Mirko Pavleski
Published © GPL3+

DIY Zambretti Weather Forecaster on VFD Display

Weather forecaster, which displays the weather forecast on the screen in the form of descriptive text.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2,483
DIY Zambretti Weather Forecaster on VFD Display

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
VFD Display with 20x2 characters
MyOctopus i2c Barometric Air Pressure Sensor BMP280
MyOctopus i2c Barometric Air Pressure Sensor BMP280
DS3231M - ±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock
Maxim Integrated DS3231M - ±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


Read more


Schematic diagram


Arduino Code

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BMP280.h>

#include "RTClib.h"

#define SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA (1013.25)

RTC_DS3231 rtc;   // initialise the RTC DS3231
Adafruit_BMP280 BMP;  // initialise the BMP280 sensor

unsigned long delayTime;  // refresh rate for the readings
int t_hour = 0;
int t_minute = 0;
//int t_second =0;

int pressureArray[10] = {0};  // here we store the pressure readings 
byte counter = 0;
byte delta_time = 0;
int Z = 0;

char tStr[21];
char pStr[22];
char hStr[20];
char pseaStr[26];
char timeStr[6];
char dateStr[12];
char zambretti[10] = "N/A";
char pressureHistory[57];
char pressureHistory2[57];

int temperature;
int humidity;
int pressure;
int altitude = 724;   // Here you should put the REAL altitude of the iGnome

void setup() {
  bool status;
  Serial.begin(4800);   // default settings
  Serial.print(" Zambretti Weather      forecaster      ");
  if (! rtc.begin()) {
    Serial.write("Couldn't find RTC");
    while (1);

  if (rtc.lostPower()) {
    Serial.write("RTC lost power, lets set the time!");
    // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled
    rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));

  status = BMP.begin(0x76);
  if (!status) {
    while (1);
  delayTime = 20000;


void loop() {

  temperature = (int)BMP.readTemperature();
 // humidity = (int)BMP.readHumidity();
  pressure = (int)(BMP.readPressure() / 100.0F);

  // Let's see the reading that will determine the forecast

 // Serial.print("Measured altitude ");
 // Serial.write((int)BMP.readAltitude(SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA));

  int seapressure = station2sealevel(pressure, altitude, temperature);

  DateTime now = rtc.now();
  int t_hour2 = now.hour();
  int t_minute2 = now.minute();
 // int t_second2 = now.second();

  if (t_hour2 != t_hour or t_minute2 != t_minute) {
    if (delta_time > 10) {    // every minute we increment delta_time, then every 10 minutes
      delta_time = 0;         // we store the value in the array 

      if (counter == 10)  // if we read 10 values and filled up the array, we shift the array content
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {   // we shift the array one position to the left
          pressureArray[i] = pressureArray[i + 1];
        pressureArray[counter - 1] = seapressure;
      else {        // this code fills up the pressure array value by value until is filled up
        pressureArray[counter] = seapressure;

    Z = calc_zambretti((pressureArray[9] + pressureArray[8] + pressureArray[7]) / 3, (pressureArray[0] + pressureArray[1] + pressureArray[2]) / 3, now.month());

// From here is just for debug purposes on the serial monitor
    sprintf(zambretti, "Z=%d", Z);
    sprintf(tStr, "%d C", temperature);
    sprintf(hStr, "%d %%", humidity);
    sprintf(pStr, "%d hPa", pressure);
    sprintf(pseaStr, "%d hPa", seapressure);
    sprintf(dateStr, "%02d.%02d.%d", now.day(), now.month(), now.year());
    sprintf(timeStr, "%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute());
    sprintf(pressureHistory, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,", pressureArray[0], pressureArray[1], pressureArray[2],
            pressureArray[3], pressureArray[4], pressureArray[5], pressureArray[6], pressureArray[7], pressureArray[8], pressureArray[9]);

