Published © GPL3+

Arduino SpeedMath Game

SpeedMath Game is a fun way to test your abilities at how fast you can do math in your head both visually and auditorily.

IntermediateWork in progress1,570
Arduino SpeedMath Game

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Button Pad 4x4 - LED Compatible
SparkFun Button Pad 4x4 - LED Compatible
RGB LCD Shield Kit, 16x2 Character Display
RGB LCD Shield Kit, 16x2 Character Display
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Infrared IR Obstacle Sensor
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
9V Battery Clip
9V Battery Clip
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
Potentiometer 1k Ohms
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm


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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                                                         SpeedMath Game                                                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* SpeedMath Game is a fun way to test your abilities at how fast you can do math in your head.                                               */
/* The game contains multiple ways of displaying arithmetic problems, including visually, and auditorily.                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Instructions:                                                                                                                              */
/* 1. Start the game by waving at the IR sensor. The LED would turn green.                                                                    */
/* 2. The game has 3 levels (Easy, Medium, and Hard).                                                                                         */
/* 3. Click on 1 on the keypad to play the easy level, 2 for the medium level, and 3 for the hard level.                                      */
/* 4. There are 10 questions in each game.                                                                                                    */
/* 5. Make sure to answer quickly, the game is set by a timer for every question. The timer is displayed on the LCD.                          */
/* 6. If you click the wrong key, you can click on "D" on they keypad to erase the last typed number.                                         */
/* 7. To check your answer and move on to the next question before the timer ends, click on "#" on the keypad.                                */
/* 8. If your answer is correct, the green RGB LED lights up. If it is wrong, the LED turns red.                                              */
/* 9. You can adjust the brightness of the LED by turning the knob of the potentiometer.                                                      */
/* 10. If you choose the easy level, you have 20 seconds to answer a "+", "-", "*", or "" math question displayed on the LCD.                */
/* 11. If you choose the medium level, only the operation is displayed on the LCD. You have to observe how many times the blue LED blinks.    */
/* 12. The hard level is similar, except that you have to listen carefully to the speaker and count how many times it "buzzes"!               */
/* 13. For medium and hard levels, a duration of a second separates the first number from the second.                                         */
/* 14. In these two levels, you only have 15 and 10 seconds to perform math operations in your head on the two numbers and type your answers. */
/* 15. At the end of each game, your game score is displayed on the LCD, and then your total game scores.                                     */
/* 16. If you decide to stop the game at any time, you can click on "*" on the keypad.                                                        */
/* 17. Don't worry, you can play the game again at any time by waving at the IR sensor.                                                       */
/* 18. Have fun!                                                                                                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Made by Mariam Alzaabi                                                                                                                     */
/* 23/11/2020                                                                                                                                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

#include <Keypad.h> //Keypad library
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> //LCD library
#include <EEPROM.h> //EEPROM library

// Defining Arduino pins
const byte bluePin = 10; //PB2 attach pin D12 (PB2) Arduino to pin Blue of RGB LED
const byte greenPin = 11; //PB3 attach pin D12 (PB3) Arduino to pin Green of RGB LED
const byte redPin = 12; //PB4 attach pin D12 (PB4) Arduino to pin Red of RGB LED
const byte speaker = 13; //PB5 attach pin D13 (PB5) Arduino to speaker pin
const byte potentiometerPin = A0; //attach pin A0 Arduino to potentiometer pin

// Creating pointers to port D and B registers
byte *ptr_to_PORTD;
byte *ptr_to_PIND;
byte *ptr_to_DDRB;
byte *ptr_to_PORTB;

// New shapes created for the LCD screen
byte smileyFace[] = { //Smiley face used for answers checking
byte sadFace[] = { //Sad face used for answers checking
byte blankChar[] = { //Blank character used for M/H game levels

// Creating object from LCD library to control LCD
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

// Configuring Keypad using keypad library
const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //four columns

// Defining the keymap
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
  {'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
  {'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
  {'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
  {'*', '0', '#', 'D'}

byte rowPins[ROWS] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {6, 7, 8, 9}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

// Creating the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

// Code for game implementation
namespace Game {
class SpeedMath
    String input = ""; //used to get a string of number inputs from the user
    int num1, num2, correctValue, op; //initialization of int type
    String operation = ""; //type of operation used in the game ("+", "-", "*", or "/")
    int numChar = 0; //used for determining the number of characters used in typing a question

    char difficulty; //level of difficuty chosen by the user (1-E, 2-M, or 3-H)
    byte score = 0; //score is initially 0
    byte numQuestions = 10; //number of questioned asked, max is 255
    bool playMode = false; //if user is in play mode
    bool isExited = false; //if the game has already been exited
    bool levelChosen = false; //if the level is chosen by the user
    bool setUp = false; //if the game has already been exited
    bool gameStopped = false; //if the game has been stopped
    unsigned long delayStart = 0; //time the delay started
    bool delayRunning = false; //true if still waiting for delay to finish
    int totScore = 0; //total score of the player
    int addTotScore = 0; //address of the total score

