Erteza Tawsif Efaz
Published © GPL3+


Design of an indicative featured and speed controlled obstacle avoiding robot.

BeginnerFull instructions provided10 hours66,822

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
One of the primary components.
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
One of the primary components.
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
One of the primary components.
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
One of the primary components.
One of the necessary supplies.
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
One of the necessary supplies.
USB-A to B Cable
USB-A to B Cable
One of the necessary supplies.
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
One of the necessary supplies.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
One of the primary apps.
Fusion 360
Autodesk Fusion 360
One of the online services.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Materia 101
Arduino Materia 101
One of the primary machines.
Digilent Screwdriver
Digilent Screwdriver
One of the necessary tools.


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Custom parts and enclosures


The robot chassis, for setting up accordingly this autonomous machine.



The circuit diagram, for setting up accordingly this autonomous machine.



The assembly program, for setting up accordingly this autonomous machine.
#include <AFMotor.h>  // Add Adafruit Motor Shield for Arduino kit library.
#include <Servo.h>    // Add Servo Motor library.
#define BuzzPIN A0  // Assign PIN A0 as BuzzPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A0" PIN with Buzzer "+" PIN).
#define TrigPIN A1  // Assign PIN A1 as TrigPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A1" PIN with Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor "Trig" PIN).
#define EchoPIN A2  // Assign PIN A2 as EchoPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A2" PIN with Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor "Trig" PIN).
#define LEDBPIN A3  // Assign PIN A3 as LEDBPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A3" PIN with RGB Diffused Common Cathode "LEDB" PIN).
#define LEDGPIN A4  // Assign PIN A4 as LEDGPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A4" PIN with RGB Diffused Common Cathode "LEDG" PIN).
#define LEDRPIN A5  // Assign PIN A5 as LEDRPIN (Connect Arduino UNO "A5" PIN with RGB Diffused Common Cathode "LEDR" PIN).
#define DCMROFF 25  // This sets Offset to allow differences between the two DC traction Motors.
AF_DCMotor M1 (1, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // Create DCMotor #1 using M1 output, Set to 64kHz PWM frequency.
AF_DCMotor M2 (2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // Create DCMotor #2 using M2 output, Set to 64kHz PWM frequency.
Servo SER1; // Create Servo object to control Servo.
int Search (void) {                   // Integer type variable declaration.
  float Duration = 0.0;               // Float type variable declaration.
  float CM = 0.0;                     // Float type variable declaration.
  digitalWrite (TrigPIN, LOW);        // TrigPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
  delayMicroseconds (2);              // Delay for 2us, Send 10 us high pulse to Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor "TrigPIN".
  digitalWrite (TrigPIN, HIGH);       // TrigPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
  delayMicroseconds (10);             // Delay for 10us.
  digitalWrite (TrigPIN, LOW);        // TrigPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
  Duration = pulseIn (EchoPIN, HIGH); // Start counting time, Upto again EchoPIN back to logic "High Level" and puting the "Time" into variable called "Duration".
  CM = (Duration/58.8);               // Convert Distance into CM.
  return CM;                          // Return to CM.
int RightDistance, LeftDistance;  // Distances on either side.
float Distance = 0.00;            // Float type variable declaration.
void setup () {               // Setup loop.
  pinMode (BuzzPIN, OUTPUT);  // Declare BuzzPIN as "Output PIN".
  pinMode (TrigPIN, OUTPUT);  // Declare TrigPIN as "Output PIN".
  pinMode (EchoPIN, INPUT);   // Declare EchoPIN as "Output PIN".
  pinMode (LEDBPIN, OUTPUT);  // Declare LEDBPIN as "Output PIN".
  pinMode (LEDGPIN, OUTPUT);  // Declare LEDGPIN as "Output PIN".
  pinMode (LEDRPIN, OUTPUT);  // Declare LEDRPIN as "Output PIN".
  SER1.attach (10);           // Attaches the Servo on pin 10 (SER1 on the Adafruit Motor Shield for Arduino kit to the Servo object).
void loop () {                                    // Main loop.
  SER1.write (80);                                // Tells the Servo to position at 80 degrees (Facing forward).
  delay (100);                                    // Delay for 0.1s.
  Distance = Search ();                           // Measuring the Distance in CM.
  if (Distance < 30) {                            // If obstacle found in 30cm.
    digitalWrite (BuzzPIN, HIGH);                 // BuzzPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    digitalWrite (LEDBPIN, LOW);                  // LEDBPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDGPIN, LOW);                  // LEDGPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDRPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDRPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    M1.setSpeed (100);                            // Speed down.
