Mike J McGuire
Published © GPL3+

Using An Arduino As A Garage Car Parking Sensor

A quick tutorial on how to create a garage parking sensor with lights and an ultrasonic range finder.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours13,843
Using An Arduino As A Garage Car Parking Sensor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
LED (generic)
LED (generic)

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more


Circuit Diagram


Code snippet #1

Plain text
_ _ _ _ _ _ = Car greater than 3m from wall.
r _ _ _ _ _ = Car 3m from wall.
r r _ _ _ _ = Car 2m from wall.
r r r _ _ _ = Car 1.5m from wall.
r r r r _ _ = Car 1m from wall.
_ _ _ _ g _ = Car 45cm from wall.
_ _ _ _ _ r = Car 35cm from wall.

Code snippet #2

Plain text
/*                                                             */
/* Garage Controller Range v2.0                                */
/*                                                             */

#include <SPI.h>

#define SF(x) String(F(x))
#define CF(x) String(F(x)).c_str()
#define RANGE_MIN 35
#define RANGE_MAX 39
#define RANGE_1 49
#define RANGE_2 64
#define RANGE_3 84
#define RANGE_4 200

int iPinRed1 = 3;
int iPinRed2 = 4;
int iPinRed3 = 5;
int iPinRed4 = 6;
int iPinGreen1 = 7;
int iPinRed5 = 8;
int iPinRange = 9;

/* Function: setup                                             */
void setup()

	pinMode(iPinRed1, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinRed2, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinRed3, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinRed4, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinGreen1, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinRed5, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(iPinRange, OUTPUT);

/* Function: loop                                              */
void loop()
	long lDuration = 0, lCM = 0;  

	// 2 Microsecond Clear + 5 Microsecond Pulse
	pinMode(iPinRange, OUTPUT);
	digitalWrite(iPinRange, LOW);
	digitalWrite(iPinRange, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(iPinRange, LOW);

	// Get Return Pulse
	pinMode(iPinRange, INPUT);
	lDuration = pulseIn(iPinRange, HIGH);
	lCM = ConvertMSToCM(lDuration);
	Serial.println("Distance: " + String(lCM) + " cm"); 

	// Too Close
	if (lCM < RANGE_MIN)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, HIGH);
	// Perfect
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_MIN & lCM < RANGE_MAX)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
	// Range 1
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_MAX & lCM < RANGE_1)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
	// Range 2
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_1 & lCM < RANGE_2)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
	// Range 3
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_2 & lCM < RANGE_3)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
	// Range 4
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_3 & lCM < RANGE_4)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, HIGH);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
	// Range 5
	else if (lCM >= RANGE_4)
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed2, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed3, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed4, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinGreen1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(iPinRed5, LOW);


/* Function: ConvertMSToCM                                     */
long ConvertMSToCM(long lMicroSeconds)
	// The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter.
	// The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the
	// object we take half of the distance travelled. - Arduino Site
	return lMicroSeconds / 29 / 2;


Mike J McGuire

Mike J McGuire

2 projects • 6 followers
