obniz developer team

TensorFlow.js and Puppet with PoseNet

In this program, puppet doll will mimic the pose of your smartphone or face.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1,068

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Cambrian Robotics obniz
Micro servo SG-5010
Pin header (both ends long) 1
PC / Smartphone (PoseNet can be used)
Powerful double-sided tape
Puppet doll
Mechanism for fixing the puppet doll and servomotor. (A bar shaped object, L shaped bracket, etc.)
Base and weight


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Untitled file

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <script src="https://unpkg.com/@tensorflow/tfjs"></script>
   <script src="https://unpkg.com/@tensorflow-models/posenet"></script>
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
   <script src="https://obniz.io/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
   <script src="https://unpkg.com/obniz@1.9.1/obniz.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
   <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/stats.js/r16/Stats.js"></script>
   <style type="text/css">
       h2 {
           padding: 0.4em 0.5em;
           color: #494949;
           background: #f4f4f4;
           border-left: solid 5px #7db4e6;
           border-bottom: solid 3px #d7d7d7;
       h3 {
           background: #c2edff;
           padding: 0.5em;
       .btn-container {
           display: flex;
           justify-content: center;
       .btn-control {
           flex-grow: 1;
           text-align: center;
       .btn-control input {
           font-size: 1.6em;
           font-weight: bold;
           padding: 10px 30px;
           height: 80px;
           width: 90%;
       .data-view {
           margin: 8px;
       .status-view {
           font-size: 1.6em;
           font-weight: bold;
           background: #FFFF99;
           text-align: center;
           padding: 5px;
   <div id="obniz-debug"></div>
       <div id="view-mode"></div>
   <h3>Change Mode</h3>
   <form id="form-select-mode">
       <select name="select-mode">
           <option value="1" selected>1: Mimic the posture of phone</option>
           <option value="2">2: Mimic your pose</option>
           <option value="3">3: Stare at you</option>
       <input type="button" id="btn-set-mode" value="SET" />
           <input type="button" id="btn-stop" value="STOP" />
           <input type="button" class="btn-reset" value="RESET" />
       <label>Max Speed
           <input type="range" id="rng-speed" min=0 max=3 step=1>
           <input type="range" id="rng-lpf" min=0 max=1 step=0.01>
   <div class="view-contents-mode2 view-contents-mode3">
       <video id="video" width="800px" height="600px" autoplay="1" style="position: absolute;"></video>
       <canvas id="canvas" width="800px" height="600px" style="position: relative;"></canvas>
   <div class="view-contents-mode1">
       <div class="btn-container">
           <div class="btn-control">
               <input type="button" id="btn-reset" class="btn-reset" value="RESET">
           <div class="btn-control">
               <input type="button" id="btn-start" value="START">
   <div class="view-contents-mode1">
       <div id="d1" class="data-view status-view"></div>
       <div id="d2" class="data-view"></div>
       <div id="d3" class="data-view"></div>
   <div id="d4" class="data-view"></div>
   <div id="print"></div>
   const imageScaleFactor = 0.2;
   const outputStride = 16;
   const flipHorizontal = false;
   const stats = new Stats();
   const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
   const contentWidth = canvas.width;
   const contentHeight = canvas.height;
   const fontLayout = "bold 20px Arial";
   const fontPoint = "bold 15px Arial";
   var score = 0;
   var mypose = new Object();
   var myposition = new Object();
   var cvw = canvas.width;
   var cvh = canvas.height;
   var ang_view = {//angle of view of webcam. for mode 3
       x: 90, y: 60
   async function bindPage() {
       const net = await posenet.load();
       let video;
       try {
           video = await loadVideo();
       } catch (e) {
       detectPoseInRealTime(video, net);
   async function loadVideo() {
       const video = await setupCamera();
       return video;
   async function setupCamera() {
       const video = document.getElementById('video');
       if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
           const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
               'audio': false,
               'video': { width: contentWidth, height: contentHeight }
           video.srcObject = stream;
           return new Promise(resolve => {
               video.onloadedmetadata = () => {
       } else {
           const errorMessage = "This browser does not support video capture, or this device does not have a camera";
           return Promise.reject(errorMessage);
   function detectPoseInRealTime(video, net) {
       const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
       const flipHorizontal = true; // since images are being fed from a webcam
       async function poseDetectionFrame() {
           if (detect_pose == false) { return; }
           let poses = [];
           const pose = await net.estimateSinglePose(video, imageScaleFactor, flipHorizontal, outputStride);
           ctx.clearRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentHeight);
           ctx.scale(-1, 1);
           ctx.translate(-contentWidth, 0);
           ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, contentWidth, contentHeight);
           ctx.font = fontLayout;
           drawPoints(poses, ctx);
   function getPart(partname, pose) {
       return pose["keypoints"].filter(function (partpoint) {
           if (partpoint.part == partname) {
               // console.log(partpoint);
               return true;
   function drawPoints(poses, ctx) {
       poses.forEach(({ s, keypoints }) => {
           keypoints.forEach((partpoint) => {
               drawPoint(partpoint, ctx);