    M2.setSpeed (100);                            // Speed down.
    ChangePath ();                                // If forward is blocked Change direction.
  else if ((Distance >= 30) && (Distance < 60)) { // If obstacle found between 30cm to 60cm.
    digitalWrite (BuzzPIN, LOW);                  // BuzzPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDBPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDBPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    digitalWrite (LEDGPIN, LOW);                  // LEDGPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDRPIN, LOW);                  // LEDRPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    M1.setSpeed (150);                            // Speed increase slightly.
    M2.setSpeed (150);                            // Speed increase slightly.
    Forward ();                                   // Robot move to Forward direction.
  else if ((Distance >= 60) && (Distance < 90)) { // If obstacle found between 60cm to 90cm.
    digitalWrite (BuzzPIN, LOW);                  // BuzzPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDBPIN, LOW);                  // LEDBPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDGPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDGPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    digitalWrite (LEDRPIN, LOW);                  // LEDRPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    M1.setSpeed (200);                            // Speed up.
    M2.setSpeed (200);                            // Speed up.
    Forward ();                                   // Robot move to Forward direction.
  else {                                          // If obstacle cannot be found in 90cm.
    digitalWrite (BuzzPIN, LOW);                  // BuzzPIN output as 0V (Logic low level).
    digitalWrite (LEDBPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDBPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    digitalWrite (LEDGPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDGPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    digitalWrite (LEDRPIN, HIGH);                 // LEDRPIN output as 5V (Logic high level).
    M1.setSpeed (250);                            // Speed increase fully.
    M2.setSpeed (250);                            // Speed increase fully.
    Forward ();                                   // Robot move to Forward direction.
void ChangePath () {         // Path Change loop.
  Stop ();                   // Robot Stop.
  Backward ();               // Robot run Backward direction.
  Stop ();                   // Robot Stop.
  SER1.write (12);           // Check Distance to the Right.
  delay (500);               // Delay for 0.5s.
  RightDistance = Search (); // Set Right Distance.
  delay (500);               // Delay for 0.5s.
  SER1.write (160);          // Check Distance to the Left.
  delay (1000);              // Delay for 1s.
  LeftDistance = Search ();  // Set Left Distance.
  delay (500);               // Delay for 0.5s.
  SER1.write (80);           // Return to center.
  delay (500);               // Delay for 0.5s.
  CompareDistance ();        // Find the longest distance.
void CompareDistance () {                   // Distance Compare loop.
  if (RightDistance > LeftDistance) {       // If Right is less obstructed.
     TurnRight ();                          // Robot Turn into Right direction.
  else if (LeftDistance > RightDistance) {  // If Left is less obstructed.
      TurnLeft ();                          // Robot Turn into Left direction.
  else {                                    // If both are equally obstructed.
      TurnAround ();                        // Robot Turn Around.
void Forward () {   // Forward loop. (FORWARD); // Turn DCMotor #1 to Forward. (FORWARD); // Turn DCMotor #1 to Forward.
void Backward () {    // Backward loop. (BACKWARD);  // Turn DCMotor #1 to Backward. (BACKWARD);  // Turn DCMotor #2 to Backward.
  delay (500);       // Delay for 1s.
void TurnRight () {           // Right Turn loop. (BACKWARD);          // Turn DCMotor #1 to Backward. (FORWARD);           // Turn DCMotor #2 to Forward.
  M1.setSpeed (100+DCMROFF);  // Calibrate the Speed of DCMotor #1.
  delay (300);                // Delay for 0.7s.
void TurnLeft () {            // Left Turn loop. (FORWARD);           // Turn DCMotor #1 to Forward. (BACKWARD);          // Turn DCMotor #2 to Backward.
  M2.setSpeed (100+DCMROFF);  // Calibrate the Speed of DCMotor #2.
  delay (300);                // Delay for 0.7s.
void TurnAround () {          // Trun Around loop. (FORWARD);           // Turn DCMotor #1 to Forward. (BACKWARD);          // Turn DCMotor #2 to Backward.
  M2.setSpeed (100+DCMROFF);  // Calibrate the Speed of DCMotor #2.
  delay (700);               // Delay for 2.1s.
void Stop () {      // Stop loop. (RELEASE); // Release DCMotor #1. (RELEASE); // Release DCMotor #2.
  delay (100);      // Delay for 0.1s.


Erteza Tawsif Efaz

Erteza Tawsif Efaz

2 projects • 32 followers
My will is to leverage my skills and expertise in research through proper sets of game plans for the betterment of society and the economy.
