Mona Mohamed

Ergonomic Chair Using Arduino

Transforming an ordinary chair to a chair that warns you when you are having unhealthy sitting.

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Ergonomic Chair Using Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Male/Male Jumper Wires
piezoelectric sensors
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Resistor 1M ohm
Resistor 1M ohm
Resistor 100k ohm
Resistor 100k ohm
Android device
Android device

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
1sheeld Application


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Ergonomic chair Circuit


Ergonomic chair

/* Hi, My Name is Mona, I'm going to illustrate the code 
and here is my e-mail: 
feel free to contact if you have any 
question */

#define CUSTOM_SETTINGS // to activate only the libraries that we want to use

#define INCLUDE_DATA_LOGGER_SHIELD  // includes data logger shield
#define INCLUDE_BUZZER_SHIELD // includes Buzzer shield

#include <OneSheeld.h> //includes 1sheeld library  
int LEDY=8; // Name of yellow LED connected to pin 8
int LEDW=9; // Name of white LED connected to pin 9
int P1=A0; // first piezoelectric sensor 
int P2=A1; // second piezoelectric sensor 
int counter =1; //Counter that counts how many unhealthy sittings you had
bool flag = false ; //when this flag is true this means that you are not leaning your back on the back of the chair (unhealthy sitting)
// when it is false then you are leaning your back ( healthy sitting) 
String keyname = "No. of Unhealthy sittings" ; //name of column in the CSV file in which the no. of unhealthy sitting is saved 
String fileName = "unHealthy sitting" ; // Name of the created file ( this file is created on your mobile in google sheets app.)

void setup() 
{ OneSheeld.begin(); // starts communication
  pinMode(LEDY , OUTPUT ) ; //set LEDY as output
  pinMode(LEDW , OUTPUT ) ; // set LEDW as output
  pinMode(P1, INPUT) ; // set first piezoelectric sensor as input
  pinMode(P2 , INPUT) ; // set second piezoelectric sensor as input
   Logger.stop(); // stops logging and saves last data logged

void loop() {

  digitalWrite(LEDW,LOW); //white LED is LOW at the beginning of the program
  digitalWrite(LEDY ,LOW); //yellow LED is LOW at the beginning of the program
P1= analogRead(A0) ; // saves the readings coming from pin A0 in P1 
P2= analogRead (A1) ; // saves the readings coming from pin A1 in P2
delay (5);

 if (P1<100 &&P2 <100) // 2 piezoelectronic sensors are not sending readings(nothing touched them)
 { digitalWrite( LEDY,LOW);
 Buzzer.buzzOff(); // Buzzer is off

 else if ( P1 > 100 && P2 < 100 ) /* sensor on the seat detected that you sat down,while sensor on the back did't send reading ( which means 
  that you are not leaning your back) */
 {   Logger.stop(); 
    Logger.start ("Unhealthy sitting" ); // starts logging in a new CSV file called unhealthy sitting
    digitalWrite ( LEDW ,HIGH); // when P1 is sending readings white LED is HIGH
    digitalWrite (LEDY ,LOW); // When P2 is not sending readings yellow LED is LOW
   Buzzer.buzzOn(); //Buzzer is ON
  flag = true ;
    Logger.add ( "No. of unhealthy sittings" , counter ); // add values in the column in the CSV file
    Logger.log (); // log the row in the file 
  counter++; //add 1 to the counter value

 else if ( P1>100 && P2 > 100) // both piezoelectric sensors are sending readings ( which means you are sitting and leaning your back)
{ digitalWrite (LEDW ,HIGH );
  digitalWrite (LEDY ,HIGH );
  Buzzer.buzzOff() ;

  else if (P1<100 && P2 > 100) // first piezoelectric is not sending readings but you are leaning your back on the chair
  //as second piezoelectric sensor is sending readings
  { digitalWrite (LEDY,HIGH ) ;
    digitalWrite (LEDW,LOW ) ;
    Buzzer.buzzOff () ;

   else if (P1<100 && P2 <100 ) // both of them are not reading, which means you are not sitting on the chair
      digitalWrite (LEDY,LOW ) ;
    digitalWrite (LEDW,LOW ) ;
    Buzzer.buzzOff () ;
 else if (P2>100) // the sensor on the back of the chair is reading

{   digitalWrite (LEDY,HIGH ) ;
    digitalWrite (LEDW,LOW ) ;
    Buzzer.buzzOff () ;



Mona Mohamed

Mona Mohamed

3 projects • 5 followers
Communication and Electronics Department at Faculty of Engineering , Head of Academic staff at 3c FEHU , Social Media Manager at WIE IEEE-HSB , ROVer
