;             // count any averflow cycle

// variables for display and menus

unsigned int memo_tempo = 0;         // time flag when Fpri=0
unsigned int memo_tempo_LCD = 0;     // time flag for LCD refresh
unsigned int refresh_tempo = 1000;   // refresh delay for LCD update
bool pbM, memo_pbM, pbP, memo_pbP;
byte ret_push_button = 0;
byte window = 0;
byte count_before_timeout = 0;
byte timeout = 20;

// LCD with I2C declaration :
// documentation :
// Set the pins on the I2C chip used for LCD connections:
//                   addr, en,rw,rs,d4,d5,d6,d7,bl,blpol
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
// => Arduino Uno R3 pin connexion : SDA to A4, SCL to A5


void setup() {
// inputs outputs declaration
  pinMode(VpriPin, INPUT);          // input for Vpri sensor - input voltage
  pinMode(VsorPin, INPUT);          // input for Vsor sensor - output voltage
  pinMode(IpriPin, INPUT);          // input for Ipri sensor - input current
  pinMode(IbatPin, INPUT);          // input for Ibat sensor - battery current
  pinMode(FpriPin, INPUT);          // input for Fpri sensor - turbine speed
  pinMode(gatePin, OUTPUT);         // pwm output pwm_gate
  pinMode(loadPin, OUTPUT);         // inverted output for dumpload resistor
  pinMode(ondulPin, OUTPUT);        // output for enabling injection
  pinMode(mpptPin, OUTPUT);         // output to green LED
  pinMode(limitPin, OUTPUT);        // output to yellow LED
  pinMode(alarmPin, OUTPUT);        // output to red LED 
  pinMode(ssrN_pin, OUTPUT);        // output for SSR for external battery charger
  pinMode(ssrI_pin, OUTPUT);        // inverted output for external battery charger
  pinMode(pbE_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);   // push-button for menus acces
  pinMode(pbM_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);   // push-button -
  pinMode(pbP_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);   // push-button +
// outputs initialisation for no signal
  analogWrite(gatePin, 0);
  digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH);      // with MOSFET driver circuit TC428 pin 7 output is inverted
  digitalWrite(ondulPin, LOW);      // with MOSFET driver circuit TC428 pin 5 output is non-inverted
  digitalWrite(ssrN_pin, LOW);      // output for SSR for external battery charger
  digitalWrite(ssrI_pin, HIGH);     // inverted output for external battery charger

  // EEPROM check and data upload :
  // stored data are always positive from 0 to 255.
  // it seems that in cas of first use all are set to 255.
  if ( < 2)   USAGE_FPRI =;     else EEPROM.write(0, USAGE_FPRI);
  if ( < 2)   mode_injection =; else EEPROM.write(1, mode_injection);
  if ( < 131) VpriMax =;        else EEPROM.write(2, VpriMax);
  if ( < 51)  VpriMin =;        else EEPROM.write(3, VpriMin);
  if ( < 41)  IbatMax =;        else EEPROM.write(4, IbatMax);
  VsorMinInt = VsorMin;
  VsorMinDec = 10 * (VsorMin - VsorMinInt);
  VsorFloInt = VsorFlo;
  VsorFloDec = 10 * (VsorFlo - VsorFloInt);
  VsorMaxInt = VsorMax;
  VsorMaxDec = 10 * (VsorMax - VsorMaxInt);
  if ( < 65)  VsorMinInt =;     else EEPROM.write(5, VsorMinInt);
  if ( < 100) VsorMinDec =;     else EEPROM.write(6, VsorMinDec);
  if ( < 65)  VsorFloInt =;     else EEPROM.write(7, VsorFloInt);
  if ( < 100) VsorFloDec =;     else EEPROM.write(8, VsorFloDec);
  if ( < 131) VsorMaxInt =;     else EEPROM.write(9, VsorMaxInt);
  if ( < 100) VsorMaxDec =;   else EEPROM.write(10, VsorMaxDec);
  if ( < 65)  VsorMin_injection =; else EEPROM.write(11, VsorMin_injection);
  if ( < 100) VsorFlo_injection =; else EEPROM.write(12, VsorFlo_injection);
  if ( < 200) VsorMax_injection =; else EEPROM.write(13, VsorMax_injection);
  if ( mode_injection == true ) {
    VsorMin = VsorMin_injection;
    VsorFlo = VsorFlo_injection;
    VsorMax = VsorMax_injection;
  else {
    VsorMin = 1.0 * VsorMinInt + (1.0 * VsorMinDec) / 10.0;
    VsorFlo = 1.0 * VsorFloInt + (1.0 * VsorFloDec) / 10.0;
    VsorMax = 1.0 * VsorMaxInt + (1.0 * VsorMaxDec) / 10.0;
  if ( < 120) Vsor_calibrate =; else EEPROM.write(14, Vsor_calibrate);

