Mike Hogan
Published © GPL3+

Tank Farm - Well and rain water irrigation controller

Tank Farm Manager is a Raspberry Pi 2b based irrigation controller that integrates rain water collection with well water systems.

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Tank Farm - Well and rain water irrigation controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
16gb SSD with Windows 10 core.

Software apps and online services

Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core
c# code


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Board Layout

Connections to Pi

Valve connection


Tank Farm read XML file sample code

System settings read from XML config files
private void LoadXML_appConfig()
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(@"appconfig.xml"))
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsStartElement())
                        switch (reader.Name.ToString())
                            case "RainDetect":
                                RainDetect.IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadElementContentAsString());
                            case "TankFeed":
                                toggleTankFlow.IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadElementContentAsString());
                            case "VoiceOn":
                                HearVoice.IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.ReadElementContentAsString());




Tank Manager read keypad sample code

IO pins are expensive and often overused for user button presses. As an alternative. Small USB number keypads provide 18 discrete key press/button press inputs.
 // detect keypad presses
        private void KeyDown_1(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
        // process keypress actions
        private void keyActions(string key)
          if (key == "Subtract")
                if (HearVoice.IsOn == false)
                    LogMCMsg("Voice on", true);
                    HearVoice.IsOn = true;
                    LogMCMsg("Voice off", true);
                    HearVoice.IsOn = false;


Tank Farm valve control sample code

Example operational logic for zone irrigation, auto water presssure and tank feed control
 private void OpLogic()
            // check to see if automation is turned off
            if (Automate.IsOn == true)
                // lower plot
                if (mcData[6].Value == "0" && autoWaterPlot1 == false)
                    autoWaterPlot1 = true;
                    //turn on water pressure if feed from well
                    if (mcData[4].Value == "1" && toggleTankFlow.IsOn == false)
                        DevToggle(4, true);

                // turn off water pressure if garden last off
                if (mcData[6].Value == "1")
                    if (mcData[4].Value == "0" && autoWaterPlot1 == true && autoFillTank == false && autoWaterVinyard == false && IrrigateSeries1Started == false && toggleTankFlow.IsOn == false)
                        DevToggle(4, false);

                    autoWaterPlot1 = false;

Tank Farm UI toggle device sample code

- Flipping switches from UI invokes DevToggle(device,state). Which then calls PinOn(Device).
- If Micro Controller is not installed in panel, application will run in simulation mode.
- PinOn(device) makes hardware call to the micro controller to drive pin high.
- Timer evaluates pins configured for digital pulse output (DPO) and changes pins from a high state to a low state after one interval.
private void toggleSwitch_Toggled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (toggleValve1.IsOn == true && mcData[4].Value == "1")
                DevToggle(4, true);
            if (toggleValve1.IsOn == false && mcData[4].Value == "0")
                DevToggle(4, false);
         private void DevToggle(int devNum, bool state)
            if (mcData[devNum].Value == "1" && state == true)
                PinOn(devNum - 4);
                if (simActive == true)
                    mcData[devNum].Value = "0";
                    mcData2[devNum].SimPin = "0";
                    mcData2[devNum].PinChangedToOn = true;

            if (mcData[devNum].Value == "0" && state == false)
                PinOn(devNum - 4);
                if (simActive == true)
                    mcData[devNum].Value = "1";
                    mcData2[devNum].SimPin = "1";
                    mcData2[devNum].PinChangedToOff = true;
         private int PinOn(int pinNum)
            if (pinNum > -1 && pinNum < 13)
            return -1;

        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, object e)
            // manage digital pulse outputs
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                if (mcParams[i].Type == "DPO")
                    if (mcData2[i].PinSet == true)
                        mcData2[i].PinSet = false;

                    if (dev[i].Read() == 0)
                        //next step
                        mcData2[i].PinSet = true;


Mike Hogan

Mike Hogan

9 projects • 50 followers
Interested in hardened massive io frameworks
