Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Jun 2, 2017

A 360º Camera Rig, an Android Robocar, an Open Source 5DOF Robot Arm, a Fidget Spinner Tuner + More

Drone Powered 360º Smartphone Camera Rig
This Arduino and XBee-connected camera rig shoots flat 360º round video/footage using only one smartphone camera/recording device.
An open source Python framework, which developers can extend to add Siri voice control to any Raspberry Pi project.
Android Robocar
Build your own small autonomous car with Android Things.
A project powered by Intel Edison and RealSense geared to prevent accidents that occur as a result of falling asleep behind the wheel.
IOT2020 Energy Monitoring Gateway
Using the IOT2020, create an expandable energy monitoring gateway, with configurable warnings and alarms, covering all the basics.
Fidget Spinner Tuner
Fidget spinners are everywhere — one of the challenges is to get the fastest spinning and longest running spinner… build a sensor!
An open source, 3D-printable robotic arm, powered by ROS, with 500g lift capacity.
Wooden LED Clock
Build a simple wood LED clock, using modern electronics and traditional wood and metal working techniques.
Weather Aware Sprinkler Controller
This project uses the Particle Photon and a relay module to create a six-station sprinkler controller.
Cheapest Smart Home System for $38
With Raspberry Pi Zero W and Prota OS, turn you house into a smart home for just a few bucks!
IOT2020 Access Control
Integrate a Weigand 26 RFID reader with an IOT2020 for cloud-based door access control and monitoring using Node-RED.
BPW34 Solar / Supercapacitor-Powered LED Watch
Five years of watch development in one master piece of hardware.
UTC IoT Clock
This is a UTC clock that displays UTC and PST time, syncs to the Internet and has APIs for displaying messages or setting brightness.
Headless Voice Activated Google Assistant on Raspberry Pi
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a Google Assistant.
LoRaWAN Using Python, Zerynth and The Things Network
Create a LoRaWAN network programmed in Python using Zerynth and connected to The Things Network.
Arduino Fingerprint Sensor
Use a fingerprint sensor module to add biometric security to your Arduino projects.

Projects and articles from the Hackster Staff!

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