// END of testing purposes

    if (pressureArray[9] > 0 and pressureArray[0] > 0) {
      if (pressureArray[9] + pressureArray[8] + pressureArray[7] - pressureArray[0] - pressureArray[1] - pressureArray[2] >= 3) {
        Serial.print("[>] ");
     if (Z<2){
          Serial.write("Settled Fine                    ");
        else if (Z>1 and Z<=2){
          Serial.write("Fine Weather                    ");
        else if (Z>2 and Z<=3){
          Serial.write("Becoming Fine                   ");
        else if (Z>3 and Z<=4){
          Serial.write("Fine Becoming   Less Settled    ");
        else if (Z>4 and Z<=5){
          Serial.write("Fine  Possibly   Showers        ");
        else if (Z>5 and Z<=6){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Improving       ");
        else if (Z>6 and Z<=7){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine Pos.Showers, early  ");
        else if (Z>7 and Z<=8){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showery Later   ");
        else if (Z>8 and Z<=9){
          Serial.write("Showery Early   Improving       ");
        else if (Z>9 and Z<=10){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Mending         ");
        else if (Z>10 and Z<=11){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showers likely  ");
        else if (Z>11 and Z<=12){
          Serial.write("Rather UnsettledClearing Later  ");
        else if (Z>12 and Z<=13){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Prob. Improving       ");
        else if (Z>13 and Z<=14){
          Serial.write("Showery Bright  Intervals       ");
        else if (Z>14 and Z<=15){
          Serial.write("Showery BecomingMore Unsettled  ");
        else if (Z>15 and Z<=16){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Some Rain       ");
        else if (Z>16 and Z<=17){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Short Fine Intervals  ");
        else if (Z>17 and Z<=18){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain later      ");
        else if (Z>18 and Z<=19){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain at time    ");
        else if (Z>19 and Z<=20){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Finer at time   ");
        else if (Z>20 and Z<=21){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Worse later     ");
        else if (Z>21 and Z<=22){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Bec. Very Uns.  ");
        else if (Z>22 and Z<=23){
          Serial.write("Rain at Frequent Intervals      ");
        else if (Z>23 and Z<=24){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Rain            ");
        else if (Z>24 and Z<=25){
          Serial.write("Stormy possibly Improving       ");
        else if (Z>25 and Z<=26){
          Serial.write("Stormy     Much Rain            ");

        else if (pressureArray[0]+pressureArray[1]+pressureArray[2]-pressureArray[9]-pressureArray[8]-pressureArray[7]>=3){
        Serial.print("[<] ");
     if (Z<2){
          Serial.write("Settled Fine                    ");
        else if (Z>1 and Z<=2){
          Serial.write("Fine Weather                    ");
        else if (Z>2 and Z<=3){
          Serial.write("Becoming Fine                   ");
        else if (Z>3 and Z<=4){
          Serial.write("Fine Becoming   Less Settled    ");
        else if (Z>4 and Z<=5){
          Serial.write("Fine  Possibly   Showers        ");
        else if (Z>5 and Z<=6){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Improving       ");
        else if (Z>6 and Z<=7){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine Pos.Showers, early  ");
        else if (Z>7 and Z<=8){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showery Later   ");
        else if (Z>8 and Z<=9){
          Serial.write("Showery Early   Improving       ");
        else if (Z>9 and Z<=10){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Mending         ");
        else if (Z>10 and Z<=11){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showers likely  ");
        else if (Z>11 and Z<=12){
          Serial.write("Rather UnsettledClearing Later  ");
        else if (Z>12 and Z<=13){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Prob. Improving       ");
        else if (Z>13 and Z<=14){
          Serial.write("Showery Bright  Intervals       ");
        else if (Z>14 and Z<=15){
          Serial.write("Showery BecomingMore Unsettled  ");
        else if (Z>15 and Z<=16){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Some Rain       ");
        else if (Z>16 and Z<=17){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Short Fine Intervals  ");
        else if (Z>17 and Z<=18){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain later      ");
        else if (Z>18 and Z<=19){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain at time    ");
        else if (Z>19 and Z<=20){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Finer at time   ");
        else if (Z>20 and Z<=21){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Worse later     ");
        else if (Z>21 and Z<=22){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Bec. Very Uns.  ");
        else if (Z>22 and Z<=23){
          Serial.write("Rain at Frequent Intervals      ");
        else if (Z>23 and Z<=24){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Rain            ");
        else if (Z>24 and Z<=25){
          Serial.write("Stormy possibly Improving       ");
        else if (Z>25 and Z<=26){
          Serial.write("Stormy     Much Rain            ");
          Serial.print("[=] ");
     if (Z<2){
          Serial.write("Settled Fine                    ");
        else if (Z>1 and Z<=2){
          Serial.write("Fine Weather                    ");
        else if (Z>2 and Z<=3){
          Serial.write("Becoming Fine                   ");
        else if (Z>3 and Z<=4){
          Serial.write("Fine Becoming   Less Settled    ");
        else if (Z>4 and Z<=5){
          Serial.write("Fine  Possibly   Showers        ");
        else if (Z>5 and Z<=6){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Improving       ");
        else if (Z>6 and Z<=7){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine Pos.Showers, early  ");
        else if (Z>7 and Z<=8){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showery Later   ");
        else if (Z>8 and Z<=9){
          Serial.write("Showery Early   Improving       ");
        else if (Z>9 and Z<=10){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Mending         ");
        else if (Z>10 and Z<=11){
          Serial.write("Fairly Fine     Showers likely  ");
        else if (Z>11 and Z<=12){
          Serial.write("Rather UnsettledClearing Later  ");
        else if (Z>12 and Z<=13){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Prob. Improving       ");
        else if (Z>13 and Z<=14){
          Serial.write("Showery Bright  Intervals       ");
        else if (Z>14 and Z<=15){
          Serial.write("Showery BecomingMore Unsettled  ");
        else if (Z>15 and Z<=16){
          Serial.write("Changeable      Some Rain       ");
        else if (Z>16 and Z<=17){
          Serial.write("Unsettled Short Fine Intervals  ");
        else if (Z>17 and Z<=18){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain later      ");
        else if (Z>18 and Z<=19){
          Serial.write("Unsettled       Rain at time    ");
        else if (Z>19 and Z<=20){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Finer at time   ");
        else if (Z>20 and Z<=21){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Worse later     ");
        else if (Z>21 and Z<=22){
          Serial.write("Rain at times   Bec. Very Uns.  ");
        else if (Z>22 and Z<=23){
          Serial.write("Rain at Frequent Intervals      ");
        else if (Z>23 and Z<=24){
          Serial.write("Very Unsettled  Rain            ");
        else if (Z>24 and Z<=25){
          Serial.write("Stormy possibly Improving       ");
        else if (Z>25 and Z<=26){
          Serial.write("Stormy     Much Rain            ");
    else {
      if (seapressure < 1005) {
        Serial.write("    Rainy                           ");
      else if (seapressure >= 1005 and seapressure <= 1015) {
        Serial.write("    Cloudy                          ");
      else if (seapressure > 1015 and seapressure < 1025) {
        //Serial.write("[=] ");
        Serial.write("    Sunny Cloudy                    ");
      else {
        Serial.write("    Sunny                           ");

