Peter O'Sullivan
Published © CC BY

Autonomous Plant (ESP8266 - Arduino)

Want to build system that takes care of a plant? Here's my first attempt. Using ESP8266, soil moisture and Sonoff grow light

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 hours3,244
Autonomous Plant (ESP8266 - Arduino)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Wemos D1 Mini
Espressif Wemos D1 Mini
Relay-Shield - WEMOS-D1-Mini - DC-5V-1CH
USB Water Pump DC-5V
Sonoff Basic
Itead Sonoff Basic
LED Grow Light Plant Lamp
Soil Hygrometer
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)


Plant source code


Peter O'Sullivan

Peter O'Sullivan

0 projects • 1 follower
