Love Hultén's MDLR-37 Packs a Lot of Synthesizer Into a Custom-Built Folding Wooden Luggable

Packing four pieces into a single foldable chassis is an impressive achievement, and the MDLR-37 certainly delivers on its core concept.

almost 3 years ago Music

Audiovisual artist Love Hultén has shown off another example of his impressive craftsmanship: the MDLR-37 four-piece modular synthesizer, which has to be seen in action to be believed.

Hultén's no stranger to building devices to make music, although the VOC-25 with its chattering teeth instruments was perhaps a little left of mainstream. Hultén also has experience with folding electronics, from the Game Burger Advance to the R-KAID-D SK-4 — but a previous project to combine the two fields and build a folding synthesizer topped out at a single hinge point.

The MDLR-37 is an impressive collection of synthesizer power in a folding luggable form-factor. (📹: Love Hultén)

Not so the MDLR-37. This four-piece portable synth folds open from a luggable design into a curved desktop behemoth with patch panels and knobs for days — as well as a few less-common accessories. As with Hultén's previous projects, it's all formed out of wood — with a supporting frame at the back to prevent the whole unit from toppling backwards in use.

Within Hultén's custom wooden chassis are a selection of off-the-shelf musical devices: The Korg Minilogue and Microkey 37, Meris ENZO, T-Rex Replicator, and the ​Doepfer A-199 all combine to give the MDLR-37 its capabilities.

A video showcasing the project is up on Hultén's YouTube channel, while more pictures are available on his website.


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