Published © GPL3+

Accurate Clock Just Using an Arduino

An accurate clock with date displayed on a 16x2 LCD using just the Arduino, the display and few buttons. No RTC module required.

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Accurate Clock Just Using an Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
I used a Nano but should work with any Arduino
Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2
Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2
Any display should work, I used this one
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Trimmer Potentiometer, 10 kohm
Trimmer Potentiometer, 10 kohm
Any 10k trimmer will do
Jumper wires


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Clock LCD 16x2 Breadboard

Clock LCD 16x2 Schematic


Clock programme

Accurate clock with date just using and Arduino
// Paul Brace - Feb 2021
// Simple Clock with Date created just using a Arduino - no RTC module
// Program incorporates a time correction adjustment to compensate for the internal
// clock speed not being 100% accurate.
// Once correct speed adjustment set the clock is surprisingly accurate.
// In my test it did not lose or gain any time over a 5 day period.
// Displays time on a 16x2 LCD display
// Buttons to set time
//   Mode button (pin 2) toggles set time, set date and run
//   Button 1 (pin 3) Increments Minutes and Month and decreases Year/speed adj
//   Button 2 (pin 4) Increments Hour and Day and increases Year./speed adj
// 24 Hour display

// Include the library driver for display:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// LiquidCrystal lcd( RS, EN, D4,D5, D6, D7)
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 6, 7, 8, 9); // create an lcd object and assign the pins

// Define buttons and buzzer connections
#define MODE_BUTTON 2
#define HOUR_BUTTON 3                  // Same button different definitions to
#define UP_BUTTON 3                    // make code easier to understand 
#define DAY_BUTTON 3
#define MINUTE_BUTTON 4                // Same button different definitions to
#define DOWN_BUTTON 4                  // make code easier to understand 
#define MONTH_BUTTON 4

// Current mode settings
#define SHOW_TIME 1                    // 1 = running - show time
#define SET_TIME  2                    // 2 = time set
#define SET_YEAR  3                    // 3 = year set
#define SET_DATE  4                    // 4 = day/month set 
#define SET_SPEED_ADJ  5               // 5 = amend the speedCorrection variable

int speedCorrection = 3545;            // Number of milliseconds my Nano clock runs slow per hour
// negative number here if it is running fast
// change to match your Arduino

// Volatile variables as changed in an interrupt and we
// need to force the system to read the actual variable
// when used outside the interrupt and not use a cached version
volatile unsigned long currentTime;    // Duration in milliseconds from midnight
unsigned long lastTime = -1000;        // lastTime that ShowTime was called initialised to -1000 so shows immediately
volatile unsigned long elapsed;        // Timer used for delay and hour count

unsigned long millisecondsInADay;      // Milliseconds in 24 hours
unsigned long millisecondsInHour;      // Milliseconds in 1 hour
int currentMode;                       // 1 = running - show time
// 2 = time set
// 3 = year set
// 4 = day/month set

float currentDate;                     // Julian date
float lastDate = 0.0;                  // last date that ShowDate was called
int currentDay;
int currentMonth;
int currentYear;

char *dayArray[] = {  "Tue.  ",       // Will show a compiler warning but works fine
                      "Wed.  ",
                      "Thur. ",
                      "Fri.  ",
                      "Sat.  ",
                      "Sun.  ",
                      "Mon.  "

void setup() {
  // Set up  time interrupt - millis() rolls over after 50 days so
  // we are using our own millisecond counter which we can reset at
  // the end of each day
  TCCR0A = (1 << WGM01);      //Set the CTC mode Compare time and trigger interrupt
  OCR0A = 0xF9;               //Set value for time to compare to ORC0A for 1ms = 249  (8 bits so max is 256)
  //[(Clock speed/Prescaler value)*Time in seconds] - 1
  //[(16,000,000/64) * .001] - 1 = 249 = 1 millisecond
  TIMSK0 |= (1 << OCIE0A);    //set timer compare interrupt
  TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01);      //Set the prescale 1/64 clock
  TCCR0B |= (1 << CS00);      // ie 110 for last 3 bits
  TCNT0  = 0;                 //initialize counter value to 0
  sei();                      //Enable interrupt

