Hans Scharler
Published © MIT

IR Proximity Sensors with Simulink and Arduino (Part 1)

Learn how to model the sensor and getting a reliable distance measurement using Simulink and Arduino.

AdvancedFull instructions provided8 hours15,828
IR Proximity Sensors with Simulink and Arduino (Part 1)

Things used in this project


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Arduino IR Filter Circuit


Sampling Breakpoints in MATLAB

inv_table = uint16([150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 15]*10);
break_points = [490 495 500 550 600 650 725 800 900 1050 1250 1550 2000 2550 2750] * 1023/(5*1000);
plot(break_points, inv_table);
title('Distance table');
ylabel('Distance output (mm)');
xlabel('Sampled value');
grid on;


Hans Scharler

Hans Scharler

15 projects • 86 followers
IoT Engineer, Maker - I have a toaster that has been tweeting since 2008.
