scott mangiacotti
Published © GPL3+

Perfect Parker

A parking aid using an ultrasonic distance sensor and colored LEDs.

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Perfect Parker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
or equivalent
3 mm LED: Red
3 mm LED: Red
or equivalent
3 mm LED: Yellow
3 mm LED: Yellow
or equivalent
3 mm LED: Green
3 mm LED: Green
or equivalent
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
220 ohm resistior
9V Battery Clip
9V Battery Clip
used when not connected to PC with USB cable

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Compressed file design details

Contains a spreadsheet with specs/tests, graphic with schematic and Fritzing file with draft PCB layout (not made physical one yet).

PCB Layout

Electrical Schematics



Upload to an ARDUINO UNO, wire the UNO on a breadboard as indicated in attached schematic
//Scott Mangiacotti
//Tucson, Arizona USA
//May 2016
//Version 1.0

#include <NewPing.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

//Constants for I/O
int const US_TRIG_PIN = 8;
int const US_ECHO_PIN = 9;

int const O_RED_LED_PIN = 7;
int const O_YELLOW_LED_PIN = 4;
int const O_GREEN_LED_PIN = 2;
int const I_RED_BUTTON_PIN = 11;
int const I_YELLOW_BUTTON_PIN = 10;

int const DEFAULT_ILLUM_SCANS = 5;  //number Loop() routine scans for LED on/off cycles

int const US_MAX_DIST = 500;  //ultra-sonic sensor: 500 centimeters = 196.85 inches = 16.40 feet

//Constants for NVM save addresses
int const MEM_ADDR_RED_DIST = 0;
int const MEM_ADDR_YEL_DIST = 2;

//Global variables for the ultrasonic sensor
int gSonarEchoTime;
int gSonarDistance_cm;

//General and misc global variables
bool gVerboseDiagMode = false;

//Variables for the sequential LED blinking
bool gRedBlink = false;
int gRedScanCounter = 0;
bool gRedOneShot = false;
int gRedButtonState_Last = 0;

bool gYellowBlink = false;
int gYellowScanCounter = 0;
bool gYellowOneShot = false;
int gYellowButtonState_Last = 0;

bool gGreenOneShot = false;

//Variables for red and yellow distance setting/threshold
int gYellowDistance_cm = 0;  //zero is invalid or not set yet
int gRedDistance_cm = 0; //zero is invalid or not set yet

//Runs once
void setup() 
  //Open a serial port
  //Setup digital outputs

  //Post product information to serial port

  //Read EEPROM stored distance settings


//Runs continuously
void loop()
  //Serial port processing
  if (Serial.available() > 0)
    int iControlCode;
    iControlCode = Serial.parseInt();


  //Check if red distance needs setting
  if (gRedDistance_cm == 0)
    gRedOneShot = false;
    if (gRedOneShot == false)
      gRedOneShot = true;
      digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, LOW);

  //Check if yellow distance needs setting
  if (gYellowDistance_cm == 0)
    gYellowOneShot = false;
    if (gYellowOneShot == false)
      gYellowOneShot = true;
      digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, LOW);

  //Ping for object distance

  bool bSkipObjectCheckThisScan = false;

  //Read red distance setting button state
  int iRedButton;
  iRedButton = digitalRead(I_RED_BUTTON_PIN);

  //Read yellow distance setting button state
  int iYellowButton;
  iYellowButton = digitalRead(I_YELLOW_BUTTON_PIN);

  //Check if red button has been released (we will set distance on button_up detection)
  if (iRedButton != gRedButtonState_Last && iYellowButton == gYellowButtonState_Last) //red changed, yellow no change
    if (iRedButton == LOW && iYellowButton == LOW)
      gRedDistance_cm = gSonarDistance_cm;
      Serial.print("red LED distance set to ");
      Serial.println(" cm");


      bSkipObjectCheckThisScan = true;

  //Check if yellow button has been released (we will set distance on button_up detection)
  if (iYellowButton != gYellowButtonState_Last  && iRedButton == gRedButtonState_Last) //yellow changed, red no change
    if (iYellowButton == LOW && iRedButton == LOW)
      gYellowDistance_cm = gSonarDistance_cm;
      Serial.print("yellow LED distance set to ");
      Serial.println(" cm");


      bSkipObjectCheckThisScan = true;

  //Check if both buttons have been released (we will clear settings on button_up detection of both buttons)
  if (iRedButton != gRedButtonState_Last && iYellowButton != gYellowButtonState_Last) //red changed, yellow changed
    if (iYellowButton == LOW && iRedButton == LOW)
      gRedDistance_cm = 0;
      gYellowDistance_cm = 0;
      digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, LOW);
      Serial.println("red and yellow distance settings cleared");

      bSkipObjectCheckThisScan = true;

  //Set last state variable to current for next scan
  gRedButtonState_Last = iRedButton;
  gYellowButtonState_Last = iYellowButton;

  //Check for objects if we did not act on any push button activity this scan and red, yellow distance setpoints not zero
  if (bSkipObjectCheckThisScan == false && gRedDistance_cm != 0 && gYellowDistance_cm != 0)

  //Give a little time back

//Ping the ultra-sonic sensor for response time
//Convert response time into distance from sensor in both centimeters and inches
//Setting and measurement checks are handled in centimeters only (inches provided for information purposes only)
void sonarPing()
  int iSonarDist_inches = 0;
  //Ping for elapsed time for response in microseconds
  gSonarEchoTime =;
  //gSonarEchoTime = gSonar.ping_median(5); //take 5 samples

  //Convert microsecond response time to centimeters
  gSonarDistance_cm = gSonar.convert_cm(gSonarEchoTime);