  // Set clock divider for timer 2 at 1 = PWM frequency of 31372.55 Hz
  // Arduino Uno R3 pins 3 and 11
  TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000 | 0x01;

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FpriPin), Fpri_detect, RISING);
  // Every state update from down to up of FpripPin the function 'Fpri_detect' is called
  // documentation :

  // Console initialisation
  Serial.println("Ready to start...");
  if( VERBOSE == true ) Serial.println("Verbose mode");
  if( REGLAGE == true ) Serial.println("Current offset mode"); 

  // LCD initialisation
  lcd.begin();                // initialize the lcd for 16 chars 2 lines
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("  Wind Turbine  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(" MPPT regulator ");
}   // fin de setup

// Fpri_detect : what is done at each interruption

void Fpri_detect() {
  Fpri_flag = true;


void loop() {

  unsigned int tempo = millis();             // time count
  int lect_Ipri = analogRead(IpriPin);
  int lect_Ibat = analogRead(IbatPin);

  // overcurrent security

  if( lect_Ipri < 1 || lect_Ipri > 1022 ) {  // reading in bytes
    analogWrite(gatePin, 0);                 // no driving control to MPPT
    digitalWrite(alarmPin, HIGH);
    return;                                  // nothing else is done

  // cumulative Ipri and Ibat measures between 2 interupts = one turbine rotation
  somme_lect_Ipri += lect_Ipri;
  somme_lect_Ibat += lect_Ibat;

  // Every turbine period, or every second if no wind, or every 100ms is Fpri not measured

  if( (USAGE_FPRI == true && (Fpri_flag == true || tempo - memo_tempo > 1000))
       || (USAGE_FPRI == false && tempo - memo_tempo > 100) ) {
    noInterrupts();                     // disable any possible interruption
    Fpri_flag = false;                  // flag reset, will be ready to be set at next interrupt
    memo_tempo = tempo;
    memo_Puiss = Puiss;                 // memorization of the previous Puiss measurement
    memo_Vpri = Vpri;                   // memorization of the previous Vpri measurement

    // Measures and calculation of power values

    //  time spent between 2 interrupts => Fpri calculation
    memo_Fpri_tempo = Fpri_tempo;               // memorization of the previous time measurement
    Fpri_tempo = tempo;                         // memorization of the actual time measurement
    duration = Fpri_tempo - memo_Fpri_tempo;
    if ( duration < 1001 ) Fpri = 1000 / duration; // in Hertz = number of rotations/seconde
    else Fpri = 0;                              // set Fpri = 0 if delay over 1s

    // analogRead measures are in bits : from 0 to 1023, to convert to :
    // -> voltage from 0 to VpriMaxRef for Vpri and Vsor
    // -> current : 511 in bits is the 0mA, 0 in bits matches -Imax, 1023 matches +Imax
    Vpri = (analogRead(VpriPin) / 1023.0) * VpriMaxRef; // Vpri measure
    Vsor = (analogRead(VsorPin) / 512.0) * VpriMaxRef * (Vsor_calibrate / 100.0); // Vsor measure
    Ipri = ((float)(somme_lect_Ipri / lect_Ipri_count) - Ioffset) * 5000 / convI / 1023.0; // the average value of Ipri
    somme_lect_Ipri = 0;                        // reset of the counter of the number of measures of Ipri
    if ( Ipri < 0 ) Ipri = -Ipri;               // to be sure to get a positive value despite the way of wiring
    Ibat = ((float)(somme_lect_Ibat / lect_Ipri_count) - Ioffset) * 5000 * IbatPolarity / convI / 1023.0;
    somme_lect_Ibat = 0;                        // reset of the counter of the number of measures of Ipri
    lect_Ipri_count = 0;