    // Function used to generate random questions for the easy level game
    void generateEasy(void) {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1, 100, 1, 100, 1, 20, 1, 100); //the range of randomly generated numbers
      lcd.print(String(num1) + operation + String(num2) + "="); //print the question to the LCD
      numChar = countDigit(num1) + countDigit(num2) + 2; //count the number of characters displayed on the LCD
      delayStart = millis(); //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay is not finished yet

    // Function used to generate random questions for the medium level game
    void generateMed(void) {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10); //the range is [1, 10]
      lcd.print("Look carefully!"); //print to the LCD screen for 2 seconds
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      for (int i = 1; i <= num1; i++) { //used for blinking num1
        analogWrite(bluePin, 255); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to blue pin for 250 ms
        analogWrite(bluePin, 0); //turn it off for 250 ms
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before blinking num2
      for (int i = 1; i <= num2; i++) { //used for blinking num2
        analogWrite(bluePin, 255); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to blue pin for 250 ms
        analogWrite(bluePin, 0); //turn it off for 250 ms
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before displaying the operation
      lcd.createChar(0, blankChar); //create a custom character for displaying the question
      lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
      lcd.print(operation); //print the operation to the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD again
      lcd.print("="); //print the operation to the LCD
      numChar = 4; //number of characters on the LCD
      delayStart = millis(); //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay not finished yet

    // Function used to generate random questions for the hard level game
    void generateHard(void) {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10); //the range is [1, 10]
      lcd.print("Listen carefully!"); //print to the LCD for 2 seconds
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      for (int i = 1; i <= num1; i++) { //used for "buzzing" num1
        tone(speaker, 1000); //start speaker sound for 250ms
        noTone(speaker); //Stop buzzing
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before "buzzing" num2
      for (int i = 1; i <= num2; i++) { //used for "buzzing" num1
        tone(speaker, 1000); //start speaker sound for 250ms
        noTone(speaker); //Stop buzzing
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before displaying the operation
      lcd.createChar(0, blankChar); //create a custom character for displaying the question
      lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
      lcd.print(operation); //print the operation to the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD again
      lcd.print("="); //print the operation to the LCD
      numChar = 4; //number of characters on the LCD
      delayStart = millis(); //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay not finished yet

    // Function used to reset values after each question
    void clean() {
      num1 = num2 = correctValue = 0;
      input = "";
      numChar = 0;

    // Function used to count the number of digits in a number
    int countDigit(int n) {
      int count = 0;
      while (n != 0) {
        n = n / 10;
      return count;

    // Function used to generate the numbers for the game in the range [1, 255]
    void generateNumbers(byte minAdd, byte maxAdd, byte minSub, byte maxSub, byte minMul, byte maxMul, byte minDiv, byte maxDiv) {
      op = random(1, 5); //generate a random number [1,4] for the type of operation
      // Switch statement used for performing mathematical calculation
      switch (op) {
        case (1): //if the random number is "1", perform addition
          operation = "+"; //type of operation is addition
          num1 = random(minAdd, maxAdd); //generate a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minAdd, maxAdd); //generate a random number [1-99] for the second operand
          correctValue = num1 + num2; //perform addition
        case (2): //if the random number is "2", perform subtraction
          operation = "-"; //type of operation is subtraction
          num1 = random(minSub, maxSub); //generate a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minSub, maxSub); //generate a random number [1-99] for the second operand
          while (num1 < num2) { //calculation results cannot be negative
            num2 = random(minSub, maxSub);
          correctValue = num1 - num2; //perform subtraction
        case (3): //if the random number is "3", perform multiplication
          operation = "x"; //type of operation is multiplication
          num1 = random(minMul, maxMul); //generate a random number [1-19] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minMul, maxMul); //generate a random number [1-19] for the second operand
          correctValue = num1 * num2; //perform multiplication
        case (4): //if the random number is "4", perform division
          operation = "/"; //type of operation is division
          num1 = random(minDiv, maxDiv); //generate a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minDiv, maxDiv); //generate a random number [1-99] for the second operand
          while ((num1 < num2) || ((num1 % num2) != 0)) { //calculation results cannot be decimal
            num2 = random(minDiv, maxDiv);
          correctValue = num1 / num2; //perform division