               drawPointName(partpoint, ctx);
       //get positions and scores
       var nose = getPart("nose", poses[0])[0];
       var eye_l = getPart("leftEye", poses[0])[0];
       var eye_r = getPart("rightEye", poses[0])[0];
       var ear_l = getPart("leftEar", poses[0])[0];
       var ear_r = getPart("rightEar", poses[0])[0];
       var n = nose.position;
       var l = eye_r.position;
       var r = eye_l.position;
       var p_ear_l = ear_l.position;
       var p_ear_r = ear_r.position;
       //Calculate scores
       var score = poses[0]["score"];
       var score_nose = nose.score;
       var score_face = (
           + eye_l.score
           + eye_r.score
           + ear_l.score
           + ear_r.score
       ) / 5;
       ctx.font = fontLayout;
       _mypose_yaw = Math.atan2(2 * n.x - l.x - r.x, r.x - l.x);
       var ear_y = (p_ear_l.y + p_ear_r.y) / 2;
       // mypose.score = score;
       if (score_nose > 0.9) {
           ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
           myposition.yaw = 90 - Math.atan((cvw - 2 * n.x) / cvw * Math.tan(ang_view.x / 2 * Math.PI / 180)) * 180 / Math.PI;
           myposition.pitch = 90 + Math.atan((cvh - 2 * n.y) / cvh * Math.tan(ang_view.y / 2 * Math.PI / 180)) * 180 / Math.PI;
           ctx.fillText("Nose: " + myposition.yaw.toFixed(0) + ", " + myposition.pitch.toFixed(0), 20, 40);
       } else {
           ctx.fillStyle = "red";
       if (score_face > 0.75) {
           ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
           mypose.yaw = _mypose_yaw * -180 / Math.PI + 90;
           mypose.pitch = Math.asin(2 * (n.y - ear_y) * Math.cos(_mypose_yaw) / Math.abs(p_ear_r.x - p_ear_l.x)) * -180 / Math.PI + 90;
           ctx.fillText("Pose: " + mypose.yaw.toFixed(0) + ", " + mypose.pitch.toFixed(0), 20, 60);
       } else {
           ctx.fillStyle = "red";
       ctx.fillText("Score: " + score_nose.toFixed(2) + ", " + score_face.toFixed(2), 20, 20);
   function drawPoint(point, ctx) {
       ctx.arc(point.position.x, point.position.y, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
       ctx.fillStyle = "pink";
   function drawPointName(point, ctx) {
       ctx.font = fontPoint;
       ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(155, 187, 89, 0.7)';
       ctx.fillText(point.part, point.position.x, point.position.y);
   var servo_y, servo_p;
   var s_yaw, s_pitch;
   var yaw0 = 0, pitch0 = 0;
   var mode = 1;
   var detect_pose = false;
   var smp = new Object();
   var max_dps = 300;
   var min_dps = 30;
   var lpf_a = 0.5;
   function constrain(amt, low, high) {
       return (amt) < (low) ? (low) : ((amt) > (high) ? (high) : (amt));
   function diffAngle(ang, crt) {
       var ang_d = ang - crt;
       while (ang_d < 0 || ang_d > 360) {
           if (ang_d < 0) {
               ang_d += 360;
           } else if (ang_d > 360) {
               ang_d -= 360;
       return ang_d;
   function setServo(yaw, pitch) {
       try {
           s_yaw = yaw;
           s_pitch = pitch;
           $('#d4').html("SERVO: " + s_yaw.toFixed(2) + ", " + s_pitch.toFixed(2));
       } catch (e) {
   function moveServoToward(yaw, pitch, max_deg, min_deg) {
       yaw = lpf_a * s_yaw + (1 - lpf_a) * yaw;
       pitch = lpf_a * s_pitch + (1 - lpf_a) * pitch;
       setServo(yaw, pitch);
   function startServo(src, interval) {
       updateServo = setInterval(function () {
           // console.dir(src);
           max_deg = max_dps * (interval / 1000);
           min_deg = min_dps * (interval / 1000);
           moveServoToward(src.yaw, src.pitch, max_deg, min_deg);
       }, interval);
   function stopServo() {
       if (typeof updateServo !== "undefined") {
   $(document).ready(function () {
       $('#btn-set-mode').on('click', function () {
           mode = $('[name=select-mode]').val();
           console.log('Mode changed! ' + mode);
           $('#view-mode').html('MODE' + mode + ': ' + $('[name=select-mode] option:selected').text());
           detect_pose = false;
           switch (mode) {
               case "1":
               case "2":
                   detect_pose = true;
                   startServo(mypose, 100);
               case "3":
                   detect_pose = true;
                   startServo(myposition, 100);
       if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
           window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function (eventData) {
               $('#d2').html("RAW: " + eventData.alpha.toFixed(2) + ", " + eventData.beta.toFixed(2) + ", " + eventData.gamma.toFixed(2));
               smp.raw_yaw = eventData.alpha;
               smp.raw_pitch = eventData.beta;
               _smp_yaw = diffAngle(eventData.alpha, yaw0);
               smp.yaw = constrain(_smp_yaw, 90, 270) - 90;
               _smp_pitch = diffAngle(eventData.beta, pitch0);
               smp.pitch = constrain(_smp_pitch, 90, 270) - 90;
               $('#d3').html("PHONE: " + smp.yaw.toFixed(2) + ", " + smp.pitch.toFixed(2));
       $('.btn-reset').on('click', function () {
           setServo(90, 90);
       $('#btn-start').on('click', function () {
           yaw0 = smp.raw_yaw - 180;
           pitch0 = smp.raw_pitch - 180;
           startServo(smp, 50);
       $('#btn-stop').on('click', function () {
       $('#rng-speed').on('input', function () {
           var ds = [50, 100, 300, 999];
           max_dps = ds[$(this).val() * 1];
           if (max_dps == 999) {
               min_dps = 0;
           } else {
               min_dps = Math.max(max_dps * 0.3, 50);
       $('#rng-lpf').on('input', function () {
           lpf_a = $(this).val();
   var obniz = new Obniz("");
   obniz.onconnect = async function () {
       servo_y = obniz.wired("ServoMotor", { signal: 0, vcc: 1, gnd: 2 });
       servo_p = obniz.wired("ServoMotor", { signal: 3, vcc: 4, gnd: 5 });
       setServo(90, 90);


obniz developer team

obniz developer team

80 projects • 32 followers
Development board "obniz" is controlled via the internet.