    Puiss = Vpri * Ipri;

    // keep the maximum measured values for display only
    if ( Vpri > kept_VpriMax ) kept_VpriMax = Vpri;
    if ( Ipri > kept_IpriMax ) kept_IpriMax = Ipri;
    if ( Puiss > kept_PuissMax ) kept_PuissMax = Puiss;
    if ( Fpri > kept_FpriMax && Fpri < 100 ) kept_FpriMax = Fpri;

    // setup of the MPPT algorithm

    // 2 ways that make a lower power :
    // either the wind turbine runs too fast, Vpri increases, so 'step' increases to increase the current (and so Vpri may decrease)
    // either less wind, Vpri decreases, so 'step' decreases to decreases the current (and so Vpri may increase)

    if ( memo_Vpri <= Vpri ) {
      if ( Puiss <= memo_Puiss ) Step = 1;
      else Step = -1;
    else {
      if ( Puiss <= memo_Puiss ) Step = -1;
      else Step = 1;

    // Management of DC-DC converter cutting control

    if ( Vpri < VpriMin ) {                   // lower limit input voltage value reached
      Step = Step - 10;                       // sharp decline of step to try to increase Vpri
      digitalWrite(mpptPin, LOW);             // green LED is OFF
      digitalWrite(limitPin, LOW); 
      digitalWrite(ondulPin, LOW);
    else if ( Vsor < VsorMin) {               // lower limit output volatge
      digitalWrite(ondulPin, LOW);            // lower limit output voltage value reached
      if ( Step < 0 ) {
        Step = -Step;                         // 'Step' is forced to be positive
        digitalWrite(limitPin, HIGH);         // yellow LED is ON
    else {
      digitalWrite(limitPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(mpptPin, HIGH);
      if ( Vsor > VsorFlo ) digitalWrite(ondulPin, HIGH);  // inverter is ON as soon as VsorFloat is reached
    if ( Ibat > IbatMax && Step > 0 ) Step = -Step;          // 'Step' is forced to be negative


    // Overcharge security & pwm ratio update

    if ( Vsor > VsorMax ) {
      Step = Step - 10;                       // decrease pwm ratio 
      overflow_count++;                       // count the number of overfolw cycles
      digitalWrite(alarmPin, HIGH);           // red LED is ON
      if ( overflow_count > 5 ) {             // after 5 cycles of overflow
        pwm_gate = -10;                       // cutting control is stopped
        digitalWrite(loadPin, LOW); }         // dumpload is ON - remember that TC428 pin 7 is inverted
    else {
      digitalWrite(loadPin, HIGH);            // dumpload is OFF
      digitalWrite(alarmPin, LOW);            // red LED is OFF
      overflow_count = 0;                     // reset the overflow cycles count

    // constrain the pwm ratio
    pwm_gate += Step;
    if ( pwm_gate > pwm_gate_Max ) pwm_gate = pwm_gate_Max;  // high value limit
    else if ( pwm_gate < 0 )  pwm_gate = 0;                  // low value limit

    analogWrite(gatePin, pwm_gate);           // cutting command update before any dumpload evaluation
    interrupts();                             // interrupts enable again
    // for debugging purpose only
    if ( VERBOSE == true ) {
      Serial.print("Fpri= ");               Serial.print(Fpri);
      Serial.print("  Vpri= ");             Serial.print(Vpri);
      Serial.print("  Ipri= ");             Serial.print(Ipri);
      Serial.print("  Puiss= ");            Serial.print(Puiss);
      Serial.print("  Puiss-memo_Puiss= "); Serial.print(Puiss - memo_Puiss);
      Serial.print("  Step : ");            Serial.print(Step);
      Serial.print("  pwm_gate : ");        Serial.print(pwm_gate);
      Serial.print("  Vsor= ");             Serial.print(Vsor);
      Serial.print("  Ibat= ");             Serial.print(Ibat);
  }   // end of Fpri 1 period cycle
  if ( REGLAGE == true ) {
    Serial.print("valeur de I=0 en bits : ");
    Serial.print(analogRead(IpriPin) - Ioffset);