    // Function used for initializing the game
    void initGame() {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin) / 4; //measure the potentiometer value (max 255)
      setColor(0, potValue, 0); //light up the RGB LED with green color
      lcd.print("Hello!"); //print to the LCD screen
      tone(speaker, 3000, 1000); //start speaker sound for 1 second
      setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off green color
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      lcd.print("Difficulty "); //print to the LCD screen
      lcd.setCursor(2, 1); //sLevelet cursor to the third position from the bottom
      lcd.print("1-E 2-M 3-H"); //print to the LCD screen

    // Function used for setting up the game
    void setUpGame() {
      lcd.backlight(); //turn on blacklight
      setUp = true; //the game has been set up
      isExited = false; //the game has not been exited
      initGame(); //initialize the game
      char key;
      do { //keep looping until a level is chosen and the user has not chosen to exit the game
        key = keypad.getKey(); //value of a key being pressed
        if ((key == '1') || (key == '2') || (key == '3')) { //if a level is chosen
          delay(1000); //wait for a second before starting
          lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
          levelChosen = true; //level has been chosen
          difficulty = key; //sets difficulty level
          playMode = true; //user is now in play mode
          playGame(); //play the game
        else if (key == '*') { //if user has chosen to stop the game
          stopGame(); //stop the game
      } while (((key != '1') && (key != '2') && (key != '3') && (levelChosen != true)) && (!isExited));

    // Function for playing the game based on difficulty level
    void playGame() {
      numQuestions -= 1; //decrement number of questions
      // Switch statement used for generating questions based on difficulty level
      switch (difficulty) {
        case ('1'): //if difficulty is easy
          generateEasy(); //generate random easy questions
        case ('2'): //if difficulty is medium
          generateMed(); //generate random medium questions
        case ('3'): //if difficulty is hard
          generateHard(); //generate random hard questions

    // Function used to check if the inputted values match the correct values
    void checkAnswer() {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin) / 4; //measure the potentiometer value (max 255)
      if (input.toInt() == correctValue) { //if they match
        score += 1; //increment the score value
        tone(speaker, 4500, 800); //start speaker sound for 1 second
        lcd.createChar(0, smileyFace); //create a custom character (smiley face)
        lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
        lcd.print("Correct!"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
        setColor(0, potValue, 0); //light up the RGB LED with green color
      } else { //if they do not match
        tone(speaker, 500, 800); //start speaker sound for 1 second
        lcd.createChar(0, sadFace); //create a custom character (sad face)
        lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
        lcd.print("Incorrect!"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
        setColor(potValue, 0, 0); //light up the RGB LED with red color
      delay(1000); //wait for 1 second
      setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off RGB LED color
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      clean(); //reset values

    //Function to check if there are questions left
    void continueGame() {
      if (numQuestions > 0) { //if there are questions left
        checkAnswer(); //check the answer
        playGame(); //keep playing the game
      } else if (numQuestions == 0 && playMode == true) { //if no questions left
        checkAnswer(); //check the answer
        playMode = false; //user has finished the game
        lcd.setCursor(5, 0); //set cursor to the sixth position from the top
        lcd.print("Score:" + String(score) + "/10"); //print to the LCD screen
        delay(1500); //wait for 1.5 seconds
        lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
        lcd.print("Total Score"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //set cursor to the first position from the bottom
        totScore = EEPROM.get(addTotScore, totScore) + score; //update total score
        EEPROM.put(addTotScore, totScore); //write total score to the EEPROM
        lcd.print(String(EEPROM.get(addTotScore, totScore))); //print total score on the LCD from EEPROM

    // Function for stopping the game
    void stopGame() {
      if (!isExited) { //stop the game if it has not been already stopped
        clean(); //reset values
        lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
        setColor(255, 0, 0); //light up the RGB LED with red color
        lcd.setCursor(6, 0); //set cursor to the seventh position from the top
        lcd.print("Good"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.setCursor(6, 1); //set cursor to the seventh position from the bottom
        lcd.print("Bye!"); //print to the LCD screen
        delay(2000); //clear everything after 2 seconds
        setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off red color
        lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
        clearGame(); //reset values

    // Function for resetting values after every game
    void clearGame() {
      lcd.noBacklight(); //turn off backlight
      isExited = true; //the game has been stopped
      setUp = false; //the game can be set up when it is on again
      numQuestions = 10; //the number of questions is back to 10
      difficulty = NULL; //difficulty can be chosen again later
      levelChosen = false; //level can be chosen again later
      score = 0; //reset the score

