nobcha a
Published © GPL3+

Remodel the air band receiver kit with digital local VFOⅢ

Chinese air band receiver kit combined with the digital local oscillator. This is the second example of the R909-VFO applications.

AdvancedWork in progress12 hours114
Remodel the air band receiver kit with digital local VFOⅢ

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip Arduimo ATmega328P

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

AL case & PCB panel


Arduino controller circuit

There are ATmega328P, OLED, Rotary encoder, and switches on the PCB.


Arduino sketch of R909-VFO mdified

We shall divert the Arduino sketch of R909-VFO for this trial


nobcha a
7 projects • 3 followers
I'm interested in designing a radio with Si4732 and Si5351a.