  //pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);
  currentTime = 0;                          // Set to current time to mindnight
  currentDate = JulianDate(1, 1, 2021);     // Set base date
  elapsed = 0;                              // Set period counter to 0
  millisecondsInADay = 24ul * 60 * 60 * 1000;
  millisecondsInHour = 60ul * 60 * 1000;
  currentMode = SHOW_TIME;                  // Initial mode is running and showing time and date
  // Setup LCD
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
  // loop runs every 150 milliseconds

  // If at end of the day reset time and increase date
  if ((currentMode == SHOW_TIME) &&
      (currentTime > millisecondsInADay)) {
    //Next day
    // Stop interrupts while reset time
    currentTime -= millisecondsInADay;
  // At the end of each hour adjust the elapsed time for
  // the inacuracy in the Arduino clock
  if (elapsed >= millisecondsInHour) {
    // Adjust time for slow/fast running Arduino clock
    currentTime += speedCorrection;
    // Reset to count the next hour
    elapsed = 0;

  // Check if any buttons have been pressed

  // Show display based on current mode
  switch (currentMode) {
    case SHOW_TIME:
      // Display current time and date
    case SET_TIME:
      // Display screen for setting the time
    case SET_YEAR:
      // Display screen for setting the year
    case SET_DATE:
      // Display screen for setting the day and month
    case SET_SPEED_ADJ:
      // Display screen for adjusting the speed correction

// This is interrupt is called when the compare time has been reached
// hence will be called once a millisecond based on the
// OCR0A register setting.
  if (currentMode != SET_TIME)

float JulianDate(int iday, int imonth, int iyear) {
  // Calculate julian date (tested up to the year 20,000)
  unsigned long d = iday;
  unsigned long m = imonth;
  unsigned long y = iyear;
  if (m < 3) {
    m = m + 12;
    y = y - 1;
  unsigned long t1 = (153 * m - 457) / 5;
  unsigned long t2 = 365 * y + (y / 4) - (y / 100) + (y / 400);
  return 1721118.5 + d + t1 + t2;

void GregorianDate(float jd, int &iday, int &imonth, int &iyear) {
  // Note 2100 is the next skipped leap year - compensates for skipped leap years
  unsigned long f = jd + 68569.5;
  unsigned long e = (4.0 * f) / 146097;
  unsigned long g = f - (146097 * e + 3) / 4;
  unsigned long h = 4000ul * (g + 1) / 1461001;
  unsigned long t = g - (1461 * h / 4) + 31;
  unsigned long u = (80ul * t) / 2447;
  unsigned long v = u / 11;
  iyear = 100 * (e - 49) + h + v;
  imonth = u + 2 - 12 * v;
  iday = t - 2447 * u / 80;

void SplitTime(unsigned long curr, unsigned long &ulHour,
               unsigned long &ulMin, unsigned long &ulSec) {
  // Calculate HH:MM:SS from millisecond count
  ulSec = curr / 1000;
  ulMin = ulSec / 60;
  ulHour = ulMin / 60;
  ulMin -= ulHour * 60;
  ulSec = ulSec - ulMin * 60 - ulHour * 3600;

unsigned long SetTime(unsigned long ulHour, unsigned long ulMin,
                      unsigned long ulSec) {
  // Sets the number of milliseconds from midnight to current time
  return (ulHour * 60 * 60 * 1000) +
         (ulMin * 60 * 1000) +
         (ulSec * 1000);

void Wait(unsigned long value) {
  // Create our own dealy function
  // We have set our own interrupt on TCCR0A
  // hence millis() and delay() will no longer work
  unsigned long startTime = elapsed;
  while ((elapsed - startTime) < value) {
    // Just wait