    // Function used when a number is pressed on the Keypad
    void numPress(char num) {
      if (playMode) { //if the user is in play mode
        lcd.setCursor(numChar, 0); //set the cursor to the position after the printed characters
        input += num; //convert the numbers to a string of numbers
        numChar += 1; //increment the number of characters displayed on the LCD
        lcd.write(num); //write the number to the LCD
        tone(speaker, 1000, 300); //start speaker sound for 1 second

    // Function used to delete a character typed during the game
    void deleteChar() {
      if (input.length() != 0) { //if there are characters typed by the user
        numChar -= 1; //decrement the number of characters displayed on the LCD
        input.remove(input.length() - 1); //remove the last character from the input string
        lcd.setCursor(numChar, 0); //set the cursor to the last position
        lcd.print(" "); //hide the character from the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(numChar, 0); //set the cursor to the last position

    // Use PWM to control the brightness of the RGB LED [0-255]
    void setColor(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {
      analogWrite(redPin, redValue); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to red pin
      analogWrite(greenPin, greenValue); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to green pin
      analogWrite(bluePin, blueValue); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to blue pin

    //Function used to set up the timer based on difficulty level
    void setUpTimer() {
      // Switch statement used for setting the timer based on difficulty level
      switch (difficulty) {
        case ('1'): //if difficulty is easy
          setTimer(20); //sets a timer of 20 seconds
        case ('2'): //if difficulty is medium
          setTimer(15); //sets a timer of 10 seconds
        case ('3'): //if difficulty is hard
          setTimer(10); //sets a timer of 10 seconds

    //Function used to create the timer
    void setTimer(unsigned long inSeconds) {
      if (playMode) { //if the game is in play mode
        if (inSeconds < 86400) { //maximum is 23h:59m:59s = 86399 seconds
          bool secondPrinted = false; //can only be printed once
          // Check if delay has timed out after 5 seconds
          if (delayRunning && ((millis() - delayStart) >= (inSeconds * 1000))) {
            delayRunning = false; //this code can only run once
            continueGame(); //continue playing the game
          else { //if the timer has not timed out
            for (int i = 1; i <= inSeconds; i++) { //check if another second has passed
              if ((delayRunning && ((millis() - delayStart) >= ((inSeconds - i) * 1000))) && !secondPrinted) {
                secondPrinted = true; //only check for the first correct condition
                displayTimer(i); //display the timer on the LCD

    //Function used to display the timer on the LCD
    void displayTimer(int totalSecond) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //set the cursor to the first position from the bottom
      char timeFormat[8]; //for formatting the time

      //Return a formatted string in the form HH:MM:SS
      sprintf(timeFormat, "%02d:%02d:%02d", totalSecond / 3600, (totalSecond % 3600) / 60, totalSecond % 60);
      lcd.print(timeFormat); //print it to the LCD

// Initializing an object of class SpeedMath
Game::SpeedMath my_game;

// Setup code here, to run once
void setup() {
  lcd.init(); //initialize the LCD
  ptr_to_PORTD = 0x2B; //PORTD (port D) register address
  ptr_to_PIND = 0x29; //PIND (port D) register address
  *ptr_to_PORTD = B00000010; //sets IR pin in PD1 as input
  ptr_to_DDRB = 0x24; //DDRB (port B) register address
  ptr_to_PORTB = 0x25; //PORTB (port B) register address
  *ptr_to_DDRB = B00111100; //sets speaker pin in PB5 and RGB pins in PB2/3/4 as output
  randomSeed(analogRead(0)); //seeds the random number generator (AnalogRead on pin 0)

// Main code, to run repeatedly
void loop() {
  // Set up a timer based on difficulty level
  byte statusIRSensor = *ptr_to_PIND; //digitalRead(IRSensor);
  if (!my_game.setUp && ((statusIRSensor & B00000010) == LOW)) //if the game has not been set up and an object has been detected
    my_game.setUpGame(); //set up the game
  char key = keypad.getKey(); //value of a key being pressed
  if (key) { //if a key has been pressed
    // Switch statement used when a key is pressed on the Keypad
    switch (key) {
      case 'A': //if any of these are pressed nothing happens
      case 'B':
      case 'C':
      case 'D': //if 'D' is pressed
        my_game.deleteChar(); //delete the last character typed
      case '#': //if '#' is pressed
        my_game.continueGame(); //check the answer then continue the game if there are questions left
      case '*': //if '*' is pressed
        my_game.stopGame(); //stop the game
      default: //if a number is pressed
        my_game.numPress(key); //write the number to the LCD and retrieve a string of the numbers pressed


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