Published © GPL3+

LIDAR Intrusion Detector

Using the Garmin LIDARLite v3HP, Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 and Pushsafer to detect an intruder and send a push notification to a smartphone.

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LIDAR Intrusion Detector

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Garmin LIDAR-Lite v3HP
Panasonic 680 uF capacitor
Two 4.7K Ohm 1/4 watt resistors

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

Breadboard, 170 Pin
Breadboard, 170 Pin
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long


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Wiring Diagram


LIDAR intrusion sensor sketch

Sends LIDAR infrared laser pulses continuously and monitors the reflected beam for interruptions
/*This IoT sketch is for a LIDAR Lite v3HP sensor instrusion alarm with an Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 microcontroller. The LIDAR 
 * sensor emits a narrow beam of infrared light with a range of up to 40 meters each time the loop is executed. The returned 
 * reflection is converted to the distance in centimeters when a new reading is available over I2C interface.The sketch
 * compares the new distance to the previous distance and generates a notification through to an iPhone XS
 * with the Pushsafer iOS app installed and signed into the Pushsafer website. The microcontroller must be registered on the
 * website account and the access key must be stored in the arduino_secrets.h include file along with the wifi network SSID
 * and password.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LIDARLite_v3HP.h>
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <RTCZero.h>
#include <Pushsafer.h>
#include "arduino_secrets.h"

// Wifi network login credentials
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;     // wifi network SSID (name) from arduino_secrets.h
char password[] = SECRET_PASS; // wifi network key from arduino_secrets.h

// Pushsafer private or alias key
char PushsaferKey[] = SECRET_KEY; // pushsafer private key from arduin_secrets.h

//Object declarations
WiFiClient client;
Pushsafer pushsafer(PushsaferKey, client); // Pushsafer object to send event
RTCZero rtc; // Real time clock object on Arduino MKR board
LIDARLite_v3HP myLidarLite; // LIDAR sensor object

#define FAST_I2C // Operate the LIDAR Lite v3HP in fast serial communications mode

float cmtofeet = 0.0328084; // Conversion factor from cm to feet
uint16_t threshld = 20; // Threshold value for change in LIDAR distance reading to activate alarm
String dtstg = String(__DATE__); // Compiler date for setting RTC
String tmstg = String(__TIME__); // Compiler time for setting RTC
uint16_t distance,prevdistance; // LIDAR sensor distance and previous distance
bool firstpass; // Switch to suppress alarm on first loop iteration
long t; // Time variable to prevent multiple alarm reporting on each beam interruption

bool push = false; // Switch to prevent Pushsafer notification during testing

// Executes once on startup
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); // Start serial communications
  Wire.begin(); // Wait for serial port to initialize
  // Attempt to connect to Wifi network:
  Serial.print("Connecting Wifi: ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  // Wait until wifi connects
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  // Wifi is connected. Display IP address
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");

  // Real time clock is used to timestamp alarms
  rtc.begin(); // Start the real time clock
  rtcSet(); // Set the RTC with the compile date and time
  Serial.print("RTC started at: ");
  if (rtc.getMonth() < 10) Serial.print("0"); // Display leading month zero if < 10
  if (rtc.getDay() < 10) Serial.print("0"); // Display leading day zero if < 10
  Serial.print(" ");
  if (rtc.getHours() < 10) Serial.print("0"); // Display leading hours zero if < 10
  if (rtc.getMinutes() < 10) Serial.print("0"); // Display leading minutes zero if < 10
  if (rtc.getSeconds() < 10) Serial.print("0"); // Display leading seconds zero if < 10

  myLidarLite.configure(0); // Configure the LIDAR sensor performance and sensitivity
  prevdistance = distance; // Set the previous distance for the first loop iteration
  firstpass = true; // Turn on the switch to signal the first loop iteration completed
  t = millis(); // Take a milliseconds since startup timestamp

// Main loop executes continuously
void loop()
  uint8_t  newDistance = 0; // Flag set by distanceSingle function to signal new data
  newDistance = distanceSingle(&distance); // Take a single LIDAR reading
  // When there is new distance data, print it to the serial port
  if (newDistance)
    // If the difference between the new distance reading and the previous distance reading
    // is greater than the threshold variable, send an alarm to Pushsafer and display the
    // data on the serial monitor. Absolute value needed for negative or positive differences.
    if (abs(distance - prevdistance) > threshld)
      // LIDAR returns multiple distances per pulse. This code prevents more than one
      // alarm every 2 seconds      
      if ((millis() - t) > 2000)
        PrintValues(distance*cmtofeet); // Print the distance in feet
        t = millis(); // Take another timestamp to prevent multiple alarms per pulse
    prevdistance = distance; // Copy the new distance into the previous distance for the next loop
  // Turn off the first poss flag which prevented an alarm on the first pass
  firstpass = false;

