Mobile programming has become easier with tools such as AppInventor.
This is what I want the application to look like.
These are just buttons. The top ones are for connecting and disconnecting the mobile with the bluetooth shield. "Encender" and "Apagar" are to swich on or of the white LEDs. RGB are to control the RGB LEDs. The rainbow is to fantasy with the RGB LEDs.
After adding and positioning the buttons I add from the connectivity block a BluetoothClient
It is a non-visible component.
in the block side we need to connect our mobile with the bluetooth
To disconnect the bluetooth I created a button
The rest is easy, we send a string, and we program the board to react depending on the string received.
I created a button that sends a text "a".
As you can see I created many buttons that each sends a different string.
You also have to program your board in order to react. I've attached the code, so that it is easierfor you.
I've used the shield I explained in:
and I've added an external bluetooth.
Make sure you connect the tx of the bluetooth to the rx of the UdooNeo.
Finally you press on the button you want and just have to see what happens :)