Tatsuro Hokugo
Published © CC BY

Camera Mount Control by Smartphone

Camera mount for FPV controlled by smartphone using Bluetooth LE. Give azimuth and tilt angle, camera mount moves appropriate position.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)5 hours1,634
Camera Mount Control by Smartphone

Things used in this project


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Schematic of voltage conversion


LightBlue Bean code for control servo motors

#include <Servo.h>

Servo azimuthServo;
Servo elevationServo;
const int azimuthPin = 4; // pin to ajimuth motor
const int elevationPin = 5; // pin to elevation motor

int ax, ay, az;
int gx, gy, gz;

void setup() {
  // set motor pin to output mode
  pinMode(azimuthPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(elevationPin, OUTPUT);




// Holds the last data we read from scratch characteristic 1
ScratchData lastScratch;

bool compareScratch(ScratchData *scratch1, ScratchData *scratch2) {
  // If they contain different numbers of bytes, they can't be equal,
  // so return false
  if (scratch1->length != scratch2->length) {
    return false;

  // Compare each byte in order and return false if two bytes don't match
  for (int i = 0; i < scratch1->length; i++) {
    if (scratch1->data[i] != scratch2->data[i]) {
      return false;

void loop() {
  // Read data from scratch characteristic 1
  ScratchData thisScratch = Bean.readScratchData(1);

  // Compare the data we just read with the data we saw last time
  // Compare the data we just read with the data we saw last time
  bool matched = compareScratch(&thisScratch, &lastScratch);

  // Save the data we just read for our next comparison
  lastScratch = thisScratch;

  if (!matched) {
    int azimuthAngle = lastScratch.data[0] + (lastScratch.data[1] << 8);
    int tiltAngle = lastScratch.data[2] + (lastScratch.data[3] << 8);
    if (azimuthAngle >= 0 && azimuthAngle <=180 ) { 
    if(tiltAngle >= 0 && tiltAngle <= 90) {
    ax = Bean.getAccelerationX();
    ay = Bean.getAccelerationY();
    az = Bean.getAccelerationZ();
    uint8_t accelValue[6];
    accelValue[0] = ax & 0xFF;
    accelValue[1] = ax >> 8;
    accelValue[2] = ay & 0xFF;
    accelValue[3] = ay >> 8;
    accelValue[4] = az & 0xFF;
    accelValue[5] = az >> 8; 
    Bean.setScratchData(2, accelValue, 6); 
  } else {
    // Otherwise, just sleep for one second and check again



Tatsuro Hokugo

Tatsuro Hokugo

2 projects • 3 followers
newbie maker.
