Michael Hultquist
Created April 25, 2016

Ready for Ramen?

This project will send a message to your phone or computer. Once, the temperature of the water is boiling and ready for ramen noodles.

IntermediateFull instructions provided83
Ready for Ramen?

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor

Software apps and online services

SmartThings service
IFTTT SmartThings service


Read more


Temperature versus Voltage graph for TMP_36

from (http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/TMP35_36_37.pdf)

IFTTT Notification

If This Than That recipe, to send an email once particle temperature.

Particle Circuit for room temperature

Particle circuit connecting a tmp 36 sensor.

Circuit board for collecting data

Cicuit board attached to tmp36 with extended jumper wires using electrical tape. To be attached to metal rod that is placed inside a pot.

Room Temperature Output Values

These are the room temperature outputs of the code. The 977 value is the analog output which was calibrated to be 25 degrees Celsius.

Boiling Temperature Outputs

These are the boiling point outputs along with the IFTTT output for being above 94 degrees Celsius.

IFTTT emails

Now once the code is runing and the condition is true. You will get spamed with emails after every loop.



int analogvalue = 0;
double tempC = 0;
char *message = "checking temperature with particle";
String aString;

void setup()
  // variable name max length is 12 characters long
  Particle.variable("analogvalue", analogvalue);
  Particle.variable("temp", tempC);
  if (Particle.variable("mess", message)==false)
      // variable not registered!
  Particle.variable("mess2", aString);

  pinMode(A0, INPUT);

void loop()
  // Read the analog value of the sensor (TMP36)
  analogvalue = analogRead(A0);
  //Convert the reading into degree celcius
  tempC = ((((analogvalue * 3.3)/4095) - 0.535) * 100);
  Spark.publish("temp", String(tempC) + " °C");
  Spark.publish("output", String(analogvalue) + " units");


Michael Hultquist

Michael Hultquist

1 project • 1 follower
Student at UNCC