  // LCD and menus management + ext battery charger

  // every seconds look for push-button activity and update display
  if ( tempo - memo_tempo_LCD > refresh_tempo ) {
    memo_tempo_LCD = tempo;
    ret_push_button = push_button();         // reading push-button status here only
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    if ( count_before_timeout > timeout ) lcd.noBacklight();
    if ( ret_push_button == 1 ) {
      if ( window != 4 ) next_window();
      else {
        window = 0;
    if ( mode_injection == true && window == 7 ) window++;

    // usual display with 2 choises : window 0 and window 1
    if ( window < 2 ) {
      lcd.print(String(Vpri, 1));
      lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
      lcd.print(String(Vsor, 1));
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      if ( window == 0 ) {
        if ( USAGE_FPRI == true ) {
        lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
        lcd.print(String(Puiss, 1));
      else if ( window == 1 ) {
        lcd.print(String(Ipri, 1));
        lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
        lcd.print(String(Ibat, 1));
    }    // end of usual display
    else {

      // if window >= 2 we are entering in max values display and parameters setup
      if ( count_before_timeout > timeout ) {  // timeout to return to usual display if no job done
        count_before_timeout = 0;
        window = 0;
      if ( window == 2 ) {
        lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        if ( USAGE_FPRI == true ) {
        lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      }  // end of window 2
      if ( window == 3 ) {
        lcd.print("Reset MAX val. ?");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("push + to reset");
        if (ret_push_button == 2) {
          kept_VpriMax = 0;
          kept_IpriMax = 0;
          kept_PuissMax = 0;
          kept_FpriMax = 0;
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          lcd.print("values reseted ");
          window = 2;
      }  // end of window 3
      if ( window == 4 ) {
        lcd.print("Parameters setup");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("push + to review");
        if ( ret_push_button > 1 ) next_window();
      }   // end of wondows 4
      if ( window == 5 ) {
        if ( ret_push_button > 1 ) USAGE_FPRI = ! USAGE_FPRI;
        lcd.print("Turbine speed :");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        if ( USAGE_FPRI == true ) lcd.print("measured");
        else lcd.print("not measured");
      }   // end of window 5
      if ( window == 6 ) {
        if ( ret_push_button > 1 ) mode_injection = ! mode_injection;
        if ( mode_injection == true ) {
          VsorMin = VsorMin_injection;
          VsorFlo = VsorFlo_injection;
          VsorMax = VsorMax_injection;
          lcd.print("Injection mode");
        } else {
          VsorMin = 1.0 * VsorMinInt + (1.0 * VsorMinDec) / 10.0;
          VsorFlo = 1.0 * VsorFloInt + (1.0 * VsorFloDec) / 10.0;
          VsorMax = 1.0 * VsorMaxInt + (1.0 * VsorMaxDec) / 10.0;
          lcd.print("Battery mode");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("-/+ to modify");
      }   // end of wondows 6
      if ( window == 7 ) {
        if (ret_push_button == 2) VpriMax++;   // if "+" pushed
        if (ret_push_button == 3) VpriMax--;   // if "-" pushed
        VpriMax = constrain(VpriMax, 24, 130);
        lcd.print("U input MAXI");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("VpriMax = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
      }  // end of window 7
      if ( window == 8 ) {
        if (ret_push_button == 2) VpriMin++;
        if (ret_push_button == 3) VpriMin--;
        lcd.print("U input MINI");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("VpriMin = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
        lcd.print(VpriMin, 1);
      }  // end of wondows 8
      if ( window == 9 ) {
        if (ret_push_button == 2) IbatMax++;
        if (ret_push_button == 3) IbatMax--;
        lcd.print("I battery MAXI");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("IbatMax = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
      }  // end of window 9
      if ( window == 10 ) {
        if ( mode_injection == true ) {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorMin++;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorMin--;
          VsorMin_injection = VsorMin;
          lcd.print("U inverter STOP");
        } else {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorMin = VsorMin + 0.1;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorMin = VsorMin - 0.1;
          VsorMinInt = VsorMin;
          VsorMinDec = 10 * (VsorMin - VsorMinInt);
          lcd.print("U Battery MINI");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("VsorMin = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
        lcd.print(VsorMin, 1);
      }  // end of window 10
      if ( window == 11 ) {
        if ( mode_injection == true ) {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorFlo++;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorFlo--;
          VsorFlo_injection = VsorFlo;
          lcd.print("U inverter START");
        } else {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorFlo = VsorFlo + 0.1;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorFlo = VsorFlo - 0.1;
          VsorFloInt = VsorFlo;
          VsorFloDec = 10 * (VsorFlo - VsorFloInt);
          lcd.print("U Battery FLOAT");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("VsorFlo = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
        lcd.print(VsorFlo, 1);
      }  // end of window 11
      if ( window == 12 ) {
        if ( mode_injection == true ) {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorMax++;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorMax--;
          VsorMax_injection = VsorMax;
          lcd.print("U inverter MAXI");
        } else {
          if (ret_push_button == 2) VsorMax = VsorMax + 0.1;
          if (ret_push_button == 3) VsorMax = VsorMax - 0.1;
          VsorMaxInt = VsorMax;
          VsorMaxDec = 10 * (VsorMax - VsorMaxInt);
          lcd.print("U Battery MAXI");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("VsorMax = ");
        lcd.setCursor(10, 1);
        lcd.print(VsorMax, 1);
      }  // end of window 12
      if ( window == 13 ) {
        if (ret_push_button == 2) Vsor_calibrate++;
        if (ret_push_button == 3) Vsor_calibrate--;
        lcd.print("U Battery adjust");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("-/+ modify: ");
        lcd.print(String(Vsor, 1));
      }  // end of window 13
      if ( window == 14 ) {
        lcd.print("Debug mode");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
        lcd.print("s:"); lcd.print(Step); lcd.print("  ");
        lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
        lcd.print("p:"); lcd.print(pwm_gate); lcd.print("  ");
      }  // end of window 14

