Published © GPL3+

WEB Radio DCF Decoder

How decode the DCF 77.5kHz time signal using a web SDR radio.

IntermediateWork in progress5 hours3,104
WEB Radio DCF Decoder

Things used in this project

Hardware components

General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Microchip PIC16F628A


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WEB Radio dcf decoder

The microcontroller used is the 16F628A at 8bit. The clock is achieved by RC network (internal oscillator configured in RC mode). The power supply of the circuit is 5V generated via an Lm7805 controller from an external power supply. The display is 4 rows x 20 backlit LED circuits connected via the jumper connector JP1.In the circuit, there is the necessary component for on-board programming via PICKit that can be connected via the CONNB connector

BF interface

If you want to use a receiver (also the WEB via PC) to decode the DCF77 signal with our decoder, we need to digitize the receiver's output signal. The interface, shown below, accomplishes this task: amplifies the input signal, generates the envelope from which it generates the pulse at the signal modulation. The interface scheme is as follows:



File .hex for micro




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