Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Mar 23, 2018

A Spy Cam, an eTextile Patch, a Makeshift GSM Module, an Arduino IDE Plugin, a USB Adaptive Charger + More

about 6 years ago
Secret Coke Bottle SPY CAM!
Take a Raspberry Pi Zero and a webcam, and cram them into a Coke bottle while making it continue to appear like a normal Coke bottle!
An eTextile patch for hover, touch, and pressure input, using both resistive and capacitive sensing.
Don’t Buy a GSM Module, Use Your Old Phone!
Using a phone as a makeshift GSM module.
HomeEnergy — Pi
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a home energy monitor with inexpensive components.
House Temperature Monitoring with AWS and Raspberry Pi
Link AWS IoT Button and Raspberry Pi 3 with AWS IoT to make all your browser-provided devices a monitor for your house’s temperature.
Plugin Blockly@rduino for Arduino IDE
Integrate Blockly@rduino in IDE like a tool, compile and upload through Arduino IDE, totally graphic way.
Nipkow Disk Based Digital Display Device
In 1884 Nipkow invented a method to capture and view a moving image. This project uses the same disk to generate a moving digital image.
Adding Text-to-Speech to PocketBeagle Projects
Adding text-to-speech to any PocketBeagle project is easy and fun with a USB sound card, speaker and libraries.
Pi-ron Man
Toy Iron Man mask with some hardware in it to project information to the wearer, like the holographic interface Mr. Stark himself uses.
Turning Recycled Skateboards Into a Bluetooth Boombox
This shows how to make a portable Bluetooth boombox from recycled skateboard wood, and also uses the trucks, wheels, and grip tape!
Pirl Charger
A 10.8A, 4-port USB charger with a wattmeter and adaptive intelligent charging.
Robotic Hand with Wireless Glove Controlled
In this project; 3D robot hand assembly, servo control, flex sensor control, wireless control with nRF24L01 are available.
Curismo: A Smart Pill Box Assistant for Users with Dimentia
Curismo uses Walabot to detect when a user picks up a pill and a custom Alexa skill to help user keep track of their daily pill intake.
Sonar: Wireless Foot Traffic Information for Retail
Sonar aims to provide you insight into the foot traffic of retail or commercial environment using just wireless technologies and a RPI3.
Programming Python on Zynq FPGA
This getting started guide teaches you how to program Python on Digilent Arty Z7–20, the Xilinx Zynq Z7020 SoC platform.
Mask IT
IoT + machine learning solution to air pollution in real-time.
Hacking Qualcomm (Quick Charge) QC 2.0/3.0 with ATtiny85
Get not only 5 volts but also 9, 12 volts (18 Watts max) out of any QC-compatible charger/power bank for supplying power hungry projects.

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