void CheckButtons() {
  // If the mode button has been pressed pin will go LOW
  if (digitalRead(MODE_BUTTON) == LOW) {
    // Advance to next mode
    switch (currentMode) {
      case SHOW_TIME:
        currentMode = SET_TIME;
      case SET_TIME:
        currentMode = SET_YEAR;
      case SET_YEAR:
        currentMode = SET_DATE;
      case SET_DATE:
        currentMode = SET_SPEED_ADJ;
      case SET_SPEED_ADJ:
        currentMode = SHOW_TIME;
        // Reset variables so that the display will be forced to update
        // the next time ShowTime and ShowDate are called
        lastTime = 0;
        lastDate = 0.0;
  if (currentMode != SHOW_TIME) {
    switch (currentMode) {
      // If mode anyhting other than SHOW_TIME check buttons
      // Pin goes LOW when ssociated button pressed
      case SET_TIME:
        if (digitalRead(MINUTE_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Advance minute
          unsigned long iHours;
          unsigned long iMinutes;
          unsigned long iSeconds;
          SplitTime(currentTime, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
          if (iMinutes < 59) {
          else {
            iMinutes = 0;
          // Set stored milliseconds based on current setting
          currentTime = SetTime(iHours, iMinutes, 0);
          elapsed = 0;
        if (digitalRead(HOUR_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Advance hour
          unsigned long iHours;
          unsigned long iMinutes;
          unsigned long iSeconds;
          SplitTime(currentTime, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
          if (iHours < 23) {
          else {
            iHours = 0;
          // Set stored milliseconds based on current setting
          currentTime = SetTime(iHours, iMinutes, 0);
          elapsed = 0;
      case SET_YEAR:
        if (digitalRead(UP_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Increase year
          int iDay;
          int iMonth;
          int iYear;
          GregorianDate(currentDate, iDay, iMonth, iYear);
          // Set stored date based on current settings
          currentDate = JulianDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
        if (digitalRead(DOWN_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Decrease year
          int iDay;
          int iMonth;
          int iYear;
          GregorianDate(currentDate, iDay, iMonth, iYear);
          // Set stored date based on current settings
          currentDate = JulianDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
      case SET_DATE:
        if (digitalRead(MONTH_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Advance month
          int iDay;
          int iMonth;
          int iYear;
          GregorianDate(currentDate, iDay, iMonth, iYear);
          if (iMonth > 12) {
            iMonth = 1;
          // Set stored date based on current settings
          currentDate = JulianDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
        if (digitalRead(DAY_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          // Advance day
          int iDay;
          int iMonth;
          int iYear;
          GregorianDate(currentDate, iDay, iMonth, iYear);
          if (iDay > 31) {
            iDay = 1;
          if (((iMonth == 4) || (iMonth == 6) || (iMonth == 9) || (iMonth == 11))
              && (iDay > 30)) {
            iDay = 1;
          if ((iMonth == 2) && (iDay > 29)) {
            iDay = 1;
          if ((iMonth == 2) && ((iYear % 4) != 0) && (iDay > 28)) {
            iDay = 1;
          // Set stored date based on current settings
          // If subsequently adjust the month so day is not valid
          // then display will advance to next valid date
          currentDate = JulianDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear);
      case SET_SPEED_ADJ:
        // increase or decrease correcton by 5 milliseconds
        if (digitalRead(UP_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          speedCorrection += 5;
        if (digitalRead(DOWN_BUTTON) == LOW) {
          speedCorrection -= 5;

String FormatNumber(int value) {
  // To add a leading 0 if required
  if (value < 10) {
    return "0" + String(value);
  else {
    return String(value);

void ShowTime(unsigned long value) {
  // Update display once a second
  // or when rolls over midnight
  if ((value > lastTime + 1000) || (value < lastTime)) {
    lastTime = value;
    unsigned long iHours;
    unsigned long iMinutes;
    unsigned long iSeconds;
    SplitTime(value, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);

    // Display the time on line 0
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print("Time: " + FormatNumber(iHours) + ":" +
              FormatNumber(iMinutes) + ":" +

void ShowDate(float value) {
  // Update display if date has changed since
  // the date was last displayed
  if (lastDate != value) {
    lastDate = value;
    int iday;
    int imonth;
    int iyear;
    String currentDay;
    GregorianDate(value, iday, imonth, iyear);
    int dayOfWeek = (unsigned long)value % 7;
    // Display the date on line 0
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print(FormatNumber(iday) + ":" +
              FormatNumber(imonth) + ":" +

void ShowDDMMSet(float value) {
  int iday;
  int imonth;
  int iyear;
  String currentDay;
  GregorianDate(value, iday, imonth, iyear);
  // Display day and month for adjusting
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Set day & month:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Day:" + FormatNumber(iday) + " Month:" +

void ShowYearSet(float jd) {
  int iday;
  int imonth;
  int iyear;
  GregorianDate(jd, iday, imonth, iyear);
  // Display year for adjusting
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Set year:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Year: " + FormatNumber(iyear));

void ShowTimeSet(unsigned long value) {
  unsigned long iHours;
  unsigned long iMinutes;
  unsigned long iSeconds;
  // Display time for adjusting
  SplitTime(value, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Set time:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Hours:" + FormatNumber(iHours) + " Mins:" +

void ShowSpeedSet() {
  // Display speed correction figure for adjusting
  // could be + or -
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Set speed adj:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Millis: ");
  lcd.print(" ");

