Martin Mander
Published © GPL3+

Rotary Tuning with the Raspberry Pi TV HAT

Bring some analogue control to your digital TV by using a rotary switch to change channels on a Raspberry Pi-powered vintage TV!

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Rotary Tuning with the Raspberry Pi TV HAT

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Hitachi Pi
Raspberry Pi TV HAT
Raspberry Pi TV HAT
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Flat blade screwdriver


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Rotary Switch connection to the Pi GPIO

Ignore the pushbutton and PIR sensor if you just need channel changing!


Channel Changing Script

Loops between 4 M3U playlist files, switching each time a button connected to GPIO 26 is pressed.


Martin Mander

Martin Mander

28 projects • 57 followers
I love the design and ambition of vintage technology, and the usability and potential of new - my passion is bringing the two together.