      // EEPROM updated if needed
      EEPROM.update(0, USAGE_FPRI);
      EEPROM.update(1, mode_injection);
      EEPROM.update(2, VpriMax);
      EEPROM.update(3, VpriMin);
      EEPROM.update(4, IbatMax);
      EEPROM.update(5, VsorMinInt);
      EEPROM.update(6, VsorMinDec);
      EEPROM.update(7, VsorFloInt);
      EEPROM.update(8, VsorFloDec);
      EEPROM.update(9, VsorMaxInt);
      EEPROM.update(10, VsorMaxDec);
      EEPROM.update(11, VsorMin_injection);
      EEPROM.update(12, VsorFlo_injection);
      EEPROM.update(13, VsorMax_injection);
      EEPROM.update(14, Vsor_calibrate);
    }    // end of parameters reviewm
  }      // end of LCD display
}        // end of loop

// NEXT_WINDOW : next window procedure

void next_window() {

  window = (window + 1) % 15;       // next window modul 10
  ret_push_button = 0;              // reset the buttun state
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
}     // end of next_window function

// PUSH_BUTTON : return value depending of the state of the 3 push-buttons

byte push_button() {

  memo_pbM = pbM; memo_pbP = pbP;     // memorization for past state of + - push-button
  pbP = digitalRead(pbP_Pin);
  pbM = digitalRead(pbM_Pin);

  if ( digitalRead(pbE_Pin) == 0 ) {
    count_before_timeout = 0;         // reset the timeout counter
    refresh_tempo = 1000;
    lcd.backlight();                  // switch on display
    return 1;
  if ( pbP == 0 ) {
    count_before_timeout = 0;                  // reset the timeout counter
    if ( memo_pbP == 0 ) refresh_tempo = 300;  // temporary lower display update duration
    lcd.backlight();                           // switch on display
    return 2;
  if ( pbM == 0 ) {
    count_before_timeout = 0;                  // reset the timeout counter
    if ( memo_pbM == 0 ) refresh_tempo = 300;  // temporary lower display update duration
    lcd.backlight();                           // switch on display
    return 3;
  refresh_tempo = 1000;             // return back to usual display update duration
  return 0;
}     // end of push_button function


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