if (seapressure <=999)
    else {

    t_hour = t_hour2;
    t_minute = t_minute2;
   // t_second = t_second2;



int calc_zambretti(int curr_pressure, int prev_pressure, int mon) {
  if (curr_pressure < prev_pressure) {
    if (mon >= 4 and mon <= 9)
      if (curr_pressure >= 1030)
        return 2;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1020 and curr_pressure < 1030)
        return 8;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1010 and curr_pressure < 1020)
        return 18;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1000 and curr_pressure < 1010)
        return 21;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 990 and curr_pressure < 1000)
        return 24;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 980 and curr_pressure < 990)
        return 24;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 970 and curr_pressure < 980)
        return 26;
      else if (curr_pressure < 970)
        return 26;
    else {
      if (curr_pressure >= 1030)
        return 2;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1020 and curr_pressure < 1030)
        return 8;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1010 and curr_pressure < 1020)
        return 15;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1000 and curr_pressure < 1010)
        return 21;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 990 and curr_pressure < 1000)
        return 22;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 980 and curr_pressure < 990)
        return 24;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 970 and curr_pressure < 980)
        return 26;
      else if (curr_pressure < 970)
        return 26;
  else if (curr_pressure > prev_pressure) {
    if (mon >= 4 and mon <= 9) {
      if (curr_pressure >= 1030)
        return 1;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1020 and curr_pressure < 1030)
        return 2;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1010 and curr_pressure < 1020)
        return 3;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1000 and curr_pressure < 1010)
        return 7;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 990 and curr_pressure < 1000)
        return 9;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 980 and curr_pressure < 990)
        return 12;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 970 and curr_pressure < 980)
        return 17;
      else if (curr_pressure < 970)
        return 17;
      if (curr_pressure >= 1030)
        return 1;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1020 and curr_pressure < 1030)
        return 2;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1010 and curr_pressure < 1020)
        return 6;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 1000 and curr_pressure < 1010)
        return 7;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 990 and curr_pressure < 1000)
        return 10;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 980 and curr_pressure < 990)
        return 13;
      else if (curr_pressure >= 970 and curr_pressure < 980)
        return 17;
      else if (curr_pressure < 970)
        return 17;
  else {
    if (curr_pressure >= 1030)
      return 1;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 1020 and curr_pressure < 1030)
      return 2;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 1010 and curr_pressure < 1020)
      return 11;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 1000 and curr_pressure < 1010)
      return 14;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 990 and curr_pressure < 1000)
      return 19;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 980 and curr_pressure < 990)
      return 23;
    else if (curr_pressure >= 970 and curr_pressure < 980)
      return 24;
    else if (curr_pressure < 970)
      return 26;


int station2sealevel(int p, int height, int t) {  // from pressure at our height to sea level
  return (double) p * pow(1 - 0.0065 * (double)height / (t + 0.0065 * (double)height + 273.15), -5.275);


Mirko Pavleski
161 projects • 1339 followers