  //Convert microsecond response time to inches
  iSonarDist_inches = gSonar.convert_in(gSonarEchoTime);;

  //Post results
  if (gVerboseDiagMode == true)
    Serial.print("echo time: ");
    Serial.print(", cm: ");
    Serial.print(", in: ");
    Serial.print(", ft:  ");

//Check the last ultra-sonic ping distance calculation and determine which of the three LED to energize
//based on previously set settings for red and yellow distance
void checkForObjects()
  if (gSonarDistance_cm !=  0 && gSonarDistance_cm <= gRedDistance_cm)
  { //is there an object within the pre-set distance for the red light
    //Energize the red LED and de-energize yellow and green
    digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("object detected within red light distance");
  else if  (gSonarDistance_cm !=  0 && gSonarDistance_cm <= gYellowDistance_cm)
  { //is there an object that is not within red light distance but is within yellow
    //Energize the yellow LED and de-energize the red and green
    digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, LOW);

    Serial.println("object detected within yellow light distance");
  { //if not within red or yellow distance then energize the green light
    //Energize the green LED and de-energize the yellow and red
    digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, HIGH);

//Blink the red LED based on number of scans of SBC (non-blocking)
//Input parameter is number of scans of loop() routine for the LED to remain in a state before changing
//This method allows the remainder of the program to loop and not block while waiting to change state of LED
void blinkRedLED(int iNumScansToIllum)
  //Validate parameter
  if (iNumScansToIllum <= 0)
    iNumScansToIllum = 5;

  if (gRedScanCounter >= iNumScansToIllum)
    gRedScanCounter = 0;

     //Toggle the bit used to set or reset the output to the LED
    if (gRedBlink == false)
      gRedBlink = true;
      digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, HIGH);
      gRedBlink = false;
      digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, LOW);

//Blink the yellow LED based on number of scans of SBC (non-blocking)
//Input parameter is number of scans of loop() routine for the LED to remain in a state before changing
//This method allows the remainder of the program to loop and not block while waiting to change state of LED
void blinkYellowLED(int iNumScansToIllum)
  //Validate parameter
  if (iNumScansToIllum <= 0)
    iNumScansToIllum = 5;

  if (gYellowScanCounter >= iNumScansToIllum)
    gYellowScanCounter = 0;

     //Toggle the bit used to set or reset the output to the LED
    if (gYellowBlink == false)
      gYellowBlink = true;
      digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, HIGH);
      gYellowBlink = false;
      digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, LOW);

//Process received messages from the serial port interface
//Input parameter iControlCode is the value received from the serial port to be processed
void processSerialMessage(int iControlCode)
  bool bMatchFound = false;
  //Report what we are doing
  Serial.print("processing control code: ");

  //Check for "start_diag" code
  if (iControlCode == 101)
    bMatchFound = true;
    gVerboseDiagMode = true;
    Serial.println("diagnostics mode started");

  //Check for "stop_diag" code
  if (iControlCode == 102)
    bMatchFound = true;
    gVerboseDiagMode = false;
    Serial.println("diagnostics mode stopped");

  //Check for "energize red LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 201)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, HIGH);
    Serial.println("red LED energized");

  //Check for "de-energize red LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 202)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_RED_LED_PIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("red LED de-energized");

  //Check for "energize yellow LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 301)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, HIGH);
    Serial.println("yellow LED energized");

  //Check for "de-energize yellow LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 302)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_YELLOW_LED_PIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("yellow LED de-energized");

  //Check for "energize green LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 401)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, HIGH);
    Serial.println("green LED energized");

  //Check for "de-energize green LED" code
  if (iControlCode == 402)
    bMatchFound = true;
    digitalWrite(O_GREEN_LED_PIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("green LED de-energized");

  //Check for "version report" code
  if (iControlCode == 501)
    bMatchFound = true;

  //Report back on the same serial port if we did not find a matching/expected control code
  if (bMatchFound == false)
    Serial.println("unrecognized control code");

//Write values to EEPROM for red and yellow light distance setting
void writeSettingsToNVM()
  int iAddr;

  //Write red distance to non-volatile-memory
  iAddr = 0;
  EEPROM.put(iAddr, gRedDistance_cm);

  //Write yellow distance to non-volatile-memory
  iAddr += sizeof(int);
  EEPROM.put(iAddr, gYellowDistance_cm);

  //Post results
  Serial.println("settings successfully saved to NVM");

//Read values from EEPROM for red and yellow light distance setting
void readSettingsFromNVM()
  int iAddr;
  int iVal;

  //Read red distance from non-volatile-memory
  iAddr = 0;
  iVal = 0;
  EEPROM.get(iAddr, iVal);

  //Validate value
  if (iVal > 0 && iVal <= US_MAX_DIST)
    gRedDistance_cm = iVal;
    Serial.print("red distance setting successfully read from NVM: ");
    Serial.println(" cm");
    gRedDistance_cm = 0;
    Serial.print("failure reading red distance setting from NVM: ");

  iAddr += sizeof(int);
  iVal = 0;
  EEPROM.get(iAddr, iVal);

  //Validate value
  if (iVal > 0 && iVal <= US_MAX_DIST)
    gYellowDistance_cm = iVal;
    Serial.print("yellow distance setting successfully read from NVM: ");
    Serial.println(" cm");
    gYellowDistance_cm = 0;
    Serial.print("failure reading yellow distance setting from NVM: ");

//Send product information to the serial port
void reportProductInfo()

  //Report product and other information to serial port
  Serial.println("N1 version 1.0");
  Serial.println("by zonatec software");
  Serial.println("tucson, arizona usa");
  Serial.println("june 2016");
  Serial.print("checksum ");


scott mangiacotti

scott mangiacotti

9 projects • 19 followers