Arduino timer program

This program sends the number of elapsed milliseconds to the serial port evert 2 seconds.
// Paul Brace Feb 2021
// For use with corresponding Processing script
// to compare millis() from here to millis() in 
// Processing using the computer clock

int inByte = 0;
unsigned long firstReading = 100000;   // millis() when first reading sent

void setup() {
  // Send the hello byte to Processing

void loop() {
  // if a byte is received on the serial port
  // then read and discard it and send current 
  // value of millis()
  if (Serial.available() > 0){
    // get incoming byte
    inByte =;
    // send time elapsed since first reading processing
    Serial.print(millis() - firstReading);
    // repeat every 2 seconds

void sayHello(){
  // Wait until the serial port is available
  // then send hello byte to start handshake
  while (Serial.available() <=0){
    Serial.print('Z');                // Send Z to processing to say Hello
  firstReading = millis();

Processing timer testing script

This is the script for Processing that will read the milliseconds sent from the Arduino and compare it to the elapsed milliseconds in processing.
// Paul Brace Feb 2021
// Script to accept millis() from Arduino
// and compare it to internal millis() to
// assess inaccuracy of the Arduino clock.
// Assumes that the computer clock is accurate
// -ve = Arduino is running slow so enter as a +ve adjustment in the clock program
// +ve = Arduino is running fast so enter as a -ve adjustment to slow the clock down

import processing.serial.*;

Serial theSerialPort;                   // create the serial port object

int[] serialBytesArray = new int[15];   // array to store incoming bytes
int bytesCount = 0;                     // current number of bytes received
boolean init = false;                   // false until handshake completed by receiving the character Z
int fillColor = 255;                    // defining the initial fill colour
long mills = 0;                         // last reading received
long first = 0;                         // time of first mills received so we can calculate the difference over an hour
long now;                               // number of millis elapsed since first mills received
long firstReading = 100000;             // millis() in processing of first message received from Arduino
long DiffPerHour = 0;                   // the difference after the first hour has passed 
int inByte;                             // last byte read

void setup() {
  // define some canvas and drawing parameters
  size(500, 500);

  // print the list of all serial devices so you know which one to set for the Arduino
  // will need to run program and edit if the correct port is not set below
  // instantate the Serial Communication
  String thePortName = Serial.list()[1];
  theSerialPort = new Serial(this, thePortName, 9600);
void draw() {
  // Display time settings
  text(hour() + ":" + minute() + ":" + second(), 50, 50);
  // the last read millis sent by the Arduino
  text("Incoming elapsed: " + mills, 50, 100);
  // the current elapsed since first read in Processing
  text("Local elapsed: " + (now - firstReading), 50, 150);
  // display the current difference
  text("Diff: " + (mills - (now - firstReading)), 50, 200);
  // Check if 1 hour has passed and if the first hour store the difference
  if (((now - firstReading)>= 3600000) && (DiffPerHour == 0)){
    DiffPerHour = mills - (now - firstReading);
  // Display the first difference and the difference after the first hour
  text("Diff after 1 hour: " + DiffPerHour, 50, 300);

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
  // read a byte from the serial port
  inByte =;
  if (init == false) {         // if not yet handshaked the see if handshake byte
    if (inByte == 'Z') {       // if the byte read is Z
      myPort.clear();          // clear the serial port buffer
      init = true;             // store the fact we had the first hello
      myPort.write('Z');       // tell the Arduino to send more
      if (first == 0){
        first = millis();
  else {                       
    // if there already was the first hello
    // Add the latest byte from the serial port to array
    if (inByte != 69) {        // Check not the end of message character E    
      if (bytesCount < 14) {
        serialBytesArray[bytesCount] = inByte;
    if (inByte == 69) {
      // End of message
      // store local time elapsed 
      now  = millis();
      // calculate incoming millis()
      mills = 0;
      for (int i = 1; i <= bytesCount; i++) {
        mills += (serialBytesArray[i - 1] - 48) * pow(10, (bytesCount - i));
      // Say we are ready to accept next message
      // if this is the first reading then set the first difference 
      if (firstReading == 100000) {
        firstReading = now;
      // Reset bytesCount:
      bytesCount = 0;


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