Alie GonzalezSamreen Islam
Published © GPL3+

Voice Control Your Lights with Rhasspy and a MATRIX Device!

Set up your MATRIX device to enable hands-free control of your room or office lights with the private, open-source voice assistant, Rhasspy.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour4,502

Things used in this project


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Custom parts and enclosures

Light Switch Case STL files

STL files for front and back of enclosure in the STL_files directory.


Rhasspy Light Switch

Javascript code for the assistant which controls the MATRIX everloop and GPIOs via Rhasspy.


Alie Gonzalez

Alie Gonzalez

21 projects • 64 followers
✨ Creative Technologist 💡 Arm Innovator 💼 Formerly: SparkFun, MATRIX Labs, & AdMobilize
Samreen Islam

Samreen Islam

21 projects • 76 followers