// This function sends a single LIDAR pulse and returns a flag to indicate if there
// is new data to the calling instruction in the main loop. The distance is read as a
// pointer to the distance variable. This function comes from the LIDARLite_v3HP library
// v3HP_I2C example sketch.
uint8_t distanceSingle(uint16_t * distance)
    // 1. Wait for busyFlag to indicate device is idle. This must be
    //    done before triggering a range measurement.

    // 2. Trigger range measurement.

    // 3. Wait for busyFlag to indicate device is idle. This should be
    //    done before reading the distance data that was triggered above.

    // 4. Read new distance data from device registers
    *distance = myLidarLite.readDistance();

    return 1; // Return a boolean value that indicates there is new data to be read

// Display a timestamp from the RTC and distance on the serial monitor and generate a
// Pushsafer notification when an alarm is triggered
void PrintValues(float d)
  String yy,mm,dd,hr,mn,se; // String variables to hold the elements of the RTC timestamp
  yy = String(rtc.getYear()); // Get the timestamp year from the RTC
  if (rtc.getMonth() < 10) // Add a leading month zero if < 10
    mm = String("0")+String(rtc.getMonth());
  } else {
    mm = String(rtc.getMonth());
  if (rtc.getDay() < 10) // Add a leading day zero if < 10
    dd = String("0")+String(rtc.getDay());
  } else {
    dd = String(rtc.getDay());
  if (rtc.getHours() < 10) // Add a leading hour zero if < 10
    hr = String("0")+String(rtc.getHours());
  } else {
    hr = String(rtc.getHours());
  if (rtc.getMinutes() < 10) // Add a leading minute zero if < 10
    mn = String("0")+String(rtc.getMinutes());
  } else {
    mn = String(rtc.getMinutes());
  if (rtc.getSeconds() < 10) // Add a leading second zero if < 10
    se = String("0")+String(rtc.getSeconds());
  } else {
    se = String(rtc.getSeconds());
  // Combine the RTC timestamp elements into a single string
  String timestr = mm+"-"+dd+"-"+yy+" "+hr + ":" + mn + ":" + se;
  // This is the structure of the pushsafer input object
  // Change the values for different notifications
  struct PushSaferInput input;
  input.message = "LiDAR sensed movement at " + String(timestr);
  input.title = "LiDAR sensor tripped!";
  input.sound = "8";
  input.vibration = "1";
  input.icon = "1";
  input.iconcolor = "#FFCCCC";
  input.priority = "1";
  input.device = "a";
  input.url = "";
  input.urlTitle = "Open";
  input.picture = "";
  input.picture2 = "";
  input.picture3 = "";
  input.time2live = "";
  input.retry = "";
  input.expire = "";
  input.answer = "";

  // Sends the push notification to the phone if the push switch is true
  if (push) Serial.print(pushsafer.sendEvent(input));

  // Displays the alarm timestamp and distance in feet
  Serial.print("MOVEMENT at ");
  Serial.print(", distance: ");
  Serial.println(" feet");

// Sets the MKR WIFI 1010 RTC to the sketch compile time
void rtcSet()
  String months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; // Month identifier array

  // Parses the compiler DATE string into separate substrings needed to set the RTC
  String mm = dtstg.substring(0,3);
  String dd = dtstg.substring(4,7);
  String yy = dtstg.substring(8,11);

  // Convert the date strings to integers needed to set the RTC
  int ddnbr = dd.toInt();
  int mmnbr = int((months.indexOf(mm)/3)+1);
  int yynbr = yy.toInt();

  // Parses the compiler TIME string into separate substrings needed to set the RTC
  String hh = tmstg.substring(0,2);
  String mn = tmstg.substring(3,5);
  String ss = tmstg.substring(6,8);

  // Convert the time strings to integers needed to set the RTC
  int hhnbr = hh.toInt();
  int mnnbr = mn.toInt();
  int ssnbr = mn.toInt();

  // Set the RTC date and time




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